Chapter Nine: New Neighbours, Dates and Jealousy?

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"You know I would never back away from a bet, wager, or dare. I believe I proved this last night." Laura said smirking, then she quickly became serious and asked what it was all about. "Let me guess, it has something to do with Levi and I perhaps?"



May and June giggled at the different answers they gave simultaneously. "Well? Which is it then?" Laura asked impatiently. "It's a yes, most definitely a yes." The twins replied. By this time they had already begun their journey to school and before Laura could continue to force the answers out of the twins she asked another question that had been bugging her. "By the way," she began. "Where did you guys even meet Levi?"

"You know Laura if I didn't know any better I would say you're self-absorbed," June began. "But, since I do know better, I say you don't care about other people's business which can be a very good thing,"

"But?" Laura cut in.

"But," June continued. "I thought you would at the very least notice a moving van right next door to your own house." She said a little quietly. "What?" Laura shrieked. "Wait, hold on. No." "What do you mean 'no'?" May asked. There is no way this guy I just happened to meet yesterday lives next door to me, this isn't some teenage drama or anything of the sort." Laura retorted. "I mean she's kind of right, that is one very huge coincidence. Wow, Laura, your life should be written down as one of those sappy-lovey-dovey romance novels." June teased. "Like I told you before my dear June, I. Don't. Do. Cliché. And the things you just mentioned are some of the most cliché things on my list, therefore please don't. Just, don't." Laura said in a firm but gentle voice.

Levi had moved in next door to her and she had not even noticed. When did the moving vans come? When did her previous neighbors move away? When did she stop caring about everything and everyone around her? Wait. Now she remembered. Why should she care? She should never care. Not again. Not this time.

"About that little wager, tell me more," Laura said trying not to think too much about things she classified as meaningless. "Oh yeah!" May said suddenly remembering. "So, to cut it short I bet you can't go out on a date with Levi," June said smugly. Laura's expression was unreadable. Then all of a sudden she burst out laughing, literally out of the blue. Her laugh was so much so like her mother's that it was like looking at and listening to a young version of Amy Diamond. "Is that all?" Laura asked as if the proposal did not faze her in the slightest, but it did. A lot. "Yes," June replied very slowly. She was still in shock after hearing Laura laugh exactly like Amy Diamond. "You seem to be unfazed, seeing that you claimed to never want anything to do with the opposite sex, especially romantically." She continued. "Like I said before, I never back away from a wager," Laura said, then she smirked as May and June opened their eyes wide and looked at one another they were probably shocked into silence like the kids in the cafeteria had been the past few days. "So it's a date then?" Levi asked smiling sweetly. Laura's stomach did a funny little flip and she frowned and said coldly, "Yeah, sure." By this time they had reached school. Before they said their goodbyes to each other they all agreed that it would be best if Laura and Levi went out today after their Saturday study.

As Laura sat in class she kept thinking about her date with Levi. She had never been on a date before, obviously, and so she wondered what exactly would occur. She did not have to think and wonder for too long however, as soon as study was over, she found herself walking side by side with the spawn of Prince Charming. She wanted to ask where they were going but then again she did not want to engage in conversation with him, as doing so might have given away her nervousness. Why was she so nervous anyway? It was just a date- her first one, with the new kid, who just happened to be unreasonably handsome. Laura thought love was sickening, but she was not blind nor was she immune to all the laws of attraction. "You know I was thinking we could have a simple meal at Garnet's," Levi said sweetly, flashing his white teeth. "I've been there once before and I believe it's my new favorite." "Yeah, sure. I guess. I don't care where we go as long as I can get this bet over with as soon as possible." Laura said briskly. Oh, how she wished she was back home watching anime. One of the things people did not know about Laura was that she was a major otaku, which meant she was obsessed with anime. She took a fancy to Japanese animated series at a very young age and her love for it grew every day. Levi sighed and the action brought Laura out of her thoughts about a certain tan, blonde, blue-eyed anime boy, whose signature color was orange.

She glanced at Levi and before she could stop herself she asked what was wrong. "Well, nothing really," Levi started. "It's just I wish I could just go home and watch anime- er, I mean, Japanese animated series, but seeing as most girls hate that stuff I don't even want to bother asking or talking about it in general." He said rather sadly. Levi looked away from Laura thinking she would call him a 'weeb' or a nerd instead Laura squealed. Yes. Laura Aqua Diamond squealed. She could not contain herself. As soon as she heard the word 'anime', her heart raced. "You watch anime?" She whisper-shouted. "Wow, just wow, but the question is, are you obsessed?"



"Of course."

Laura smiled at Levi her hazel eyes shining and her face practically glowing. He had to look away for a brief moment, she was the most adorable anime-loving girl he had ever met, the only one too. They proceeded to walk side by side, but they were not bound by uncomfortable silence anymore, they chatted non-stop about anime. By the time they reached the restaurant, the two were as thick as thieves, surprisingly enough, but little did they know they were a couple of nosy teenagers following not too far behind. Jake and Melissa had seen the two of them leave school together and had decided to follow- like a couple of creeps- and find out more about Laura. As they watched Laura and Levi from a distance entering Garnet's, Melissa's suspicions dawned on both of them as accurate, Laura and Levi were going out. Melissa frowned and furrowed her eyebrows. She could not understand why Laura, out of all the people, more especially Melissa herself, was getting so much attention in their final year of high school. Laura was a nobody, but now all of a sudden, she was the 'sassy quiet kid', please. Someone even called her cute in Melissa's presence. Something had to be done and as she suddenly thought about Levi and Laura together, an idea suddenly struck her as fast as lightning. She looked over at Jake who was looking angrily at Garnet's and her idea branched out. She knew just what to do and how to do it.

"Jake dear, Laura sure is cute, isn't she?"

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