20. Carter🥱

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Killian POV

She had passed out on the bed once we were finished. I'll let her sleep for a bit, I have things to do. When I found out a team was shooting at us and had broke in. I thought it was silvio's mafia. The Italians. Trying to go for round 2.

2 years ago my father made a mistake that would cost my mothers life. Since then I've removed my father from my life, he was a drunk useless man that beat me as a kid. He ran the mafia before me. I took it from him. It was going to be mine anyway but he was unfit for being this teams leader. I took his buildings, people and connections one by one. I have no regrets.

Taking his people was the easiest, they wanted me in charge for years. The only thing I didn't take was his house. Other than some good memories from my mother, all I had were bad memories from him in that house.

He had slept with Lucia. Silvio's dear little sister. She wanted it but had lied to her brother, saying he had raped her. Then for revenge Silvio stormed our warehouse killing 30 people. 1 being my innocent mother and another being Joshua's dad. Josh's dad worked for my father in security since he was a young boy. My mother never went to the warehouses, she despised the mafia. Wanted nothing do to with it. I think she knew my father was cheating on her, but she didn't want to except it.

It had been an arranged marriage for my father and mother. My mom being from the Spanish mafia. It wasn't like she could divorce him. He would of killed her.

That day I had called her to ask for a ride back home. I didn't know that she hadn't waited in the car for  me to come out to her. Instead walked into the warehouse to find me.

Guilt washes over me. I basically killed her. I may as well have.

I've been trying to kill Silvio and Lucia for 2 years. Every day was about killing them. I had my connections and alliances on a mission. One of the small gangs I ran had significant connections in Italy. The black scorpion gang. They were there own team but they knew they answered to me.

They failed the mission I set.

And now they rush my warehouse the same way as my enemies did 2 years ago killing my mother. But this time after my girl.

They were dead. I don't care if I'm marrying his daughter. How dare they try to take her away from me and shoot at me.

It was time to pay for the actions.

Pulling up outside their house I remember 2 weeks back seeing my girl for the first time. It feels like forever ago. Getting out my car with josh, and more men in more cars behind, I knew someone was going to pay.

One of my men kicks the front door open and we enter inside. Walking into the kitchen, I see Jackson Ellie's father. Finley and max too.

"Ahh, Jackson lovely to see you again" I smile walking up to him. He looks puzzled at me. "Killian is this about Ellie? Is she okay. I want to see her again soon" he says with sad eyes. His hairs a mess and he suit top is a mess too. The 2 lads don't look so good either.

"Now I'm confused Jackson... You sent Carter and your men to come and kill me. Oh and also to take Ellie from me" I grab the top of his shirt angrily pulling him towards me. Looking at him dead in the eyes, frowning. I see Ellie's brothers jump out their seats in my peripheral vision.

"Woah killer, no we did not. What are you talking about?" Max asks me, his face puzzled. They look like they going to shit themselves. I roll my eyes "are you going to tell me that, that little scumbag managed to take your gang and overthrow you?" I cock my head to one side, smirking slightly.

They stare at me blankly.

"Fucking hell, we had your men shooting at the warehouse today at our troops. 1 dead. 5 of yours dead too. Loads severely injured in the fight. Your little girl was traumatised. Carter tried to take her too" josh speaks up to fill in the blanks for them. They faces turn from a confused one to a frown. "Carter wouldn't do that" fin says.

I roll my eyes again, " you know I thought Ellie was the innocent one but it seems all of you. How you have survived this far in gang wars I have no idea. Carter did do that. He's had eyes her for years and is totally crazy for her. He also doesn't know what the word no means too".

Jackson sits down again, placing his head into his hands. I take a deep breath. That little fucker.

Max clearly the silence "is Ellie okay though and where is Carter?"

I turn to look at him, "Ellie is more that okay. I'm looking after her well, she is very happy. Carter however is the complete opposite. Managed to take him to the basement. He's not so happy. Worse is yet to come though as I am yet to see him myself".

Jackson lifts up from his hands "does she want to see us... we miss her so much" his eyes tearing up. His sad little face is pissing me up. Looking over to the boys they have the same sad face.

For fucks sake.

"Come for dinner this Saturday evening, 7pm sharpe. Don't come and piss me off. Don't upset my girl and don't even think of taking her from me" I turn around away from them. Walking out the house, into my car, slamming the door shut in annoyance. Josh follows closely behind.

"So they didn't even know..." josh speaks to me in the car. "Doesn't fucking surprise me, they run their business like it's a fucking joke" I say to Joshua and he nods his head. I grab my phone from my pocket and dial jases number and he picks up immediately. The guys always on him phone so no surprise.

"Hey baby" he teases and I immediately cut in "I swear to god I'm going to kill you one of these days Jason" I look over to Joshua his brother. "How you haven't killed him yet is a mystery" I speak to josh. "Trust me I've been close many times" he says to me and I smile.

"Is that my big bro bro. Tell him i ate his food from the fridge. Sowey..." Jason shouts down the mic so josh would hear him. Josh rolls his eyes "fuck you, you little fucking shit".

I laugh lightly.

"I need you to bring my girl home I'll be back home soon myself. She's naked so don't even think about walking into my room. Get a maid to wake her up and get her changed first" I warn him.

"NAKED... Are you sure you don't want me to wake her up?" He asks me jokingly. I'm going to hurt him badly.

"Look at her naked and I'll rip your fucking eyes out Jason. Also we still haven't spoken about you bringing her to the warehouse in the first place... I'll be seeing you when we are all home" and I cut of the call my end.

I need my baby home with me and I need to relax with her for a bit. This day has been a fucking mess from the start.

Get me home....

Authors note 📝

So, I had a little bit of time and did a chapter quickly. Still might be able to update again tonight. Rushed but I think it's still a good one. Also trying to explain the beef side of it. I hate writing the action scenes, love the smut scenes though. Let me know what you think...

Keep reading. It's going to get even better...

Shadow Xxx

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