3. Mr Perfect 👑

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Killian pov

My phone starts to buzz, I already know what this is about. "Boss, we have a bad news. Finn wasn't able to carry out the mission. What should we do" Joshua spoke clearly, my right hand man and best friend. It's best if I sort this out "I will sort this myself...". I walk to my car in the rain and drive of in a hurry. 1 job and he couldn't do it could he.

I have to do everything my fucking self. Fuck sake!!

You see I'm the leader of the Russian Mafia. 2 years ago a man called Silvio fila killed my mother and since then his death has been my main concern. I want him dead. But I want revenge more. So I got my workers to take down his sister Lucia for pay back. Relax she's a crazy bitch anyways, killing innocent people left right and centre. Only now I've heard that someone was a little bitch and couldn't pull the trigger. Stupid little bitch. Finley johnson. Max johnson. Carter smith. There names are.

I pull up outside there house in my new matte black Bugatti. Before going inside to beat the shit out of these dicks, I decide to go for a smoke first. And there in the 2nd floor window in front of me is a red headed girl. I watch her jump around the room with great difficulty, until she's falls straight onto her face. I smirked at her clumsiness. Hmm, she's quite beautiful. Maybe she's one of the boys whores. She's stares back at me until she rolls away. What an oddball I thought to myself.

Walking into there house I knew it was go time. Let's put these pricks in line. "So Finn, how are you going to put this right then" I spoke stern and direct. There heads shot to me "boss, I swear to god we had him. It was... you see... she looked at me and she reminded me of my sister. And before I could realise she had escaped. But boss, I'll find her again. Don't you worry about it. I promise." Finn spoke apologetically and was clearly worried of what I would do next. "Okay I'll give you one more chance, but the next time you fail I'll have your heads and put them on spikes" that should do it I thought. "Killer. Boss. Can I speak to you?" Joshua said. Killer is my nickname that everyone calls me. I liked it to be fair. We walked out of the room into the dinning area. There house was pretty nice actually but not as big or as extravagant as my house. "Go on josh", I spoke to my best friend. "you really think they will get the job done this time" Joshua says. Me and Joshua have been friends since birth and he's the only person that really matters to me now. After my mother died, all I had was him. Oh, and my father. My useless father. My blood boils when I think about him. I look down at my hands and play around with my silver rings, "we will see" I state. Walking back to the living room, I see Josh leave and he nods his head to say goodbye. I give him a small nod back.

Oh there's that red headed girl again, mhmmm. She looks so fucking good. Shit who is this girl. I wanna know more about her for sure. I speak up with a deep husky Russian accent poking through "no you will stay". She looks at me with her 2 beautiful chocolate swirls. I'm in awe. She's gawking at me and nervously biting her bottom lip. She's totally checking me out right now. "Mhmm, You like what you see baby girl", she blushed and shifted her eyes down. "Hey that's my baby sister, please boss. She's just a kid" Finn got up from his seat. Oh he better sit back down after what he's done. The red headed girl just tilted her eyes away to the floor. As she looked down and played with her fingers, Carter spoke up. "That's enough!" Carter spat. And walked forwards, then pulling her into his arms. Who the fuck does he think he is speaking to me like that? Why does he think he can touch her?

That beautiful face. She's... what's her name... "what's your name pretty girl" I say with a slight smirk. She looked up into my eyes, my very soul, if that. Her soft lips parted and she whispered "Ellie" "it's ellie sir". What a cutie, she called me sir. Ha. I smirk, "well you can call me killian baby" I stopped for a second "or daddy" I added, aha that should do it.

Authors note 📝

Omg guys I know that was super cringe and if that was me I would've died. But... he's still hot 😌

Shadow 💋x

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