16. Working💰

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Killian POV

In the early hours of the morning I hear my phone vibrate on my bedroom side table. If that wakes my girl up I'll be killing whoever it is.

I open my eyes, she's now lying on top of me in my arms fast asleep. Looking at the clock I see it's 3am. I grab my phone and answer it getting out of bed.

"What do you want?" I ask, my voice rough.

"Sorry killer but we got a problem at the warehouse... would you be able to come down?" Josh my right hand man speaks on the phone.

"Fuck sake... yes I can but I'm supposed to be with my girl at the moment so this better be good" I tell him ending the phone on him.

I was in such a good mood with my baby and these fuckers try to ruin it always. Looking through my wardrobes I grab a fresh black suit and put it on. Grabbing my keys, I walk out the door and get into my car. It's going to be a long shit day for me without my girl.

It's about a 30 minute drive to my closest main warehouse.

It's used for new recruits, meetings, training and the money making shit. There are multiple gangs in America, Canada, uk, Germany and Poland that work for me. All of them around 50-100 people in each. So quite small. It helps my distribution and it's good for business being in multiple countries.

We distribute illegal things drugs, guns and bombs. Never people. I won't allow it.

I'm sure my angel doesn't know what I do or her father. She deserves to know, I'll tell her soon. She probably won't like it though.

I pull into the driveway of the warehouse. I've got a lot of shit to do today...

Ellie POV

When I wake up I find myself alone in bed. Looking at the clock it's 7:30am in the morning. Killian isn't here. Maybe he was in the bathroom...

I check walking into the bathroom but sadly he wasn't there. My heart hurts not having him near. Maybe I should check downstairs. Although all I'm wearing is killians black t-shirt still from last night, with nothing under it.

But I want to see killian... it will only be the guards anyways they wouldn't say anything.

Opening the door, I stick my head out and look both ways. Seeing no one I walk out and decide to head downstairs. Maybe I'll check his office, that would be a good guess...

Reaching the bottom step I look around seeing no one. Where is everyone? There's no one around at all. I walk around heading for the office and open the door.

Having nearly a panic attack when I see 20+ men sitting around the table at the back of the office. None being killian. Oh god. I'm wearing literally nothing too. They all just look at me, staring down my body taking me in. Some of them I remember from coming to my house a few weeks back...

I also see joshua and Jason. Jason chuckling to himself, finding it amusing. Joshua just try's to divert his eyes to anywhere but me.

"U-ummm d-does anyone k—know where Killy I-is p-please?..." I say shyly looking down to the floor, uncomfortable with all their eyes looking at me.

Josh is the one to speak while the rest just stare in shock. "koroleva... killian will be back in just 50 minutes... do you need anything else?" He asks me finally looking at me. "N-no that's o—okay sorry for I-intruding..." I say to him, ready to walk out.

(koroleva - queen)

"Hey red!" Someone called behind me. I turned around and see Jason was talking to me. "Errr hi..." I say back not understanding the nickname.

Jason seems to be a joker. He's always smiling and laughing. Every time I've seen him.

"So.... Your looking for killer?" Jason says to me smiling still. Leaning up the doorframe and crossing his legs. It's like he can't keep still.

"Why do you call him that?" I question him, I've heard someone else say it before.

"Oh, simple really red. Killian... killer. And also he kills people" he giggles to me. My face instantly drops and my brows pinched together. What does he mean by that?

He clearly sees my questioning face because he continues, "don't worry red... it's only bad people he kills. And a lot of the time he gets someone else to kill them anyway". What does killian do? What does my father do? What's does my brothers do? What does Carter do? What do these men do?

"Where is he at the moment?" I ask Jason.

His eyes thin and he steps forward, "he's at the warehouse dealing with some issues... how about I drive you there to see him?" He smirks towards the end. He's plotting something. But I do want to see Killy though...

"Okay, he won't be mad will he?" I ask Jason, I don't want to interfere with killys work or anything. I've already been a bother so far.

"Definitely not!" He says.

"I just need to get changed" I tell him and run up stairs to change quickly. It takes me about 5 minutes before I'm back downstairs. Jason grabs my hand taking me outside and into a red sports car. I buckle myself in and he gets into the car. He turns to me and smiles. And then saying nothing drives off.

The drive was short, yet painful. Jason plays loud dance music and sings loudly out of tune. Every now and then he talks random rubbish too. He's like a kid that's had too much sugar. We pull up to a large warehouse that's pretty looking. Jason stops the car and gets out. Opening the car door for me, I step out and stare at the building. Maybe this was a bad idea...

"Snap out of it red! This is going to be great. Look it may be slightly scary inside, however you will get to learn so much about killer and who he is. It's important, if you're gonna marry him yanno..." he tells me, reassuring me. Even though he's clearly plotting something I can't help but think that Jason is genuinely trying to him me.

I just nod to him. He starts walking to the front entrance and I follow closely behind him. As we step into the building, i can see lots of people. Mostly men. However there were also women, but they was strong looking women. No girly girls at all. None like me. I'm a wimp. These girls would eat me for breakfast.

As we walked past everyone, I studied the massive luxury building and the people staring at me. Puzzled and confused faces coated the room. Clearly wondering why someone like me is here. Jason walks straight for the elevator.

Suddenly there's a loud bang, followed by more bangs.

Gun shots...

Authors note📝

Hey guys, I've been back to work for a week now so ill be able to write more again. The first week is such a crazy one so I never feel like I can write. Also this chapter was a filler chapter and I was kinda annoyed to write it but I had to.

I'm writing the next chapter already so shouldn't be too long. Also, should be a good one 😊

Thank you so much for all your love. I can't believe how many of you are reading this story...

Shadow xx💕

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