☆ : ONE

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CHP . 1

"seojun !! slow down !!" laughs echoed from the girl who screamed the demand , wether the other male couldnt hear due to wind or was just teasing her , he did not follow. the blazing lights of seoul sped past them just like aeras heartbeat was speeding up. "seojun !! you better not crash or there will be hell to pay !!" the blonde punched onto the iconic leather jacket of her acomplise , a chuckle leaving his mouth. "dont worry pretty i got y-"


"you have to be joking." the youngest ji mumbled , angrily removing the wireless earphones from her ear. for a small second her hazel eyes stayed put on the frozen image on her screen. just breifly she could see seojuns face. that face she missed so much. 

"aera." the girl quickly shut her phone off at the nickname , eyes darting up to her mother. "yes , mama ?" aera could feel the blank stare through the mirror. as close as they were , or used to be , it seemed these days that ji's mother always had something negative to say. it seemed this would be no different.

"cant you take atleast a couple of those piercings out ? and please , make your uniform a little neater."

the blonde sucked in a breath as she looked down to her red blazer. the sleeves were rolled up , not to mention her untucked button up. "no momma , they were expensive. — but yes ill fix my uniform." her mother seemed to fall silent after that , simply catiously watching to see if her daughter was actually doing as she said. she didnt mutter a good luck or any of the sorts. just saying that they were there. oh boy. "bye momma."

before she knew it , her mothers car had driven off and aera was now on her own. it felt so surreal. while she was meant to be here and had been before , the school felt so foreign to her. well , it did. "jiji !?"

soojin. kang soojin. she was aeras bestfriend before her sudden depature , they hadnt spoken since. she actually hadnt spoke to a single classmate since. "soosoo." her blush pink lips curved into somewhat of an uncertain smile while looking at her old friend. she was worried the lack of contact had severed what they once had. would soojin even speak to her? maybe she just called her name because she was shocked?

well her doubts were soon shut down when she was enguffled into a hug. a clean , soap like scent filled her nostrils as she embraced back. "i missed you." the words twung the blonde females heart but she just smiled. "i missed you too." — and while the two were now walking hand in hand down the coutyard , people got talking.

'thats aera ?'
'she looks so different.' 'still pretty , though !'
'look at those piercings!'

and while she ignored them , a certain male definitely did not. she was back , just a day after he had returned. perhaps .. it was fate.

"class please welcome back -"

"aera ?" it seemed the tension in the room had risen by the voice. it was so bland and melachonny , aera could recognise it from anywhere. she diverted her eyes to where she remembered the males seat to be. "sooho." she nodded , her eyes piercing right back into his. lets just say their last interaction wasnt the best and it left the male with a somewhat hefty bruise on his face.

mr . han , the blondes favorite teacher since freshman year , saved the bubbling argument and continued what he was saying. therefore grabbing back the girls attention. "please welcome back ji aera. its been a while."

some students did perk up and wave , which warmed her heart and she smiled in return , but most just stared. it was no mystery that the girl had changed. while her iconic blonde hair still fell down her shoulders , her skin seemed to be more pale and she was littered with new piercings. her ears , nose and lip were now acompanied by jewlery.

while mr han continued to reintroduce her , aera scanned the class for her beloved seat. before abrubtly leaving , shed always had the same seat since freshman year. the table was littered with her doodles and stickers, it was hers. — and while she seemed to search for it , it seemed someone was occupying it. someone she was not excited to see , and by his expression , he wasnt happy either. "youre in my seat." the girl interrupted her kind hearted teacher , walking up to her former desk. "get up,," she paused and gulped. "seojun."

MAIL 💌  !!
— chapter one is finisheddd omg !!!!

"  ENOUGH  ,,   :   HAN SEOJUN Where stories live. Discover now