Style - Happy New Year

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"Stan! Hey!"

I turn around to see my best friend Kyle walking towards me with a smile on his face.

"Hey, man. Did you just get here?"

"Yeah, my car was out of gas so I had to get more. Did I miss anything?"


He might've not missed anything, but I missed him.

A bit of background, I love him. He's my best friend and there's nothing I wouldn't do for him. This party would be very lame if he wasn't here.

We are at our friend Tolkiens house. He lives in a mansion inherited from his late parents. The basement has a fully functioning bar and bartender.

That's where I go first. There's no way I'm going into the new year sober.

"One IPA and... a margarita." I order for myself and Kyle. I know he likes the the citrus drinks. He hates the beer I drink.

"You know me so well." He leans on the bar.

"I'd hope so, after 18 years of friendship."

"It's about to be 19, In uh... 3 hours."

We take our drinks and find a spot on a couch in the lounge. Some people are playing pool nearby and the New Year's Day parade is playing on a large flat screen television.

We don't need much to have a good time together. Just being next to each other is enough. We could talk about nothing for hours.

We talk and drink all night, completely forgetting about the party around us.

Two drinks in I start to notice Kyles cheeks getting red. His cheeks always get red when he's drunk.

He smiles at me and giggles. "Staaaannn..."

"What?" I raise an eyebrow at him.


I smile. "Hey. What's up?"

"I'm sooooo... drinking...."

I turn to my side with my arm on the back of the couch and he does the same. "That is correct, you're very drunk."

"How come you aren't as drunk as me?" He looks somewhat sad which hurts somewhere in my chest.

"I'm just more... accustomed to it. I definitely feel the buzz but I've built up a tolerance."

"Don't you want to be more drunker?" He sets down his empty cup.

"I'll get there. Don't worry about me."

He stares at me for a while.

"Do you have something on your mind?"

He blushes. "I just like looking at you."

Oh, fuck...

I quickly chug what's remaining in my cup. Another beer is near me so I crack that open and drink a few sips of it as well.

I can't be sober when he's like this.

Some emotions I'm really not trying to think about tend to bubble up when he's being cute to me.

"Can I try yours?" He holds out his hand.

"You know you hate this stuff..."


"If you really want to."

I hand him the can and he immediately almost drops it. I ended up catching it but that was a close one.

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