Mewberty / Pixtopia

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Scene begins at Echo Creek Academy. Oskar sits on his car playing music.

Oskar: [singing]
🎶Mom, don't tell me what to do
I don't have to listen to you
I don't have to follow your rules
I'm gonna live in my car at the school, hey, hey!🎶
[plays keyboard solo with his tongue]

The school bell rings as Star watches Oskar dreamily.

Marco: Star! Time to go. You got some paint or something. [points to the middle of his forehead] Right here.

You poked at star's head confused.
Camera cuts to Star's front. Star has a purple heart in the middle of her forehead. She peels the purple heart off.

Star: Y/N, Marco, this is not paint.
You: Well, looks like you got another heart.

Star: Quiet, Y/N. This is serious! [draws closer to the camera] I think I'm going through... mewberty.

Numerous purple hearts appear on Star's face. Star pulls her hair over her face.

Marco: Weeellll, oookaaay. [pulls you from Star]

You: Uh, mewberty. [chuckles] That's nothing to be afraid of. We have a similar thing here on Earth.

Star: Don't confuse this with your Earth things, Y/N, Marco! I'm from Mewni! [whispering] This is gonna get really weird. You gotta keep me away from boys! Wait a second...

Hearts appear in Star's eyes.

Star: Marco's and Y/N's a booooy...
You raised a brow about to say something but Marco had another idea

Marco: [chuckles nervously, backs away grabbing you by your arm to his side] When you say things are going to get weird, do you mean typical-Star weird or, like, destroy-the-school weird?

Star: Destroy-the-school.
Marco: That's what we was worried about. Let's get you home.
You nodded grabbing your backpack.

Marco and you leave the classroom. Star looks around and slowly follows you both.

Star: [whispering] Oh-no-oh-no-oh-no. Okay, here comes a boy. You got this. You got this. Avert your eyes. Avert your eyes. [gasps]
More hearts appear on Star's face.

Star: Y/N, Marco, I don't think this is such a good ideaaahhh...
Star stops at a water fountain to watch Zeke drink. Marco and you stop walking and turn around. Star presses her finger on the fountain nozzle.

Zeke: Huh?
Star: [in sing-songy whisper] My turn.
Marco: Whoa! Okay, let's go.

You grab Star's arm. Star suddenly shoots purple web from her hand, which sticks to a locker door.
Star, you, and Marco: [screaming]
You let go of Star's arm. Your hand is now purple.

Star tries to unstick herself from the locker. The locker door swings open, and Star falls over and slides halfway into the locker.
Star: ...I'm stuck.
Marco: Uh, let us help.

Star: No! [closes the locker, opens it again] You guys little boy hands are part of the problem! [closes the locker]

Marco: [you wipe your hand on his shirt] Isn't there some way we can help? Maybe there's something in your book of spells that can stop this.

Star: [muffled] Maybe?
Marco: We'll go home and get it.
Star: [muffled] It's not at home! I gave it to Ferguson!

You: Why?
Star: [muffled] I lost a bet, okay?! Do you wanna help me or not?!
Marco: [running off with you] Okay, but we gotta talk about that betting thing later!

(Cut to a Spanish classroom. A Spanish teacher speaks to the students at the chalkboard.)

Spanish teacher: Yo golpeo.
Students: Yo golpeo.

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