☆ : TWO

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CHPT . 2

"why should i?" his voice was such a shock to her that she almost stumbled. aera hadnt actually heard him speak in so long , only ever through old videos on her phone. "its my table .." her voice was more quiet now , brown eyes relishing the slightly faded drawings on the wood. some of which she even did with the male currently occupying her seat.

and while she hoped they still had some shared respect and hed move , she was quickly proven wrong when seojun simply put his head down and closed his eyes. "theres a seat next to sooho." her teachers voice could be heard behind her. aera bit her lip while looking down at the brunette male , scoffing before walking away and ultimately taking her seat. she did not make eye contact with sooho , she did not make eye contact with soojin , instead she copied seojun and rested her head into the arms of her red blazer.

"aera you cant lay there forever." soojin , who was now kneeling infront of her desk , poked the girls covered arm. the blonde flinched and groaned , just barely lifting her head to look at her friend. "i wish i never came back." aera scoffed. — but she did push herself up into a sitting position. just in time for suha and an unknown person to approach.

while the two were never close , aera had spent some time with suha in the past and she was very aware that her and soojin were close. yet she had no clue who the other girl was. all she could really tell was that she was drop dead gorgeous and seemed somewhat shy.

she was soon to find out her identity anyways , considering the group of girls were now sat around her desk. "hi , im jukyung." so that was her name. she seemed sweet. "its nice to meet you , im aera but most people just call me jiji." a smile presented itself on the blondes face , this girl seemed like she could be a good friend.

sadly though , before she could start up a proper conversation , the lunch bell had sung its song and the trio of girls were up and ready to go. "jiji are you not coming ?" the raven haired girl stared down at her friend but she politely declined. "i need to go do something first."

that she did. once her friends had left she quickly rose from her seat , slinging her checkered backpack onto her shoulder. the clicking of aeras shoes could be heard from miles away. she was storming. towards what you may
ask. or better yet , towards who ? well of course , none other than han seojun. she knew exactly where hed be , he was always there with his stupid gang , that wasnt even a gang. they were all far too big of cowards to be a gang. yet they still acted like it and just as she had predicted , there they were near the stairwell.

"han seojun !" the girl stormed up to him , chest heaving and fury written all across her features. yet , he didnt fumble , not like he used to. he simply turned and tilted his head. "yes ?"

while the blonde stared up at him , her heart filled with hurt. he seemed completely unbothered by her. she expected him to be angry , sad , something. yet he was acting as if the two never even were close. whatever. "why are you sitting at that desk ? you know how important that is to me ! especially those drawings !" the girls voice raised , her finger poking into seojuns chest.

"youre so dramatic." he scoffed , hand clamping around her much smaller wrist. she winced but that was followed by a glare. something was bubbling between the two and it wasnt good. "tell me now. did you try and wipe them off?"

the smudge stains on her desk did not go un-noticed to her earlier and with the falter of seojuns face , she had gotten her answer. "seriously ?" she swallowed back every urge to attack him. it wasnt like anyone would know as his little possy backed off the minute she had raised her voice. "you did that ..?"

"and what?" seojuns grip tightened , a sting now coursing up the females arm. his jaw was clenched as he looked her up and down , clicking his tongue against his somewhat perfect teeth. "hes gone. he never even liked those drawings that much."

that was it. aera aggressively ripped her wrist away from seojun and turned on her heel. — but she knew he deserved more than that. while he begun to smirk thinking he just scored a win , the blonde had quickly turned around and smacked him straight on the cheek. a red mark had already begun to form , the shade matching her now red and teary eyes. "he would be so dissapointed with how youve turned out .." with that she had finally turned around and left , blinking back tears from her bloodshot eyes.

MAIL  💌  !!
— angst ....

i promise itll get happier guys i swearrrr !!!!!

"  ENOUGH  ,,   :   HAN SEOJUN Where stories live. Discover now