Back with Liam- Harry

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I woke up shaking, tears falling from my eyes. I screamed and soon felt many arms holding me. I was thrashing and screaming. I could still feel my lips tingling. My cheeks still felt his hand.

"Harry! Harry calm down." Niall cooed.

"Shhhh, Harry we have you." Zayn soothed. After a few minutes I calmed down but the tingling and warmth of Liam never left.

"Was it a nightmare?" Louis asked. I shook my head.

"What was it?" Zayn asked.

"It was a dream. Until the end."

"What happened?" Niall asked. All of them on the bed. Louis was curled into my side and Zayn on my other side. Niall's head was in my lap.

"I was just laying in bed and then Louis was gone and no one was here. I opened my eyes and Liam was there. He was crying." I didn't want to say anymore. I remembered everything perfectly well, unlike every other dream.

"And?" Niall asked, so I told them Everything. From him caressing my face to our last kiss and everything in between. I even quoted everything. I remember the exactly words he had said to me.

"I'm so sorry Harry." Niall said, cupping my face and then he snuggled into my neck. His legs wrapped around my waist. I looked up and I saw Liam standing in the corner. A sad smile on his face. I waited for him to say something, anything.

"I love you Hazza. I love you so much." He paused. "I need you." He said and I felt my heart lift to my throat.

"I need to use the restroom." I said to the boys and walked to the bathroom. I closed the door and turned to the mirror. I blinked and he was there. I felt a small smile reach my face.

"Time is paused. They won't hear you 'talk to yourself'" He finger quoted and I giggled. He smiled.

"I thought you can only come at night?"

"I can come an hour a day. But since you'll be at the hospital I can stay in my room with you till you leave because my physical body is there. But I'm sorry for leaving so abruptly last night."

"I wouldn't take it back for the world though." I said and he smiled.

"I have to tell you something Hazza." He said sadly. I frowned.

"What Li?" I asked.

"If I wake up I won't remember anything, I won't remember being in a coma, I won't remember now or last night or any of it."

"Then how do I know you actually feel this way?" I asked, my heart shattering.

"You won't. But I'm sure you can treasure these moments." I felt Liam's arms wrap around my torso as I stared at the mirror. I won't have Liam after he wakes up.

"When will you wake up?"

"If I do wake up then I don't know. But I know my death date if I don't make it."

"What?" I asked, heart shattering. He was going to die.

"If I'm still breathing by Friday morning you'll know I'll eventually wake up."

"But if not?" I asked, stuttering. Tears brimming my eyes.

"Then this is the last of me." Liam gave a sad smile. I turned around and took his hands in mine.

"And if you wake up it'll be like how you felt when you tried to kill yourself?"


"Do you know anything else?"

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