Sixth year (The prank)

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A year has past by now , Sirius holds a grudge but plays it like it's nothing.
Severus keeps going up to regulus and asking him about his journey out side at night time when they're not ment to. Regulus always tells him to fuck off. Sirius overhears it one day and says mockingly "Go to the forest to find out tonight" Regulus looks at Sirius. Sirius continues "you will see Remus there" Regulus elbows Sirius . "Oww Reggie what was that for" Regulus looks at Severus standing there hearing what Sirius said. "oh shit, he's going to kill me" Severus leaves. Regulus says to Sirius "We'll moons is going to kill you and I will watch you die and laugh at you for being an idiot" Sirius says "you can help me from Severus not finding out"
"How can I help you?" Regulus says.
Remus appears out of nowhere "what is regulus going try help you with" Sirius looks at Regulus. "umm a prank on Severus" Regulus says. "Oh have fun,"Remus whispers"There is a full moon tonight" Sirius "okay love calm down nothings going to happen" Regulus coughs at there's nothing going to happen. "I'm going see you guys" Remus says.
Around an hour later.
"umm Siri Ur going to get killed by moons and like this ain't my fault, cause I'm helping moons on everythin" regulus says. "I know, I know I'm screwed but like I had to slip it up , and like this is blame is on you and my moons" Sirius says.
Night time comes, Remus sneaks out with Sirius , regulus was already out , trying to see if he can find Severus.
Remus turns into a wolf. Sirius goes to Regulus "have you seen him yet" Sirius says. *Um he's" Regulus says point at Severus. "I need to keep an eye on moony , can you stall Severus" Sirius says. "I can't cause my job was to help you know where Severus is." Regulus says, "but I will do it because I'm one of Moonys besties"
Regulus goes to Severus, well Sirius goes close to Remus as a wolf. "Hi Severus , you need to go" regulus says.
"But you brother said"Severus in the middle of speaking and narcissa says "you heard my cousin leave" Severus sees the wolf "that's lupin and I'm going" Severus says. "Hi cissa, umm that's not lupin that's why we're not aloud in the forest " regulus says.
Severus doesn't believe.
Tomorrow morning, Severus spreads it around the hall school. Remus hears it and runs to the bathroom, regulus follows him. "Moons , you ok?" Regulus says , wiping one of Remus tears. "Who told" Remus asks.
Regulus wanted to tell him the truth but didn't want to rat his brother out "I don't know" Sirius walks up "I'm sorry moony I told him on complete accident you can kill me or anything like I didn't mean to Reggie was there" Sirius says. "Oh Sirius , we're done not even friends " Remus says. Sirius leaves mad at himself for revealing it.

A few weeks passed and Remus had been hanging around with regulus and they decided to prank Sirius since they saw Sirius reaction when he thought they were dating. "Are you sure we should do this moons" regulus asks. "Yes if your comfortable" Remus says.
In the great hall, Regulus walks to Remus and kisses him "hi baby how's your day?"regulus asks. Sirius looks so jealous. James says "well Remus has a boyfriend" Regulus and Remus start dating properly.

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