☆ : NINE

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CHPT . 9


After an incredibly eventful day filled with unexpected twists and turns, Aera found herself comfortably settled in her mother's office, eagerly experimenting with the latest line of lip tints her mother's company was producing. As she meticulously swiped each shade across her already adorned lips, her mother, multitasking like the true matriarch she was, deftly applied false eyelashes and brow tint to enhance Aera's natural beauty. There was a special bond between them, amplified by these intimate moments of shared femininity, especially considering the recent emotional distance that had crept between them.

"Ooh, this shade is divine!" Aera exclaimed, twirling the lip tint bottle in her hand, the golden label spelling out 'Honey Plum' in elegant script. "Can I keep it?" She looked up at her mother with pleading eyes, who relented with a resigned sigh. "Alright, but just this one. And please, try not to smudge anything. The brow tint needs time to set," her mother cautioned before darting off to attend to a ringing doorbell.

With her siblings elsewhere and her father detained at work, Aera found herself alone once more with her mother in the vast expanse of their home. Her descent down the stairs was punctuated by echoing footsteps until she reached the kitchen, where she was greeted by an unexpected sight. "Seojun!?... Mrs. Han?!" Aera gasped, her astonishment evident as she beheld her classmate and his mother, both looking equally amused by her dolled-up appearance.

Seojun's mother, radiating warmth and kindness, approached Aera with a gentle smile. "I see you're experimenting with your mother's makeup," she remarked playfully, eliciting a bashful blush from Aera, who nodded sheepishly. "It's not quite finished," she mumbled, her cheeks flushing crimson as she averted her gaze.

Meanwhile, Aera's mother, ever the gracious hostess, lavished Seojun with compliments and attention, leaving Aera to play the role of tea maker for their unexpected guests. As she busied herself in the kitchen, she felt Seojun's presence behind her. "Need a hand?" he offered nonchalantly, his playful demeanor softening Aera's annoyance.

"Pfft, you helping me? Now that's a sight to behold," Aera quipped, busying herself with the kettle and tea cups. Seojun's assistance, while appreciated, was minimal, limited to sugar sprinkling, much to Aera's amusement. Yet, her laughter abruptly ceased when Seojun, with mischievous intent, thrust his phone in her face, capturing an unflattering moment for posterity.

Panic surged through Aera as she pleaded with Seojun to delete the incriminating photo, but he only chuckled in response, relishing in his newfound leverage. The ensuing minutes devolved into a comical game of cat and mouse, with Aera valiantly attempting to wrestle the phone from Seojun's grasp. Eventually, defeated but undeterred, Aera retreated to the couch, sulking in mock defeat as the forgotten tea brewed in the background, a testament to the chaotic yet endearing bond between classmates turned frenemies.

"Ah, Aera, it's been such a delight catching up with you. But before I bid adieu, I must inquire about Seojun's academic endeavors. I have this nagging suspicion he might not be entirely forthcoming with me."

As the two teenagers stood side by side, Aera's makeup appeared remarkably flawless, a stark departure from its previous disastrous state. However, upon being posed with the question, she let out a contemplative hum.

"Well, he's... managing. Although there was this one incident where he nearly gave a heart attack to a couple of pedestrians with his motorcycle," Aera began, her words cut short by a sudden hand clamping over her mouth—Seojun's hand. The expression on his mother's face betrayed a mix of concern and disapproval, suggesting Aera had let slip something she shouldn't have.

"Mama, she's exaggerating! I don't even ride my bike to school anymore," Seojun interjected, though his mother's stern gaze hinted that his assertion might not entirely align with reality.

Unfazed by his attempt to save face, Aera seized the opportunity to concoct a cunning plan, one that could potentially reignite old animosities between them—fair retribution for those embarrassing photos he took. Swiftly removing Seojun's hand from her mouth, she boldly asserted, "He rides it every single day! I've seen him!"

"Seojun!" his mother chided, a mixture of disappointment and frustration evident in her tone.

"Yeah, and Aera nearly got into a fight the other day!" Seojun retorted, firing back with accusations of his own.

"Young lady!" his mother admonished, her tone conveying her disapproval.

"I did not!" Aera protested vehemently.

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Alright, alright, that's enough," his mother intervened, attempting to diffuse the escalating tension. "Aera, getting into fights is not acceptable. But please, promise me that if you catch Seojun riding his motorcycle, you'll let me know so I can properly reprimand him."

Caught in the crossfire of Seojun's intense glare, Aera knew exactly what response to give. "I promise."

MAIL 💌 !
can we pretend this update didnt take multiple months  x

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