More problems- Liam

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I frowned when pushing open the hotel door to see Harry, Zayn and Louis gone. Niall came in behind me, eyes red as he mumbled something about taking a nap. I sighed while watching him leave to his room. I dumped my jacket and keys onto the counter. I slumped in a chair and held my head in my hands. A huge loss fell upon me, causing me to wonder if it had anything to do with Harry.

Of course I still loved him, I love him more than anything. We are soul mates, so why is it so hard to get over the fact he loves another me? It still is me. But still different I guess? I don't know. I just want things to go back before I ran out on him, before I tried killing myself. Before I did anything stupid.

"Hello?" Zayn's voice asked as the door opened. All three boys walking in and walking to their beds and rooms. Zayn and Niall got their own rooms and the rest of us have a bed in the main room. Harry didn't look at me and he just sat on his bed and pulled out his phone. Probably scrolling through twitter. Louis gave me a weak smile nodding to Harry. He stood up and retreated to Zayn's room.

We just sat in a silence for a few minutes as the tension built. I couldn't take it anymore. "H-Harr-y?" I cursed at myself mentally for stuttering. Harry slowly looked up at me, seeming nervous. "W-why do you... avoid m-me?" I asked carefully.

"I-I don't." Harry said and started scratching at his neck.

"Kind of. We hardly talk, ever sense the other me left you feel.... sad?"

"I am."

"Why are you sad then?" I asked, not really wanting to know the answer.

"I miss him." Harry asked, tears in his eyes as he dropped his gaze. "I know it's stupid but I love him." I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. He loved me but he loved another me.

I didn't say anything, I didn't know what to say. I was in love with him. He used to be in love with me. I know everything that happened between them. It just hurt how he had Harry's love and I didn't even though we were the same person. The love Liam made Harry smile like no other. I would do anything to go back in time and change everything, to tell the boys I was in love with Harry Styles and he was my soul mate. Tell Harry months ago that I was in love with him. Even if I didn't know it then or just refused to believe I was, so deeply in love with him.

I felt a lump rise in my throat. I didn't say anything. I stood up and just left. I left. Not taking my keys or jacket. Just left.

I didn't hear anyone following me so I raced to the road. I called a taxi.

I didn't know how I felt, lost? sad? angry? confused? all of it. I was lost because the love of my life didn't love me. Sad because I will never have Harry. Angry at myself for never telling him he was my soulmate. And of course I was confused, I mean how could I ever get him back? He was in love with a part of me and the rest of me is worthless.

I sat in the taxi, face blank as I awaited to arrive at my destination.

"Are you sure you want to go there son? It's dangerous." The man asked.

"I'm sure." I said with no emotion.

"Okay." He said and a few minutes later we stopped at the place. "That'll be-"

I handed him around a 50 bills more then I owed and got out of the cab. I walked up to the house and felt my body grow cold with every step I took towards the house. When I reached the house I felt the cold slip away and I was just left nervous. What if he didn't help me? He had to. He owed me.... maybe from five years ago but he still owed me. I knocked on the door and I didn't hear anything. I knocked again and I heard shuffling.

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