Chapter Two- Questions Answered

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My throat dries in apprehension.

My heart fell in the pit of my stomach just by the thought of my friend being dead. My thoughts tightening my chest like a rose stem. I pick my cellphone up quickly and dialed her number with my frantic fingers. Dread flourishing in my stomach.

After five attempts to reach her my hopes disintegrated, I tried to latch on to my last remaining hope that was left in me but it slipped away. I exhaled deeply and wiped my damp hands on my pants, calming myself so I won't slip into hyperventilation. If I can't reach her then I'll have to go to her house instead. I can't possibly think of the worst possible scenarios now. There is still a slight chance that she is still okay. I made my way to my car and began to drive to her house, my concern soaked into my brain.


I slammed my car door closed and ran up to her house. There were flowers all over her parent's front yard. Many of them beamed a very beautiful vibrant color from cadmium yellow tulips to snowy white daisy and violet tulips. It gives off a good aura, as her mother would say time to time when she asks me to help her water her garden whenever I come to visit. I knocked on the door and waited till someone opens the door, hoping to see Coralline's petite self pop out of the door to give me a warm hug. There was no answer and felt my stomach sink to the floor, my breath caught stuck in my throat, constricting me. I knock on the door one more time and seen Coralline open the door, her eyes widen in shock. She adjusted her glasses and pulled me inside of her house.

"Where the hell were you at?! I called you multiple times and I later called the police to search for you because I thought some random person kidnapped you!!!" She furrowed her brows and fixed her gaze at me, her arms crossed, her tip of her foot taping on the ceramic tiles beneath her waiting for me to have a good explanation. I heaved a sigh, "When you left I thought you got lost, so I was looking for you... Since I gone astray in the forest... I got lost. I also called you multiple times when I went back to my apartment but you wouldn't pick up, so here I am." I left out what actually happened because she would of asked if I was hallucinating or taking any some sort of medication that makes me hallucinate. Coralline curls her hand to a ball and puts her first finger to her lip and bores her scrutiny on me. She does that whenever she thinks I'm hiding something, in this case I am. I broke out in sweats on the palm of my hands but acted as casual as I can. "Ahumm...," she murmurs, walking around me, examining me. "Well... I got to call them back to tell them that you are fine," she breathed out in relief. She walks up to me and wrapped her arm around my body tightly, her head resting on my chest, I was taken back of how long the hug was. Her warm embrace made me questioned how worried she was. She finally releases and gave me a grave expression. "I was really concerned Amethyst... you almost gave me a heart attack," she punches my shoulder and I shrieked, rubbing my shoulder "What was that for I thought this was a special moment right now?!"

"When I hollered at you I told you to stay put. Not to wonder off in the forest," she huffs, looking up at me.

"I didn't hear you. Sorry," I pouted. Coralline nods her head and searched for her phone. After finding it she calls the police department to tell them that I was here next to her and I'm alright. She later hung up and walks back to me. "Can you stay here for awhile. Since you have a day of right now and I'm kind of bored... well really bored." She fiddles her fingers and looks up at me. "Well of course peanut." Coralline cleans her glasses and huffs, "Stop calling me that, I'm not small... I'm fun sized." I gave her a smirk and she began to laugh.

Coralline sat down on her leathery couch and I sat next to her. "Have you heard about the ominous killer? He just recently brutally killed a family and carved a large smile on all of their faces. That's why I was worried about you when you were missing... The F.B.I are still chasing him, but when they catch him he some how always escapes the asylum. I don't know how he does it when the asylum is really secured... It really concerns me about the safety of other people when he's on the lose." Coralline face softens and exhaled heavily. "Sometimes I worry about my mom considering the fact that she works for the Federal Bureau Investigation. They have to combat signisignificant violent crimes such as the infamous killer that's in the lose. I wonder how he can get away with this so easily... It seems so vividly surreal when he's out killing people in Cintara." She furrows her brows and stare blankly at the ground. "Yeah... It is pretty nerve-wracking to be living in this area." A chill danced along my spine just by the thought of unfortunately confronting the killer one day. I immediately dismissed the thought and sighed. Coralline grabs the remote and turns the TV on to see any casualty and walks away to her kitchen.

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