Chapter Four: Invitations, Attention and Comebacks

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Laura blinked twice. "Uhm... I said that idiot Jake Phillips had the nerve to wink at me then say, 'Thanks for saving my ass see you Friday 'kay'." She replied, slowly. May grabbed Laura's shoulders and asked her if she knew exactly what Jake meant when he said that. Laura shook her head and then said she was sure he probably was just teasing, she also told the twins she was used to getting teased so it did not matter. June frowned thoughtfully and asked Laura if she had been invited to his party on Friday night. Laura shook her head and told them she did not want to attend either way. May and June exchanged somewhat anxious glances, then at the corner of the street, they pointed out their house and told Laura she could turn back.

Before Laura could leave, June told her to watch out for Melissa and Jake they, were both trouble, and getting involved with either of them would mean a whole lot of bad luck. Laura smiled and said she would not dream of hanging out or even associating with the likes of them. After one last requested hug, Laura, May, and June said goodnight to each other and went their separate

That night, as Laura lay in bed, she saw the blurry image of two people. She expected it to be the two people she had seen every night since she was seven but instead, the images gradually changed into the two new people in her life. She smiled to herself and slowly closed her eyes, as she dozed off. Maybe things could go her way once in a while. The following day, Laura got up early to meet up with May and June. She put on her camouflage pants and green hoodie written 'Dia' on the back in big white letters. She grabbed her bag and climbed quickly down the stairs, she grabbed an apple from the fridge and rushed out. After about five minutes, May and June appeared and they were off.

May pointed out that everyone was going to be surprised to see Laura hanging out with the pop star and the rock star. She was right because Laura stuck out like a sore thumb. She was in between the two, who were both clad in plaid skirts and tank tops, with the usual leather jackets. Everyone stared at them as they walked into the school, whispers and nudging were heard and seen. Laura was used to being stared at, but this time people were coming up to them and asking to be introduced. Laura felt her face flush at all the attention. She never really was a people person and adjusting her usual pattern and anti-social personality was going to be harder than she thought. May and June tried to rush Laura past all the annoying, prying people. When they finally were out of the crowd, Laura pressed her forehead onto her cold locker and sighed "This sucks. I mean, is this what famous people go through every day? Well, then it's a good thing I don't want to be famous at all." May giggled at Laura's flushed face and June smirked and asked teasingly, "Oh I'm sorry did we forget to mention we're kind of popular because of our music? I guess our fans want to know who you are and why we're hanging out." Laura glared at them and asked why they had not told her sooner, they both just shrugged and said if they had, told her she would never have agreed to be best friends. Laura shrugged as well and admitted that they were right.

The first bell rang indicating that classes were starting. "See you later in the cafeteria," May said gleefully. Laura smiled and then waved goodbye to them, having friends was not so bad after all quite the opposite. At lunch, Laura went to her usual seat at the back of the cafeteria Melissa glared at her from her seat in the center, then she suddenly smirked and said, "Hey, guys look at that loner over there sitting on her own as usual." Everyone at J and C's table burst out laughing, but their laughter was cut short, as Carol pointed at Laura's table and told everyone to check it out. They all gasped as they watched May and June, the two most talented musicians in the school, walk up to Laura's table and sit down. they all continued to gawk in awe as June yanked the strings of Laura's hoodie. Laura giggled as May began to scold June.

Melissa's lip twitched in an irritated sort of manner. "Carol, Hazel, come with me," Melissa muttered. The three of them made their way to the back of the cafeteria and all eyes were on them. I mean who would not want to watch six teenage girls fighting over petty things? Melissa slammed her fist on the table and asked May and June what they were doing sitting with Laura. June stood up and brushed Melissa's hand away as if it were a speck of dust. "First of all, a good day to you too," June began. "And second of all, since we are normal people, we enjoy sitting with our best friends just as everyone else who has a best friend or friends does." She snapped. Melissa smiled in an unstable sort of way. "June dear, we have a certain balance in this school and the fact that you're hanging out with Laura, throws that balance out of order, you get what I'm saying?" Melissa and June were head-on, two feisty spirits ready to brawl, then May suddenly separated the two by taking June's hand and telling her Miss Drama Queen was not worth all this. Melissa's face flushed and Carol quickly stated that June was the one who started it all. May rolled her eyes and glared at Carol. Hazel who was texting the entire time finally sneered, "What, no sassy retort from you today baggy pants?" She then smirked and arched her eyebrows. June glared at her and told her to leave Laura alone and go back to texting every single second like the freak she was.

Hazel's eyes left her phone for the first time in the last thirty minutes. "Excuse me?" She fumed, her face flushed. June smirked, "Congratulations you managed to leave your dumb text messages, wow." She applauded her. Hazel made an unpleasant screeching sound. Laura looked up now after being disinterested in the entire conversation and laughed. "Oh my goodness, you sound like those monkeys I took care of while volunteering at the zoo last summer." For the second time in less than 48 hours the cafeteria went quiet, but, instead of remaining quiet there was a sudden burst of laughter coming from J and C's table everyone turned around to see who it was, and they were all shocked to find Jake laughing so hard it brought tears to his eyes. "Oh god Laura, you're too much." He gasped between chuckles. He stood up and walked over to the table and get this, he dared to lean cross the table, stroke Laura's cheek pull, her hoodie strings then say, "I like you, you should come to my party tonight. Wear something cute or not." he winked at her and smirked, looking quite proud of himself.

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