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CHPT . 3

"are you okay , aera?" suahs sweet voice blessed the blondes ears but she was too busy shoving rice into her mouth. every now and then shed catch her piercing and wince - but then continue. sadly though , no rice longer remained and she sighed. "im fine."

she knew she wasnt , soojin knew she wasnt. yet no one pushed it. it wasnt anyones right , they knew that. yet the blonde could feel that she had caused it to go awkward. "hey , wheres jukyung ?" aera questioned. she was hoping to switch the topic away from her and thank god it had worked.

"apparently she had to go do something , shes been acting weird recently." soojin shrugged , eyes connecting with her friends. "maybe somethings in the air .. everyone seems to be acting off."

finally , aera was on her way home. her mom was at work and couldnt pick her up and she hadnt brought any money. so walking it is. she was lucky she was smart enough to charge her headphones in school. music blared in her left ear as she walked , eyes scanning around the city of seoul.

one spot caught her attention. a sakura tree. oh the memories she had there. while the girl diverted her path and begun walking towards it , she flipped her phone over in her pale hands to look at the back of her phone case. inside sat a polaroid of her and her old friends sat at this very tree. not even that long ago , maybe two years or so.

it was weird how things had changed so quickly. she wouldve never imagined sitting under that tree alone. — but here she was. bag laid on the ground next to her , blonde hair pressed up against the bark and the photo once in her phone case was now held inbetween her fingers.

she couldnt even begin to think how long shed sat there. simply listening to music and cuddling up to herself. all aera knew was that it had now gone dark and the breeze was catching up. her bare legs felt like they were going to fall off from the cold but she couldnt really bring herself to leave. not yet.

"aera." okay now maybe she could. with a scoff , the girl didnt even look behind her before replying. "seojun."  now she didnt really feel he had the right to be on a first name basis with her. not after the stunt he pulled today. ",, and its ji to you."

suddenly the spot next to her wasnt empty and she was greeted by a warmth against her legs. the warmth of a leather jacket. "if youre trying to pity me then don-" as the girl went to snap at the brunette male , her eyes met his. she paused. she hadnt seen him look at her like that since ... the incident. she knew what was coming next.

"youre sorry ?" aera asked , raising her brows. seojun looked dumbfounded but eventually he just slowly nodded. she didnt know what he expected but she shrugged and turned away from him. a deep breath left her. "i dont forgive you." and as much as it stung , the male knew shed say that. she never believed apologies meant anything unless the person showed change overtime.

"seojun listen." and that he did. his full body was facing her , his eyes looking at the side of her face , waiting for her to continue. "i dont know why you did that to those drawings .. especially while i wasnt here. — and to speak on seyeons .. on his name when he isnt here is wrong." aera seemed to of sucked in a breath , fingers playing with the leather jacket on her lap. even if it was seojuns and she was currently telling him off , the jacket held memories that seemed to comfort her in the moment.

"you dont know how much those meant to me .. and even if you see them as stupid scribbles.." the blondes breath hitched and her voice cracked. she was crying. seojun hadnt seen her cry in years. he tried to reach his tanned hand towards hers but she quickly moved it away. "that was all i had left of him. — you tainted that. and how dare you."

"i dont know what your trying to pull , sitting next to me and giving me your jacket but it wont work. if you seriously think im gonna look at you and think youre sorry about what you said. youre wrong." the jacket was soon ripped off her legs by her own hands , aera throwing it towards him while she stood up. seojun followed suit.

"aera listen to me-"
"no ! how .. how dare you ! i had nothing of him when i was gone and i come back to find the one thing i had left ruined !" the hand seojun reached towards her was soon slapped away as she picked up her bag. "i hate you and i mean that. i hate you like you hate sooho."

for a minute the world seemed to freeze. that was the first time shed ever said that to seojun. he knew that she didnt like that saying. shed always say it was the most disrespectful thing someone could ever utter. now she was saying it to him. in the same place they used to laugh and joke around in.

— and while her words had even shocked her ... aera did not take her words back. she didnt even hesitate. just nodded and walked off. she wanted to go home , away from him. away from the horrible day she had to endure.

i SWEAR itll get happy soon i pinky pinky promise
but pls lmk if ur enjoying the book so far !!!

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