Chapter Fourteen: Jet Star and the Kobra Kid/Traffic Report

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Gerard/Party's POV

I heard a gun go off and then decided to go check up on them, I headed to the tunnel where I heard another gun go off. I then heard Lucky say, "So Long and Goodnight, Jet Star."

I looked over a rock I was hiding behind and saw Lucky and Star's guns smoking.

I gasped. Maybe a little too loudly because the next thing I know, Lucky's dragging me out and has me pinned against the wall, her gun pointing at my throat.

"Guess what Party Poison?"

"What did you do to Mik-Kobra?!"

"Ya know? I thought this was going to be fun, but I'm not so sure anymore."

"Why Lucky?!"

"Because I'm not gonna let you take down BL/ind just because you don't agree with them! Korse wants a Better place and a Better life for the people."

"He's lying to you!"

"You're the liar! You said that everyone can be unique and happy. The thing that's wrong with that is that there is no order. When everyone is the same, it's easier to have peace, no emotions to hold us back."

"Where is this coming from? Since when were you on their side?!"

"Since about five months ago," said Star.

"We thought we could convince you all to come too, I guess not."

"I'm giving you a choice, join, or run," said Star.

"No, I'm gonna run. Good luck with the hell you've chosen."

Party then got up and ran towards the car. I smirked but the smile faded.

It was true, we were about to walk through hell. I glanced at Kobra one last time and walked through the tunnel.


"Korse," I yelled.

The madman turned around, "Lucky Rabbit and Lonely Star, what brings you here?"

"We've executed the Kobra Kid and Jet Star, just as you ordered," said Star.

Korse smiled, "Well done. I'm so happy you decided to return to us. You will love it here. Restrain them."

Four S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W/S held Star and I in a tight grip. Korse came towards us and held out a syringe filled with a white liquid.

"This will secure that you don't betray me."

"Korse, I swear on my life that we are on your side. We killed our old allies right? That shows we'd do anything for the Industry." I said.

"We proved ourselves, we hate the Killjoys, their idea of a perfect world is flawed," said Star

He stopped and put down the syringe.

"I expect nothing short of greatness of you. Speaking of, where are the bodies of the Killjoys? I thought I told you I needed them."

"We thought about it, why would you torture a dead body when you could just leave it to the buzzards and vultures to suffer?"

"I like your thinking Lucky Rabbit."

Mikey/Kobra's POV

I woke up in a bunker.

I didn't getting shot would hurt this much.

"That was too risky."

I turned my head to see Riley staring me down.

"It was necessary, we did our part now they have to do theirs."

"I don't like where this is going. It's gonna end badly I can feel it," she said.

"No it won't."

Ray started to wake up, I prepared for his reaction.



"Are we dead?"

"Technically yes, but no."

He tried sitting up, but failed. I was sitting up against the wall, Ray was across from me laying down on Andrea's couch. The effects of being stunned weren't completely gone. The lower half of our bodies were still out.

"Why'd Lydia and Vic turn on us like that?" He asked.

Riley gave me a look, "Because they've been corrupted."

"Since when?"

"I don't know. Probably about five months ago cause they started becoming more and more secretive around then. You guys are lucky we found you and checked your pulse, you would've been food for the vultures."

"Oh thanks, but shouldn't we go back to the Diner?"

"No. We can't go back, it's too late, they think we're dead."

[not 10 minutes later]

Gerard/Party's POV

"Where's Kobra and Jet?" Asked Fun.

"Gone, Lucky and Star ghosted them."

"They'd never do that."

Fun Ghoul grew to be like a little brother to Lucky. They cared about each other a lot, while Jet and I were the more protective of the bunch.

"Well they did!" I snapped.

We were silent afterwards. I spoke after a while.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have snapped at you, I'm just...I'm just both angry and disappointed that they'd even do that."

"It's alright. I know how you're feeling."

Then, the radio turned to static, and Dr. Death's voice rang through the airwaves.

"Bad news from the zones, tumbleweeds. It looks like Jet Star and the Kobra Kid had a clap with an Exterminator that went all Costa Rica,
And uh, got themselves ghosted, dusted out on Route Guano.
So it's time to hit the red line
And up-thrust the volume out there.
Keep your boots tight,
Keep your gun close,
And die with your mask on if you've got to.
Here, is the traffic..."

I turned off the radio so I couldn't hear anything else.

We rode all the way to the Diner in silence.

I looked down and saw a picture taped to the dashboard. It was a picture of Kobra and I taken with a Polaroid we found a month ago.

I smiled and let a tear fall from my eye.

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