Chapter Eleven: Remembering

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[A/N] Um, I just want to let you guys know that this chapter is mostly what Lydia experienced the day she escaped the fires before she saw Victor. I actually cried a little writing this, so yea. There's also a slightly gory scene so... if you don't want to read it, skip the flashback. Ok? Also, Falling In Reverse's Keep Holding On is on the side (or above if you're on the app). Happy reading!


Lydia/Lucky's POV

I watched as Vic opened the box. As soon as he saw what was inside, he began to cry. He knew my family well. He pulled out a framed picture, taken in 2009, I think; He also took out my parents' wedding rings, my little brother's favorite toy car, my little sister's Baptism shoes, and some fairly recent photos of them.

"Mom! I'm going to Kimberly's house to pick up something I left there. I won't be long."

"Okay, but if you're not back by the time we get home, even if you're already packed, you're not going on the camping trip with your friends."

"Ok. So, you'll all be in Mableton with Aunt Mary?"

"Yes, call me if you need anything. Love you."

"Love you too."
"Thanks, Kim. I can't believe I left my phone here yesterday."

"Me neither. You never told your mom, did you?"

"No, she'd kill me. Hey, I'd better get going."

Then, her mom came in.

"Girls, I think you need to see this..."

We followed her into the living room. We looked at the TV, the news was on.

"Bombs have been going off in each state of our country. The explosions have triggered other explosions and many large fires. States not affected yet are California, Maine, Georgia, New Jersey, Nevada, Idaho, and Wisconsin. This just in: Maine, Nevada and Idaho have been hit."

I was relieved Georgia was still in the clear, but then I remembered:


Gerard and Mikey.

I quickly dialed his number. After two rings, he answered.


"Mikey, it's Lyd. What the hell happened?"

"Bombs, non-nuclear, thank goodness have gone off in all of the major cities in nearly every state. I'm on my way to Cali. If you survive, which I don't doubt, come find me. I'll be wait-"

The line went dead. I heard loud "booms" seconds after. The house shook and I felt the ground below me crumble as it collapsed.

I woke up under a pile of rubble and could barely recognize the neighborhood. Panic arose in my chest after seeing the house I was in flattened and I started running.

I went straight home, noticing the heat had dramatically increased as huge black smoke clouds were popping up everywhere. I ran inside and into my room where I grabbed a wooden box that I'd gotten from Grandpa. I then went into my parents' room.

I tore open the photo album and found a few pictures of Christian and Melissa. I also grabbed a framed family photo taken a few years back during a vacation to Tennessee.

I entered Christian's room and made a bee line straight to where his favorite toy car was. Lastly, I went to Melissa's room where I looked at the pictures that were hung up on the wall. I cried at one taken three years ago, it was of me feeding a baby Melissa her bottle.

I then went to the shelf with her Baptism shoes on it and removed the shoes. I grabbed another set of car keys then ran outside. The smoke clouds were massive now and a few houses were now engulfed in fire. I started the last car left in the driveway and set off to my next destination.
I managed to get to Mableton and to my aunt's house but was too late, the house was gone. I got out and looked around. Something shiny caught my eye. I got closer and saw it was my mom's wedding and engagement rings. They were ashy, sticky and we're resting on something. I then realized that the rings were still on my mom's finger. I looked up slightly and saw a pile of...


They died, crushed under a fallen brick wall.

I threw up then and there. I looked around some more and found my dad's ring. Not wanting to look anymore, I went back to my car. After putting the rings in the box, I started the engine and continued.

As I drove, I saw that many buildings were burning down. People were panicking, and some buildings had been burnt down. I stopped by a familiar neighborhood and spotted Victor under a pile of rubble.

--end of flashback---

"They didn't make it."

"Yea, but I've moved on. You guys are my family now."

"Lyd, you sure you're alright?"

"Yea, but there's some stuff I want to talk to Mikey about."

He sighed, "Alright. But before you go, I was gonna give this to you years ago, but I never got the chance."

He handed me a gold pocketwatch necklace that was engraved with my name and a four leaf clover. It had an elegant swirl design.

"It's beautiful. Thanks Vic." I hugged him tightly.

"You're welcome."

I smiled and left the room. I walked around the Diner and found Mikey in Ray's room tuning his bass.



"Your E string is way out of tune."

"I know, I just haven't been able to tune it since my old tuner broke. We haven't been able to find a new one either."

"Let me help."

I managed to tune the bass by ear with a little bit of trouble.


"No problem, can you do me a favor?"

"Yea, what do you need?"

"Tell me everything."

[A/N] Quick question, who do you "ship" more:
Lydia and Victor?
Lydia and Mikey?
Just wondering...

Comment your thoughts/opinions/etc...


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