☆ : SIX

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CHPT . 6

"here." aera had placed the folded piece of fabric onto her desk (well technically it was seojuns desk but she still counted it as hers) before walking off to sit in her assigned seat. yesterday was a one off , she had already showed her respect towards seojun , she did not have to do it again.

instead she found herself turning towards the male next to her. sooho. ", morning." she smiled , eyes creasing up as she did. sooho nodded back , the tiniest slither of his own smile on his lips. "morning , ji."

that was it , the serotonin boost she needed. her smile had turned into a full grin whilst turning her attention towards mr han. what a good way to start of the day. her and an old friend were now on good terms again , maybe luck was on her side this blissful wednesday.

"WHAT !?" or not. soojin had just made aera secretly aware that seojun may have been bullying jukyung. while she hoped deep down hed never do something like that , she wouldnt be surprised if he truly had stooped that low. hed really changed and in aeras opinion hed changed for the worst.

thats how her and soojin ended up storming to the back of the school where han seojun himself and his little possy all sat. the cold wind blew onto them and the sound of rustling trees could be heard. but also the sound of voices. "seojun !" aera called out , an angry look on her face. her feet had skid against the loose rocks on the floor while turning the corner and it seemed the minute he heard her voice he was ticked off and that got even worse when he saw the girls friend next to her.

"what do you two want?" venom laced his words and the blonde couldve sworn she was being stared at like a snake with those eyes. she was lucky soojin stepped in and broke the males heavy gaze. ", you need to leave jukyung alone. i know youre bullying her."

soojin was always so calm and collect about things. aera definitely admired it , all of her friends features and personality traits seemed to be perfect. "bullying ?" seojun scoffed , earning a glare from his old friend.

"id never bully anyone." he took small steps towards the girls , specifically aera. she knew this was gonna be bad and boy was she right. his rough , warm hands had grabbed her jaw as he smirked , looking over to soojin. "aera knows that  , dont you?"

she used to. seojun wouldve never gone as far to bully someone in the past. — but she honestly wouldnt be shocked if he had now. it was now her turn to go bitter and she was the one to scoff.

"i dont know. do i ?" aera challenged his words , brows raised. she knew shed trapped him in a corner with no comeback and of course that lead to him simply tightening his grip on her. she hated it. she hated his hands on her , his eyes looking at her , she hated even being near him.

while usually she wouldnt realise she committed an act of violence , this time shed plotted it. swiftly lifting her knee and hitting seojun in a place no guy wants to get hit. — and just as the blonde expected he pushed her away and glared , groaning in pain.

"if you ever touch jukyung again , we'll do more than that. do you understand !?" soojin wasnt only talking to seojun but now to his clan. while aera stared down at the pained male , scoffed , shook her head and then walked away.

honestly. how pathetic.

aera was in a shitty mood the whole rest of the day and it was soon to get worse. her thighs stuck to the leather of her mothers beige interiored car , the city whizzing past her. yet they were not on their way home. "momma ? where are we going ?"

it was a dumb question because she knew the exact answer and had been this exact route before. they were going straight towards the hospital. which her mother soon confirmed. she had to go drop some things to ms.han. seojund mother.

while she didnt particulary like the male who shared that name , she adored his mother. she was always there when aera was lacking in a mother figure and once up on a time when her and seojun were close she was always round to visit her. aera did miss her quite a bit. thats why she had no issue now carrying a small care package down the familiar halls of the hospital , taking turns and detours just as she remembered them. when she knocked on the usual grey door she waited for permission before sliding it open.

"ms.han my mother-" aera looked up from the small decorated basket , hoping to see the older womens sweet gaze , which she did .. but she was also acomponied by her oldest child. yet the blonde knew full well of ms.hans condition and she wouldnt stress her out by causing a ruckus. she simply smiled and continued what she was saying. "my mother wanted me to bring this to you." her heels clicked as she made her way up to the hospital bed , attempting to ignore the burning glare of seojun by her side.

"oh sweetie its been so long." a hand was now cupped on her cheek which the younger female leaned into , a genuine smiled sketched onto her face. "it has .. hasnt it."

"seojun , pull aera up a chair ! this is my second daughter here." and boy was it ammusing to see the boys face at those words. the blonde physically had to hold herself back from cracking a smirk , watching him push the chair towards her. she sat , holding seojuns mothers hand.

"how have you been? hows school? are you and seojun in the same class?"

this lead to many minutes of the three of them talking. yes , three. ms. han , aera and seojun. they reminisced on old memories and aera made sure to keep her mouth shut about any recent events. she wasnt even focused on the time until the elder spoke. "ah i better be heading to bed , its almost eleven pm. you two get home safely okay?"

"ill sit here til you fall asleep." aeras face softened when she heard seojun say that. despite how rough the two were , shed never stop being sympathetic towards him while his mother was sick. she would hate to go through it , she had no right to include it in the twos brawl. — and even though ms.han refused and kicked her son out , aera could still see the worry on his face.

"sorry for just barging in .. my mom insisted and you know what shes like." aera could physically feel the tension between the two but it was luckily cracked by a small laugh from the other. "i do. its been too long since ive seen mrs.ji." a fake , over the top voice was used as seojun spoke - earning an elbow in the rib from his classmate. "well im sure she doesnt miss you. so quit acting like youre the lead in a play."

MAIL  💌  !!
theyre so cute omg

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