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In the crowded cafeteria, Jukyung and Aera's synchronized exclamation of "What!?" resonated through the air, their perplexity mirrored in their wide-eyed expressions. The bewildering spectacle unfolded as Seojun, for reasons unbeknownst to them, embarked on an unexpected course of action. The duos once-distant relationship had morphed into a perplexing display of camaraderie that left Aera questioning the motives behind this sudden shift.

A cascade of unanswered questions swirled in Aera's mind. Was Seojun orchestrating this spectacle merely to embarrass her, or did it stem from unresolved tension between them? The uncertainty gnawed at her, casting a shadow over the bewildering scene playing out before her.

Before either Jukyung or Aera could unravel the mystery, another voice, laden with urgency and resentment, pierced the commotion. Sooho, with a tumultuous blend of anger and concern, hurled himself toward Seojun, seizing him by the blazer in a gripping display of confrontation. Aera, sensing the impending clash, couldn't help but mutter, "Uh oh," while stealing glances at the worried expressions etched on the faces of her friends.

As the tension escalated, Taehoon's inquiry hung in the air, "Are they gonna fight?" Aera, caught in the whirlwind of uncertainty, could only offer a nonchalant shrug, "I'm not sure."

Sooho's fury manifested in a torrent of words directed at Seojun, punctuated by the physical act of shaking him by the maroon blazer. Aera anticipated a verbal confrontation at most, but her expectations shattered when she noticed the subtle shift in Seojun's demeanor. His eyes darted to the right, and his tongue pierced the inside of his cheek—a familiar prelude to impending physical confrontation.

Witnessing Seojun unleash a punch that reverberated through the cafeteria, gasps erupted among the onlookers. Aera, abandoning her chopsticks in shock, stood up, her concern for Seojun momentarily overshadowing their complicated past. However, the shock intensified as Sooho, despite the blow, mustered the strength to rise and retaliate.

The collective breaths of the students held suspended, awaiting the next turn of events. Sooho, though charged with determination, hesitated at the crucial moment, unable to deliver the anticipated blow. Was it guilt or a fleeting moment of restraint? The answer remained elusive.

The dean intervened, halting the escalating chaos and demanding accountability from the trio. "All three of you to my office now!" The revelation that Aera was now part of the disciplinary equation left her flabbergasted. "Three!?" she exclaimed, her brows furrowing in disbelief. The stern command echoed in the hushed aftermath of the confrontation. "Yes. Three. Now!"

There they stood, the trio enduring the familiar sting of ridicule reminiscent of times gone by. "Seojun, how dare you drag our star students into such trouble! Especially after your prolonged absence due to your mother's illness!" Aera winced as the accusations were hurled his way. "No wonder she's sick; I would be with a son like you!"

Fortunately, Mr. Han intervened, deeming the verbal assault out of line. Aera harbored no doubt that Seojun was grappling with an overwhelming mix of guilt and embarrassment.

As Mr. Han dismissed them, Aera hastened to catch up with Seojun. "Seojun! Wait!" He blatantly ignored her, but the urgency to ensure his well-being propelled her to persist. She managed to grasp his wrist, pulling him toward her. "What, Aera? What?"

"Are you okay?" Aera sighed, her eyes reflecting concern as she looked up at her old friend. The impact of the harsh comment was evident in his eyes, yet he maintained his characteristic ignorance. "I'm fine. Let's just go to class."

Silently, they proceeded to their classroom, the echoing click of Aera's heels against the polished school floor punctuating the air. Amid the quiet, Aera contemplated questioning him about the lunch incident, her curiosity nagging at her. However, she recognized that this wasn't the opportune moment. All she could do was savor the satisfying sound of her heels and navigate the unspoken tension between them.

"i dont think so." aera tutted as she grabbed chorongs wrist. her and seojun had returned to class .. before hearing of seojuns friends coming and collecting sooho. they knew it was both bad and decided to rush after the group. while aera knew full well sooho could protect himself she also knew she couldnt get away with letting seojuns friends act like gangsters.

while holding chorongs wrist , him looking slightly petrified , the girl was quite shocked to see the two mortal enemies standing right next to eachother. this time neither seojun or sooho were glaring at eachother , they were glaring towards the group of so called gangsters.  was this gonna be a show down or ?

or not ! god he always had to ruin the good stuff. of course the dean had once again caught the group and ushered them towards his office , only riddiculing seojun and his group while inisiting sooho and aera were both victims. which was technically half true. — but still ..

MAIL 💌 !
i feel like i wrote this bad but im not sureeee.

"  ENOUGH  ,,   :   HAN SEOJUN Where stories live. Discover now