☆ : FOUR

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CHPT . 4

aera found herself grappling with the cruel clutches of sleep deprivation that night, as she could not shake off the days events. by the time her bleary eyes fluttered open in the morning, she discovered that only a paltry two hours of sleep had managed to grace her restless night. the mere thought of breakfast was overshadowed by her mother's insistence on an early school drop-off, further compounding the disarray that marked the beginning of her day.

surveying herself in the mirror, aera could only grimace at the reflection of a disheveled version of herself. her usually pristine blonde hair was hastily thrown into a ponytail, a testament to the frantic pace of her morning routine. dark bags beneath her eyes spoke volumes about the fatigue that gripped her, while the absence of her blazer and bag hinted at the hastiness of her departure. arriving at school early meant she managed to navigate the hallways without the watchful eyes of her friends.

within the confines of her classroom, the sparse attendance was punctuated by the presence of sooho and a handful of nondescript students. a conscious effort to avoid any interaction with sooho was apparent, reflecting an unspoken tension that hung in the air. aera was tired and she soon found herself melting into the embrace of slumber, sprawled across her desk in a messy position.

once everyone had finally joined class, murmurs of concern echoed through the classroom. soojin, on the verge of intervening, was preempted by seojun. a surprising authority emanated from him as he prohibited anyone from disturbing aera's peaceful sleep. the sudden protective stance caught the entire class off guard, stirring whispers about the enigmatic shift in dynamics between seojun and aera.

for seojun, however, the scene unfolded with a weird familiarity. oblivious to the whispers and speculations, he remained focused on his mission to provide aera with the rest she clearly needed. deep down, he acknowledged his role in her sleepless night, a guilt that propelled him to shield her from any disturbance. even seeking the cooperation of mr. han, the homeroom teacher, seojun managed to secure a rare privilege to allow aera the undisturbed slumber she so desperately craved, leaving the class in stunned contemplation of this unexpected display of kindness. he was acting so weird.

soojin's concern deepened as she exchanged glances with her friends, jukyung and suah, who wore puzzled expressions mirroring their own perplexity. "she still isn't awake," soojin remarked with a tsk, prompting jukyung to inquire, "does she usually do that?" soojin, shaking her head, responded, "no... that's why i'm worried. something's definitely happened."

the trio of girls maintained a watchful gaze on their slumbering friend, their faces now etched with genuine concern. little did they anticipate the unfolding moment about to happen. han seojun, the school's notorious 'bad boy,' renowned for his abrasive demeanor, approached the sleeping aera with an unexpected gesture. to the collective astonishment of the class, seojun draped his dark red blazer over aera, who unconsciously melted into its warmth, emitting a contented hum in her slumber.

the shock rippled through the classroom, with all eyes on seojun, whose unexpected act of kindness was completely opposite to the two's usual rivalry. soojin, in particular, found herself taken aback. aera, in the past, had confided in soojin about the troubles with her, seojun, and sooho. in the last chapter of their interactions before aera's departure, she was sure her and seojun were not on good terms at all. the question reverberated in soojin's mind: why was seojun extending this unexpected gesture of comfort?

as the class murmured and exchanged bewildered glances, soojin grappled with conflicting emotions. the contrast between seojun's reputation and his current compassionate action added a layer of complexity to the situation. it was a puzzle that begged to be solved, and soojin found herself torn between unraveling the mystery and reliving the odd past that linked aera, seojun, and sooho.

at this point, aera had slept basically the whole day, oblivious to the passing classes, lunch, and break. the final class of the day unfolded, and to everyone's surprise, seojun remained by her side, even making someone do a seat swap just to keep a watchful eye on her.

the entire class carefully stole glances at the pair, their curiosity piqued. whispers circulated, creating an unspoken buzz of concern and fascination. aera lay motionless, seojun's steadfast presence becoming the focal point of the classroom.

as the blonde finally stirred, her eyes slowly adjusted to the ambient light, revealing not mr. han but mrs. sook, their english teacher. confusion clouded her waking mind. "what time is it?" she mumbled, rubbing her eyes. "it's 2:30," seojun's familiar voice replied, still by her side, his blazer still draped over her.

the class observed the exchange, and aera, despite the impulse to shout at him, recognized the genuine worry in seojun's eyes. suppressing any urge to snap at him, she managed a smile and reassured him, "i'm fine, by the way." she whispered, knowing he saw through her facade, he knew her too well.

remaining awake for the rest of the class, aera wasn't surprised when, in the final minutes, her friends rushed over. soojin examined her face, concerned, while jukyung and suah bombarded her with inquiries. amidst the inquiries, suah's comment about looking pretty even while asleep elicited a genuine smile.

assuring her friends she wasn't sick, aera waved off their concerns. "i just didn't get a lot of sleep," she explained. noticing the class dispersing, she playfully insisted, "come on, stop worrying. it's home time!" reluctantly, her friends left, and as aera prepared to return seojun's borrowed blazer, confusion struck. he was nowhere to be found. "huh?"

MAIL 💌 !!
see this ones cuteee :3 i told yall
also i offically decided that after this fanfic the next one will be an alice in borderland one so be ready for that

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