Chapter Ten: Schemes, Similarities and Falling Apart

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"What?" Jake asked, defensively. Melissa giggled. "Oh, Jake come on, I know you're into her, you used to look at me that way too when I would hang out with someone whom you felt threatened by," she answered sweetly. Jake laughed but it was cold. "Look Melissa, you were cute, nice, and innocent back then, but now you're this two-faced scheming bitch, the only reason we're still friends is that my dad's friends with your dad, got it?" Jake asked angrily. "How many times have you said this Jake? I get it already, and thanks I know I'm a bitch, I revel in such hatred you know?"

"Sadly I do."

They stared at each other and then suddenly burst out laughing. "I hate you," Melissa said between giggles. "So do I, Lisa, so do I," Jake said wiping a tear of joy from his face. "So, what's the plan, little lady?" He asked after they caught their breath. "To cut it short and simple, you take on Laura and I'll take on Levi. I'll ask Levi to come talk to me, making sure Laura sees us together, and then I'll make my move. I need you to be there to comfort Laura after I do my duty as the mean girl of the school, or so I've been told, and make her lose all trust in Levi King Topaz. It'll break her poor little heart and she will rue the day she messed with Melissa Marine Sapphires." "Of course, this means she will come to me instead and not that weirdo," Jake said. Melissa nodded her head. The plan was simple and at the end of the day, Melissa would have had her revenge either way. "Deal?" Melissa stretched out her arm and offered Jake her hand. "Deal," Jake replied, taking her hand and raising it to his lips, all the while maintaining eye contact.

Meanwhile, during all this, the oblivious couple Laura and sat at a table in Garnet's, completely absorbed in their never-ending conversation about anime. They had ordered the classic burger, fries, and a milkshake, and they ate as they laughed and talked about a bunch of things. Laura hated to admit it, but she was having a great time for some time she forgot how much hated her mom, dad, and sister for all the confusion and bitterness they had brought into her life. All she could think about was what to say next and how cool and collected Levi always seemed even during the tough anime debates, they were having continuously. Laura did not even think to ask herself who exactly Levi King Topaz was, where he came from, and how he managed to get into her head, it almost seemed too fairytale-like, too... magical.

At the end of the date, Laura found herself reluctant to go. Being here with Levi made her feel more at peace than anywhere else in the world. When he gently took her hand in his and led her out of the restaurant she said nothing. When they ended up holding hands on the way back home she said nothing. She was comfortable and his hands were soft, warm, and gentle. Levi was like the brother she never had. The brother she wished she had. They walked along in a somewhat calming silence. It was late afternoon and the sun was setting.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

"The way the sun sets with the most beautiful, mystifying, and vivid colors, right?" Levi asked. Laura nodded her head, "Yeah I love the sun because even if it sets and goes to shine somewhere else you can be rest assured that it will be there the next morning when you wake up." Laura knew she sounded like she was close to tears but for some reason, she did not care she just continued pouring her heart out to a stranger. "Oh, and the moon and the stars. I always loved them because they're-."

"Always there." Levi finished for her.

They had reached home by now but Laura could not take her eyes off of Levi. "So I guess I'm not crazy, seeing as I'm not the only one who thinks that way" Levi whispered huskily, his cold staring deep into her nostalgic ones, her hand in his. "Maybe..." Laura began. "Maybe we're both crazy," she said sadly. She pulled her hand free and held it to her chest defensively. She rushed away without looking back. Levi ran his hand through his hair. "I guess I now know how grooms who are left at the altar feel." He sighed and walked to his house next door. 'Laura Aqua Diamond' he thought. 'What a girl.' She was like a mystery that did not want to be solved and he was Sherlock Holmes a man who could never walk away from a mystery that wasn't solved.

Laura was inside, still holding her hand close to her chest. "Jeez," she whispered to herself. "I just poured my heart out to some guy I just met yesterday." She sighed. She must have been going crazy, she just got herself her first male friend. Wow. She smiled, ran up the stairs, and went to bed. She had not even noticed her mom was not there, as a matter of fact, she did not even care. For the first time in years. Her mom could go out on her dates and come home as drunk as she wanted. This time Laura would not care, all thanks to a certain dark-haired, grey-eyed, anime-loving young man named Levi King Topaz.

It is rather sad to say that nothing good lasts forever, especially for those who do good. Good things attract bad things, and as much as Laura enjoyed the next couple of days hanging out with Levi and getting closer and closer to finally being able to open up completely, all good things must come to an end.

The sweetheart dance was just 2 weeks away and graduation would follow soon after. Laura was walking down the school halls thankful for the peace. Ever since she became best friends with May, June, and even Levi, a lot of people crowded around her wanting to get to know more about her. Her little escapade at Jake's party made the situation even worse. She was going to the bathroom, trying to escape Mr. Roberts' constant battle with the class, more especially with Jake. Just as Laura was about to pass the music room she paused. Was that Levi's voice? He had been sent earlier by Mr. Roberts, with Melissa, to the storeroom to get their new literary piece. It was his voice. She smiled thinking about how they had performed a duet the first time that they had met in that very same room almost two weeks ago. As she opened the door the smile immediately left her face. What she saw almost made her want to throw up. Melissa had her arms wrapped around Levi's neck and was just about a kiss him. "And then?" Laura asked irritably. Levi yanked Melissa off of him frowned at her, then turned to Laura. "Laura. It's not what it looks like." He said trying his best to reassure her. Laura's face was expressionless. "Of course, it's not what it looks like. It's never what it looks like." Laura said quite frankly. "And why should I care? We're not even a 'Thing'." She continued nonchalantly.

She did care, though more than she should have. She backed out of the room, ignoring Levi's protests, and gently closed the door. For some strange reason, she felt saddened by the situation that was just before her. She went into an empty classroom and after shutting the door behind her, she crouched down beside it and just sat there in shock, not understanding her feelings, because they were not what they should have been. A few minutes later the door slowly began to open, Laura got ready to scream at whoever it was. She groaned when her eyes met Jake Phillips's ocean-blue eyes. "Look Jake, I'm not in the mood for any of you-" Laura was cut off by buff, warm arms surrounding her. She was shocked into silence.

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