☆ : FIVE

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CHPT . 5

"you really didnt have to wait for me." aera grinned towards jukyung who dismisively waved her hand. "you missed so much of your day , i wanna make it back to you." the smaller brunette grinned and linked her arm with the blonde who simply offered her a soft smile. what an angel.

she hadnt really had a chance to talk to jukyung properly. she was always either busy or was dead asleep , as proven today. it was nice to be able to speak and spend time with her and seemed like an extremely sweet and down to earth girl. she swore jukyung couldve been made straight from a jar of sugar.

the two had taken the bus together and made their way into the central city , the bright sun still gleeming down as it was only around 3:30. by the time the two were off the bus , they were busy deciding where to go first. "you know i do need a new pair of shoes .. can we head into there ?" aera pointed over to a store that had different types and styles of shoes broadcasted in the window. jukyung seem overjoyed. honestly the female had never seem someone nod so quickly and before she knew it her new friend was dragging her towards the store.

while she didnt seem it , aera was actually a very picky shopper. shed never buy something without making sure it didnt check all her boxes first. this led to her and jukyung being in the store for a good while and to pass the time they striked up a couple conversations. some about siblings , food , the basics. until the brunette queried the blonde.

"did you and seojun used to be close ?"

it caught her off guard as she froze. "well .." she finished fitting the pair of dark boots she was ttying on and then shrugged. "we did but thats far behind us now. dont worry your pretty little head about me and him." aera didnt mean to seem passive but she really didnt want to talk about the twos friendship. while she wanted to push him away and hate him , a part of her was always longing for what they used to have. she didnt think that would ever go away.

at this point the two had shopped for hours. their hands were filled with bags of different sorts. clothes , makeup , you name it they had probably purchased it. mainly from aeras card but that was not the point.

she was seriously enjoying herself and was glad she had managed to form a strong connection with jukyung. the past two days had been rough for the blonde and this seemed to of lifted her spirits from all those problems. she couldnt be more grateful as the two walked towards the bus station. "thank you for today." aera thanked as she watched her friends bus pull up. saying her final goodbye she watched as her newly found friend sat down and eventually got driven away.

her bus was yet to arive and as she sat she couldnt help but smile. it was nice to know that no matter what she was going through shed always have friends who would support her and cheer her up. she was so lucky.

"look who it is." the bland voice rang in the blondes ears as she cocked her head up. there stood infront of her someone she hasnt spoken to in a long time. she completely forgot they took the same bus route if she was being honest. "hey sooho."

aera was in too good of a mood to be threatening towards the male. she honestly didnt have an issue with him , she let go what happened between them. — but she knew he was still searching for answers. thats why she usually avoided conversing with him , she didnt want to think about what happened that day. it was in her past , it should stay there. "how come youre out so late?"

she sparked up a conversation. mainly because there was a good ammount of time before their bus came and she didnt just want to sit awkwardly but also because she did genuinely wonder how the male had been doing. "i was buying something for a friend. seems like youve been busy too." soohos attention was on the many bags his classmate held , while she chuckled. "mhm , jukyung ended up dragging me shopping and you know what im like. i can never control what i spend."

the two ended up speaking the whole time they waited for their bus and even while they were on it. this was refreshing for aera and one of the rare times she was grateful for her past. grateful it allowed her to be on good terms with such a sweet and caring boy. she made sure to let him know she was always around if he needed something before she got off at her stop and begun to make way home.

"aishhh !!! momma , koko wont let go of me !!" aera had been home for a while now - she was able to do some slight studying and fix up her room but of course he older brother was now bothering her. "get off !!" the blonde loudly screamed , elbowing her brother straight in the stomach. he groaned and stepped back , cursing her under his breath.

",, wah , stop fighting !! dinner is ready !!"

the ji household was somewhat of a difficult area. sukyung (their father) was constantly overseas for business and reyano (their mother) was the owner of a high classed makeup brand , so often the five siblings of the home were left to themself.

aera was the youngest , sitting at 18. there was koko and momo the twins who were both 20. mira who was 22 and len who was 25. yeah .. the parents had gotten busy. not that any of them could complain , they had some amazing genes leaked into their blood. — but often the youngest believed that if her parents were around more shed maybe be in less trouble. shed maybe of never met seojun.

on the note of her classmate , once she had finally got back to her room , her eyes had fallen upon the red blazer neatly folded on her white bed sheets. "this twerp .." she whispered with a sigh. seojun wasnt stupid , especially not enough to leave his possesions , he did that on purpose and she knew it. never the less aera did not act out of anger , she simply placed it on her desk and went to go get ready for bed.

MAIL   💌 !!
i feel like i needed to add more jukyung since yk shes like .. the main character n all
and the next chapter is gna be super fun i swear

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