Chapter Three: New Friends, Amy Diamond and Dinch?

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May and June finally let go of Laura. "Laura, I am so sorry you had to go through all that moreover, at such a young, delicate age," May said sympathetically. She told Laura about how after their two grandmothers from both their father's and mother's sides passed away, they were never the same again. Although May struggled to recover and succeeded, June was not so lucky. "But, thanks to May, I'm getting better already," June explained, smiling a little. "I know you think friends are cliche but we're going to be best friends, and those types of friends are always trending. So, what do you say?" May asked sounding desperate. Laura stuck her tongue in her cheek and frowned thoughtfully, finally, she answered. "Oh, all right she saw May's face light up with excitement then she quickly added, "But with a few conditions." June raised an eyebrow, she slowly asked Laura what the conditions were.

Laura smiled and stated condition number one was that she still thought love was cliche, so no boys were to be talked about when she was around. June said that was easy but May hesitated. Laura saw her hesitating and then said as long as they did not talk about her dating or crushing on anyone, they could talk about boys May squealed and hugged Laura gently pushed her away, and explained to them that the second condition was that hugs were allowed but only if a person announced they wanted one no surprise hugs were allowed. Laura was still trying to get used to physical interactions again, so this was the easiest way to become more comfortable with it. The final condition was, no losing touch just because of going to different colleges. "Agreed?" Laura asked after stating her conditions. "Of course," the twins said in unison.

The second warning bell rang. "Awe, guys you made me late to be early for class. Now I'll only be five minutes early." Laura whined. The twins laughed. June said Laura was supposed to be the queen of nerds and, not Jessica Parks, May began laughing even louder and Laura turned and began to briskly walk away. This time she would not let them see the happy tears and the smile on her face. "Laura, wait up, we're best friends now and best friends stick together. Always." Laura turned around thinking it was probably May who had said such a cute thing but to her surprise, June was the one waving and dragging May along to catch up. So, two people can drastically change at the same time, who knew?

After school, for the first time in 10 years since she was seven Laura walked home with two best friends. Apparently, May and June were in almost every single class Laura was in and they had been living in the same neighborhood for 10 years and yet Laura never saw them. June said that was amusing because they called out her name every day after school from across the street. Laura flushed because she knew she probably had not heard them. After all, usually after school, she would just plug in her headphones and quickly walk home. She briskly changed the subject by asking for their numbers, May smiled and beamed, saying she was about to ask the same thing. They stopped in front of Laura's house it was very grand and welcoming, but Laura was hesitant to let them in. Before she could tell them that it was a bad time to enter the house a beautiful lady in a yellow button-up blouse and black jeans with Hazel hair and hazel eyes to match burst out of the front door smiling. She had pale skin and pink, rosy cheeks she was drop-dead gorgeous May and June gazed at her in awe, the thing that amazed them both about her were her shoes they were a combination of sneakers and high heels.

"Who is that?" They both asked at the same time Laura cringed as she explained, "That's my mom." The twins gasped. June pointed out the fact that they looked nothing like each other and May, who was supposedly the polite one nodded vigorously in agreement. Laura's mom walked gracefully down the stairs she bowed slightly and began to speak in a melodious tone "Good afternoon, ladies. Laura, who are these beautiful girls you brought along with you today?" Laura sighed and told her mom that they were her friends. "Oh, my goodness! Does my baby have friends? Oh, Dia, you don't know how happy I am to hear that!" Laura's mother squealed. "Oh, how rude of me, I'm Diamond, Miss Amy Diamond, please come in and join us for Dinch." June and May exchanged confused glances. Finally, May mustered up the courage to ask what in the world Dinch was. Miss Diamond laughed melodiously.

"It's a word little Dia over here made up when she was younger." She explained holding Laura's hand. "I remember it like it was yesterday, I asked her if she would like to join me for brunch and so she asked me what brunch was, I told her it was a mixture of breakfast and lunch. She giggled and told me after brunch we should have Dinch, I asked her what Dinch was, and so she told me it was a mixture of dinner and lunch." Miss Diamond laughed softly at the memory and held onto Laura's hand. May and June smiled, but then Laura abruptly pulled her hand away from her mother's replacing the sweet atmosphere with a tense one. She insisted that they just go ahead and start eating Miss Diamond's smile wavered but in one smooth movement, she grabbed Laura's hand again and chimed, "Alrighty then, let's go in and eat."

May and June awkwardly followed Miss Diamond and Laura into a beautiful dining room, the walls were an extremely gentle pearl white. The chandelier hanging above the table was glowing glamorously the table had already been set as if Amy Diamond had already anticipated their arrival and the feast was spread out in front of the girls. They sat down and had a lovely time eating and getting to know each other better. About half an hour later Miss Diamond announced that she had to be somewhere, she smiled at each one of the girls and said she hoped to see them again soon. After her mom left Laura let out a sigh of relief, then asked the girls if they wanted some company on their walk back home. June and May smiled and nodded. On the way there Laura told May and June what Jake Philip had said earlier, the twins both stopped walking abruptly, turned round, and gaped at Laura. Finally, June found the strength to speak, "What did you say?" She asked dumbfounded.

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