Chapter Seven: Party Crashing, Party Clothes and Bets

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Laura tried her hardest to listen to what May and June were going on about but she kept spacing out thinking about everything that happened almost two hours ago. They were at Laura's house, in her room, on her bed. Laura still found it kind of weird to have friends over but it was a nice change. way better than being alone all the time Laura shook her head for the thousandth time that day and tried to focus on what May was saying. "which means that I did see a rat in our kitchen last night." May remarked looking rather proud of her statement June rolled her eyes "Are you sure you weren't just looking at your reflection?" Laura's mouth twitched and June burst out laughing at her joke. "Haha." May laughed sarcastically. She picked up a pillow and aimed it at her sister. June shook her head still laughing, May nodded and then threw the pillow. It landed right smack on June's face, talk about hitting your target.

"you're going to pay for that!" June exclaimed soon they were both tickling each other on the floor. Laura watched them her nostalgic eyes rapidly changing, suddenly becoming wistful then envious then going right back to nostalgic. after the excitement faded May smiled mischievously and June returned the smile. "so Laura," May said slowly, carefully we were wondering if you'd like to join us on a mission. A very important mission." Laura eyed the twins carefully. "what kind of mission?" she asked June's eyes shone brightly as she said, "We're going to crash a party, a Jake Phillips party. You in?" June asked smiling wickedly. "Well I mean technically it isn't crashing since we were all invited." Laura pointed out. both May and June groaned. Laura smirked. "But," she began. " It would still be awesome so, I'm in. Let's go crash a Jake Phillips party. The three of them all exchanged excited looks. "Let's do this!" They all yelled. You're not going to wear that to the party, are you?" May asked as Laura pulled out an oversized plaid shirt and grey baggy sweatpants. "Yeah, these are my best clothes." Laura replied but she looked like she was telling a lie and June could spot a lie from a million miles away. "you're lying." June began "I can tell because I've told a million lies I'm a pro at lying." She beamed as if that was something to be proud of. "I think you're hiding something Laura Diamond and I intend to find out what it is." She continued smirking. Laura gently pushed the twins out of her room. May opened her mouth to say something but Laura had already shut the door. As Laura was dressing up she could not help but ask herself whether you would see Levi at the party she shook her head vigorously. Why? Why was she thinking about a boy she hardly even knew, she fixed her ponytail, took one glance at herself in the mirror then quietly slipped out of her room. May and June were waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs. They grabbed their coats and waited for Laura to leave a note for her mom, then they were off.

The sight that met Laura's eyes almost made her want to turn around, go home, and bleach her eyeballs. People were already wasted on the front lawn others were laughing, drinking, smoking and some making out on the patio swing. "Like, get a room am I right?" Laura asked looking solemnly at the door she was about to walk through. Wishing a big black hole could appear in swallow her whole. The twins nodded then began giggling at Laura's stern and scowling face. Laura placed her hand on the knob and taking a deep breath she opened the door. As soon as she was inside she wished she was back outside again. The situation inside was worse than the one outside. People were playing strip poker and others were grinding on each other. Laura's eyes opened wide as she saw one of her classmates, Jake's best friend and CC's boyfriend, Daniel Oxford, upside down with his mouth on a hose attached to a huge container filled to the brim with booze. It was Laura's first time to see one of these in real life she wanted to know how he managed to stay upside down and drink like that. Laura suddenly realized May and June were no longer beside her. Where could they have gone? She rolled her eyes and decided to take a seat in the very large living room.

She had not realized how huge Jake's house was, it was double the size of her mother's own large house. Jake's parents were rich and Laura's mom was rich as well everyone in town's parents were loaded, but Laura was not a spoiled brat like Melissa, CC, and Hazel were. Laura hardly ever shopped at expensive stores or ate at fancy restaurants she found both of these things cliche things rich people did. She only did them when her mother practically dragged and forced her to.

"Hi there," Laura heard someone whisper into her ear from behind. Their warm breath tickled her neck, she turned around quickly ready to retort at whoever the person was. She gasped as she found her face inches away from none other than Jake Phillips'. Jake smiled at Laura's flustered face. "How's it going?" He asked, his face still inches away from hers. Laura frowned and turned away from him. "It's going great," she replied. "I'm enjoying myself," she continued her voice heavy with sarcasm. Jake walked around the sofa and plopped down next to Laura. He grinned and said he thought Laura was the funniest, most entertaining girl he had ever met, Laura rolled her eyes at him then she put on a painfully obvious fake smile and said, "Gee, thanks you're not so bad yourself." Her voice was heavy with sarcasm yet again and Jake slapped her on the back good-naturedly, whilst laughing, and said, "You see what I mean, hilarious." Laura rolled her eyes once more, then began to scan the room for May and June. Where in the world were they?

Jake was enjoying how uncomfortable he was making Laura. He inched closer to her put his arm around her shoulders and then asked in a very persuasive manner, "Would you like to dance? " "No." Came the stern reply. "I'd rather jump into ice-cold water."

"Bet? "

Laura looked right at him and smirked, "Anytime, any place any day." She said confidently, for a moment Jake looked highly amused then with mock seriousness he said, "All right then, Laura Diamond, follow me. Laura watched as he stood up all regal-like, positioned himself in front of her, and extended his hand waiting for her to take it. She held his gaze and took his hand, just to prove she was not a wimp, prove that he could not always tease her and have his way. Laura was led outside to a large, deep swimming pool, that looked utterly terrifying in the dark. "Well, jump in-" Before Jake could finish his sentence Laura had already pulled her hand out of his and jumped in.

Everyone came rushing outside and when Laura's head popped out of the water they all cheered and some even jumped in as well. As Laura, soaking wet, pushed through the crowd she heard people saying things like, "Is that Laura Diamond?", "No way. ", "She so cool! " and "How did she ever manage to keep her party vibe under control these past five years? " As she was about to reach an awe-filled Jake and a pair of utterly shocked twins, she heard a familiar voice say, "She's full of so many secrets and surprises. I can't wait to see just how many more." She turned around to find, no one. Strange, quite strange.

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