Visiting- Harry

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Zayn drove us to the hospital, Louis nor I trusted ourselves with driving and Niall was a mess. We woke up a million times last night crying. I didn't even sleep. I know that Louis also woke up a few times because of nightmares. Zayn of course comforted him. I comforted Niall but Niall needed someone stronger, he needed Liam.

The thing is we'd be fine if it was anyone else who was in a coma, we'd be a mess but Liam made all of us stronger. He took our pain on himself. He was the glue that held us together and the loving arms that all of us turned to. But he was gone and we had to find comfort in each other but it was hard. Liam was open-minded and understood all our problems. If Perrie and Zayn were in a fight Zayn would cry to Liam and Liam understood him. Louis, Niall and I couldn't do that, we just couldn't understand let alone know what to say or do to help him.

When Niall was upset about something or if he needed advice he went to Liam, Louis Zayn and I couldn't relate. Liam was perfect, he could help anyone, knowing them or not. He would fix anyone and anything even if he had never been through it.

Louis and I usually turned to him because of relationships or advice or just because of hate. He knew how to help everyone....... everyone but himself........

He got so much hate, and it hurt because the things he was hated for was nothing compared to the mistakes the rest of us had done. Liam got hate for forgetting lyrics when sometimes we forgot when to come in or we forgot our lyrics and he just sang for us like it was his and he got out backs but then he got hate for 'stealing' our parts. He got hate because people thought he was gay and then would call him a 'fag' or call him 'disgusting'. But then they'd turn around and gush over 'Larry Stylinson' or 'Ziall' or 'Zouis' and 'Narry' and 'Zarry'. It sucked. Everyone always found his cracks and then they'd pick until be broke.

When he was sad or depressed everyone would just tell him to cut or kill himself and that he was an attention whore. But they all give me sympathy and cry because I used to cut.

We arrived at the hospital and we all ran in.

"May I help you?" A nice woman asked, middle aged and blond hair. Green eyes.

"Liam Payne." Niall said with tears in his eyes.

"Are you family?" She asked. Looking down at her computer typing.

"Well no." Louis said and the girl looked back up at us. "But we start tour in a bit and his family is in England."

"Room 43." She said and we walked to the room, scared to see him.

I opened the door and felt tears well in my eyes. Liam's limp and almost lifeless body lay on a hospital bed. Heart beat monitor beating at a normal resting pace. I sighed and pulled a chair next to his bed. I sat down and took his hands in mine. All the boys knew now that I loved Liam. So they all sat against the wall. Letting me have him to myself for a little. Soon they left and when the door closed I started talking, not knowing if he could hear me.

"Hey Li-" I choked. Tears free falling. "Li give me a sign. Please! Li I want you here. Please." I cried, my head falling on my arms as I held his hand. Nothing. "Liam. Why would you do this? Why would you leave me? I want you back. Please fight, fight for me. Fight for the boys. I don't care about your soul mate anymore. I just want you back. I want my Liam back, singing next to me and preforming with me. Holding me when I cry. Sleeping with me when I'm sad. The Liam that was happy. The Liam I knew before he got his soul mate. I want X-factor Liam back. Careless and lively Liam."

I stood and let go of his hand and I leaned again the wall and slowly slid down and curled in a ball against the wall. Crying into my arms, head on my knees. Silently begging Liam to come back to me.

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