Chapter Twelve: Disbelief Denial and Revelations I

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The days dragged by slowly and Laura kept her distance from everyone and everything. She would not eat as much as normally did and she even neglected the anime series she was trying to complete. Not even her favorite song, 'What Just Happened' by The Kid Laroi could make her feel anything, all she felt was numb and not the good kind. She had lost herself. Had she ever really known herself though, or was she just working with what she had? Laura walked around for days asking the age-old question, 'Who am I'.

Meanwhile, May and June were determined to prove Levi's innocence and get one of their greatest best friends back. Technically they already knew that Laura knew Levi was innocent, so what they were trying to do was get them talking again and finally talk to Laura again themselves, like really talk and get to know why she had always been alone and exactly what happened to her, because come to think of it Laura never told them exactly why she thought love and anything to do with it was cliche, and they had never asked. "I feel so horrible even though I don't understand," May said sadly. "I know what you mean, when Laura cries it feels like my heart is suddenly made of a fragile gem that breaks the moment tears start to form in her eyes and it hurts me so. The worst part is I have no idea how to help her, I can see the pain when I look at her, you know?" June said pitifully. Then suddenly she straightened herself and said she thought it would be better if they just went to talk to Laura and not take no for an answer. May nodded her head and said she wanted to find out why Laura said all those things. They could tell she was hiding a lot of painful things and she would carry them to her grave if they did not end up killing her on the inside first. They decided to speak to her after school, they would visit her and sort things out once and for all.

Later that day as Laura was reading one of her favorite books, 'Web of Innocence' by Jan Holt, she realized she was reading the same line over and over again, her mind was running around in circles something it never used to do for such trivial matters when she was her old self. At that exact moment, Miss Rosalia walked in with Mr. Roberts, they were smiling and laughing together. Miss Rosalia looked stunning in her bright red, figure-hugging dress. Laura smiled at the two and tried to read again. When Miss Rosalia saw Laura, she flushed a shade nearly as red as her dress and told Mr. Roberts she would see him later. Mr. Roberts lightly grabbed Miss Rosalia's hand, kissed it, and waved goodbye to Laura who was at the moment pretending to be deeply engrossed in her book. Laura flashed him a toothy grin and when he left, she laughed at Miss Rosalia's flushed face. "Well you seem to be in a joyous mood this afternoon, have you finally realized you should apologize to May, June, and Levi?" Miss Rosalia asked seriously. Laura stared at her for a long time and Miss Rosalia returned the gaze, but she knew Laura was not focused on her, she was just thinking, and finally realizing that what Miss Rosalia was saying was true. She was right. Laura realized she really should apologize she should have done it ages ago. How could she let old things hold her back? Holding onto the things you know you can never get back is even more cliche than love and abandoning the ones who truly care for you instead of trying to help them understand what you are going through is the worst thing you can do to someone and Laura should know, her father did the same thing to her. 'No.' she thought. She would not be like him or like her mom, she would pave her path and not let things of the past hold her back. Not this time. Not ever again. Miss Rosalia smiled and so did Laura, both always knew what the other was thinking. Laura gave her a big hug and told her she did not know where she would be without someone as lovely, understanding, and kind as she was. Miss Rosalia smiled and brushed away a tear, just then the bell rang and she shooed Laura out of the library, telling her to be strong and brave. Laura smiled and nodded.

She rushed past the students who were all eager to get home and continue their dance, graduation, and postgraduation preparations. She quickly asked Jessica Parks where May and June were and she said they had practically run out like mad dogs as soon as the bell rang. Laura thanked her hurriedly and rushed to her locker, opened it, took out her backpack, closed it, and then ran at an equally faster speed out the door. She wondered where the twins were going in such a rush. Were they avoiding her or trying to reach her, thinking she had rushed away like she had been doing the past few days? Dammit. She had to catch up with them and apologize. Laura was so absorbed in her thoughts that she bumped right into the twins at her front gate "What an entrance," June said trying to hold in her laughter. The other two looked at her then they all started laughing. When the laughter died down, Laura looked at both of them seriously, then she held both their hands in hers.

"I'm so, so sorry. I was wrong to say all those things, of course, meeting and becoming friends with you guys was one of the best moments in my life. I was just scared. Scared to be happy and scared to care or to be cared for. I hope you guys can find it in your hearts to forgive me. That promise we made still stands you know, now and forever more."

The twins' eyes smarted with unshed tears and they immediately hugged Laura. She completely forgot her condition about requesting hugs and put her arms around them. "Laura, come on, of course we forgive you," May said sniffling. "We do indeed care about you and we always will," June added. Laura looked at both of them lovingly and after a couple of moments, she took their hands and led them to her room. "I need to show and tell you guys something," she said as they sat on Laura's bed. The twins patiently waited for her to draw a shaky breath. She showed them a picture of her as a child. "That is my mom, my dad, and my-," Laura's voice cracked and June rubbed tiny circles along her back whilst May grabbed both her hands and pressed them gently. Laura took another deep breath. "That, is my sister, Lisa." She began to tell them a story she had never shared with anyone else.

Laura was just four when she realized there was something wrong at home. Her sister was almost the same age but she was an idiot, oblivious to the world around her. Laura was always an abnormally intelligent child and she picked up on new things more quickly than anyone else in her age group. Her mom and dad never displayed any signs of affection towards each other. Every time Laura asked either of them why, they told her those things were just too cliche for them. Laura asked what that meant and her father said it meant that they had done those things far too many times and now they seemed to no longer have any meaning. "Anyway," he continued.

"Your mother can find anyone else to do those cliché things with, after all, she is such a wanton."

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