Lobster Claws / Sleep Spells

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Scene begins on Diaz Household exterior. Fighting is heard in the background.

Star: (in background) Hiyaah!
You: (in background) Hiyaah!
Marco: (In background) Hiyaah!

Bearicorn goes flying off-screen. Cut to the backyard. Marco fights Ludo's giraffe minion.

Giraffe monster:    [growls]
Marco: Hiyaah!
Marco kicks the giraffe monster in the throat as you punch the monster in the chin.

Giraffe monster: [choked] My weak spot!
Beard Deer sneaks up behind Star and grabs her.
Star: [screaming]
You and Marco:  Star?

Bearicorn and the frill-neck monster dogpile on Marco and you as you groaned with dilated eyes.

Ludo: Yes, yes! Now somebody grab the wand! Lobster Claws, you!

Lobster Claws: Oh, yeah, I got this! Go, red boy! Go, red boy! Go, red boy!
Ludo: Stop flexing your thorax and get it already!

Lobster Claws: This is happening now!
Lobster Claws approaches Star...

You: [yelling while squirming around a lot]
Marco: [yelling]
Star: [yelling]
...and grabs what he believes to be Star's wand.

Lobster Claws: Booyah! I got it! I got it! [laughing]
Ludo: What the?

Buff Frog, Bearicorn, and Three-eyed Potato Baby: [gasps]
Lobster Claws: You got clawed! [holding Beard Deer's left antler] Eww.
Beard Deer: Huh?

Beard Deer notices his snipped antler and screams in pain, releasing Star. Star jumps into the air.

Star: Poison Crystal Cupcake Kiss!
Star fires upon the monsters with cupcakes.
Ludo's army: [groaning]

Bearicorn: I love cupcakes! Ahh!
Bearicorn opens his mouth to catch a cupcake. A cupcake hits him in the eye.
Bearicorn: [screaming, crying]

Star blasts Ludo with cupcakes, knocking him off his flying bat.
Ludo: Oof! [sighing]

Star: That was fun! But we gotta go to school. Ooh, you're on my backpack.

Ludo: Here.

Ludo hands Star her backpack, and you, Star and Marco leave.

Ludo: All right, morons. [opens dimensional portal] Walk of shame. You know the drill.
Ludo's monsters groan in pain as they enter the portal.

Ludo: Oh, quit crying and rub some dirt on it!
Lobster Claws approaches the portal, but Ludo stops him.

Ludo: Whoa-whoa-whoa, whoa, whoa. Where do you think you're going, hm?
Lobster Claws: Uh, back home to celebrate how close we came with my bros.

Ludo: After that performance?! You, sir, are a steaming pile of monster garbage! And... you're fired!

Ludo enters the portal. Before the portal closes, Lobster Claws holds it open.
Lobster Claws: [laughing] Good one. You really had me going, boss.

Ugh, you're even bad at getting fired!
Two-headed monster    I can't believe I was friends with him.

Buff Frog: (in background.) What a loser.
Beard Deer takes his antler back from Lobster Claws, and the portal closes.
Lobster Claws: [gasps, crying]

Camera slowly zooms out from Lobster Claws on his knees. Cut to house interior hours later. Star, you, and Marco enter.

Star: Earth history is so cool. Ben Franklin blowing up that kite monster with his electric lightning powers? Like, whoa.

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