He is gone- Harry

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I sat on the bed, no one else awake. I turned to the door, hoping but dreading Liam to show up. I now know the real Liam loves me and I love him but........ I miss the other Liam. He loved me and showed it. He had talked about leaving. Leaving to another world no one knew of and no one would be able to find us. He had talked about how he loved me.... We even talked about making love in the future..... soon. But I could feel it in my gut that he was gone and he would never come back.

I felt tears prickle the backs of my eyes. I closed my eyes and engulfed myself in darkness. I bit my bottom lip, hard, to keep the whimpers and sobs inside. I couldn't wake up the other boys. They would ask why I'm crying and I can't lie. They would be pissed to find out I'm crying because I love the other Liam.

The real Liam would probably hate me and shun me. No, he wouldn't. That just isn't him. He would still talk to me even if every time it broke him more and more. He would pretend it didn't bother him. He'd put on a smile and seem to be happy-go-lucky Liam everyone expects him to be. Everyone hates on him whenever he is frowning and I just want to punch them. He is human, he deserves to be treated like one, not some robot.

I laid back down and curled into Liam's side. I fell asleep, dreamless sleep.


I woke to the smell of bacon, eggs and pancakes. I sat up and saw both Niall and Liam in the kitchen cooking. Louis was sitting at the table, trying to start a conversation with them. I felt Zayn's arms wrap around me. I moved my arm and he whined. I sighed and laid back down and cuddled with Zayn.

"Comfy." Zayn mumbled and I chuckled. I sure did miss the boys. I looked over and saw Liam laughing while flipping the bacon.

"LIAM! YOU'RE GOING TO BURN ME!" Niall laughed and Liam pretended to almost drop the pan. Niall jumped but laughed.

"You guys never pay any attention to me!" Louis whined. I smiled. Zayn sat up and just watched with me.

"Did you hear something?" Niall asked playfully and Louis just whined again. Liam put the bacon on a plate and shuffled like in pure misery to Louis. Louis stood up and ran at him like a child. Liam laughed and hugged Louis tight.

"This enough attention?!" He asked and fell on Louis. He started tickling him and Louis cried out.

"LEEEEEEYUMMM!" He shouted. Niall turned off the stove and joined in.

"How 'bout this Louis?" Niall asked.

"NI!!!!! STOP! PLEASE! I CAN'T BREATH!" He yelled and then Liam and Niall stood up. Louis held his chest and took in a huge, dramatic breath then stood up. He grabbed a grape and threw it at Niall who was faced the other direction. Niall turned to Louis. Liam took a step back and watched in amusement.

"You wanna go?" Niall asked wiggling his body.

"Bring it Blondie!" Louis yelled. Niall tackled him and started tickling. Louis threw grapes at him like a child while laughing and squirming. "UNCLE!" Louis yelled and huffed when Niall smirked and stood up and bowed to Zayn and I. "I hate you." Louis mumbled.

"Aww! LI! Louis hates me." Niall said with a pout tugging on Liam's shirt.

"Oh shut up Ni. He loves you and you know it." Liam laughed and rolled his eyes.

"Lou? Do you love me?" Niall asked with puppy eyes and a pout.

Louis stared before smiled. "I love you NI!" He said and they met in a hug. We are so weird. Zayn and I stood up and walked to the table which was being set up by Niall and Liam. We all sat down.

Louis Niall

I frowned. I had hoped Liam would sit next to me, but I put on a smiled and we all dug in. No one talking, the only sound was the clanking of forks and plates. Niall was the first to finish, no surprise, and he got up and moved his chair over to Liam's. Niall just hugged him. Liam stopped eating. Everyone did. That was abnormal.

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