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The rest of aeras night was fairly timid. shed ate with her family , done some homework and actually got to bed at a reasonable time. it was refreshing to have a stress free night , especially after the small scuff she had with seojun the day prior. while she was sympathetic towards him about his mother that didnt change the fact he had totally invaded her personal space and overall been completely rude to not only her but a very close friend. it was dissapointing to know hed turnt into that kind of person.

despite those issues , aera got a good ammount of sleep and shed even managed to wake up early the next day and decided shed make herself look a little nicer. including doing full skincare , adding a cute little white bow to her hair and even switching out some of her piercings with new jewlery.

"momma !" aera yelled , slipping on her shoes. she was getting ready to leave the house but of course she was stopped. "ay , aera , take this to sooho will you?" a paper bag was pushed into the girls already full hands , a puzzled looking etching onto her features. "right .. okay." — and with a still confused look the blonde slowly left her house and begun to walk to school. what could this be ? she knew her mother still respected sooho and spoke to his father but still ..

as much as the girl wanted to peak inside the bag and see whats inside , she held herself back. from a very young age she was taught not to look at things that werent hers , it was more or likely dissapointing anyways. she had always stuck to that and this wasnt going to change now.

shed held herself together all the way until school and luckily enough the male she was looking for was stood right there , book in hand and completely ignoring his surroundings. typical. with a call of his name and motion of her hand , shed ushered the male towards her. "hey , sooho. my mom wanted me to give you this , i have no clue what it is." as aera handed him the bag , sooho looked just as confused as she did when she first got it. it was honestly quite amusing. and while she thought that would be the end of their interaction , the male infront of her had different plans. ",aera."

she was just about to say bye but sooho had completely cut her off , earning a small chuckle from her. "yes?" she responded with a tilt of her head. it wasnt often he had questions for her. "what happened with you and seojun yesterday ? his friends were talking about how he apparently flirted with you."

this lead to aera rambling about the stunt seojun pulled yesterday , how he grabbed her jaw and challenged her. she also complained of the fact his friends were joining in and worse of all making it a dating rumor. overall the girl was obviously ticked off and sooho made sure to remind her that if she ever needed anything , hed be of assistance.

shed always appreciated that. depsite the issues the two had with seojun , aera and sooho always stayed close. it helped with closure and it was a gift to be able to keep that friendship. she held it very close to her heart.

english class was a drag , as it had always been for aera. while facts about poems and books went in one ear and out the other , aera found herself doodling on her desk. small sketches of flowers and what not. she didnt expect anyone to be focusing on them considering they were all literally in the middle of a lesson. — but suddenly a hand had reached over and placed a pack of stickers onto her table. she didnt say anything , just smiled over to sooho who nodded back. she loved stickers and took no time ripping the pack open to help decorate her desk. although , she was completely unaware of a different pair of eyes watching her.

yet she decorate the whole way through the class. eventually she did have to stop as soojin , suha and jukyung had gathered around her table. aera also soon got made aware of jukyungs talent show slip up.

"oh , honey." her hand patted her brunette friends shoulder yet a smile lingered on her lips. as embarassing as the story was she couldnt help but slightly giggle at it. atleast it was a funny memory for jukyung to keep and talk about in the future.

"hey theyre doing crispy pork for lunch today ! so can you guys hurry and get your things i dont wanna miss it !" suha was pouting out her lip while the rest of them laughed. "the princess is hungry." soojin joked while handing aera her bag. she thanked her as the friends all linked arms and begun to walk towards the lunch hall.

the hall was busy as per usual but the group of friends , added by taehoon , managed to secure their usual table. while it was usually sufferable for aera to have to listen to suha and taehoon coo at eachother , today she could actually bare it , she was so excited to enjoy her food she could bare anything !

well , almost anything. before she even got to take a single bite she of course got drew towards the loud crashing sound that echoed through the lunch hall. why was she not shocked ? poor sooho had his food knocked all on the floor and seojun seemed to be b-lining towards the blondes lunch table.

her brows furrowed and hand shook as she scoffed , turning away from the approaching male. maybe if she ignored him , hed just dissapear. "aera." or not. with a clang the girl threw her chopsticks down , sighed , then spoke. "what ? what do you want !? are you here to terrorise poor jukyung again ?"

"no. im here to eat with you."

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