Diaz Family Vacation / Brittney's Party

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Scene begins at Diaz Household. In Star's bedroom, King and Queen Butterfly talk to Star through her interdimensional mirror.

King Butterfly: Of course, very few are aware of the serious matter, so I'll be traveling afar to give an all-day lecture explaining the proper throne posture. Slouched shoulders are an epidemic among nobility these days. [fading out] Blah-blah-blah, posture. Blah-blah-blah, back problems. Blah, blah, blah...

The pink hearts on Star's cheeks turn into

Star: [whispering] So this is what it's like to be bored to death.

Queen Butterfly: Star! Are those dimensional scissors?

Star: Uh... [picks up scissors and pieces of paper] N-No, no, of course not! Just normal Earth scissors. See?

Star cuts the papers into a unicorn cutout and accidentally opens a small dimensional portal behind her. A monster's hand reaches through the portal and paws at Star.

Queen Butterfly: Good. Because you're not to leave Earth.

Star: [laughing nervously] I would never think of it! [kicks the monster's arm]

King Butterfly: Glad to hear it. [watch beeps] I'm sorry. Your mother and I must cut you short. I have lecture things to do. [walks away]

Queen Butterfly: Oh, him and his lectures. [walks off]

Star: Okay, bye!
Star shoves the monster's arm back through the portal, and the portal closes.
Star: Whew.

Marco and you enter.
Marco: Star, we're about to celebrate my parents' anniversary. Come on.
You hummed agreeing as you had a lolipop in your hand and a game boy in your hand.

Star: Oh, no! I didn't get them anything!
You raised your hand agreeing
Marco: Don't worry about it. My gift can be from three of us.

Star: But I wanna give them something just from me, 'cause your parents are actually cool.

Marco: [staring blankly] "Cool"? [slowly closes the door] "Cool"...

Cut to living room. Mr. and Mrs. Diaz sit on the couch as Mrs. Diaz strokes Mr. Diaz's chest hair. Marco, you, and Star stare at them.

Mr. and Mrs. Diaz:
Marco: Ahem!

Mr. Diaz: Oh, hello, kids!
Marco:  [holding out a small gift box] Happy anniversary, you guys!
Mr. and Mrs. Diaz: Ooh!

Mr. Diaz opens the box, and Mrs. Diaz takes out two red and light-green fanny packs.
Mrs. Diaz: Wow, Marco! More... fanny packs!
Marco: Okay, I know you guys are non-believers...

Marco lifts up his hoodie to reveal a blue fanny pack.
Marco:  ...But these are way cooler than last year's. [unzips fanny pack] They have everything you need, like a dilemma whistle, non-drowsy antihistamine, and a space blanket made for two!

Marco unfolds the space blanket. It depicts an astronaut bear in space.
Mr. Diaz: Oh, yes, you know how much we love to travel and see the sights.

Mrs. Diaz: Oh, Marco, you put so much thought into this. Gifts are such a great way to show how much you really care about someone. I didn't think it was possible to love you more than I do right now.
Camera slowly zooms in on Star, who looks more and more distressed and you who yawns but stands a little less sloppy than usual.

Star: MmmmmmmmmmMMMMM...! And I'm giving you a trip to Mewni!
Mr. and Mrs. Diaz: We're going to Mewni!
Marco: Uh, we can use our new fanny packs!
Mr. Diaz hugs Star and Mrs. Diaz and jumps up and down.

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