St. Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princesses

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Scene begins with an exterior shot of the Diaz household, then screen cuts to Star dancing.

Star: [to Pony Head] I just called 'cause have to say, happy birthday on your birthday day, happy birthday on your birthday day!

Star: And... there's a special delivery coming right your way, your favorite.
Star grabs a tray of cupcakes. Pony Head is surprised by the cupcakes with small fireworks.

Star: Only the best for the best bestie a best bestie could have.

Pony Head: Ah, oh my goodness! Thank you so much B-fly! I mean, a princess such as myself, could never tolerate such confections.

Pony: But would you please donate them to the starving bartendens of Galafamor on my behalf?

Star looks at Pony Head, shocked.
Star Butterfly: Did you bump your uni-horn again?

Pony Head: Girl, [whispering] you know we can't receive packages here at St. Olga's School for Wayward Princesses.

Star screams and drops the tray of cupcakes from running away .

Star: [screaming] St. O's, St. O's, St. O's!
Screen shows a shot of Star's room which is silent, except for Star's boots kicking under from the rug.

Pony Head: B-fly?
Star comes out from hiding inside her chest.

Star: I can't even stand to hear the name of that place.
Star shudders as she makes her way around her boots.

Pony Head: Oh, please, you've got to be chill B-fly. I'm the one doing hard time here!

Star Butterfly: I know, but if you weren't there we could totally party it up!

Visual of Star's imagination begins.

Star: Rainbow tea at the Dowager Room, sliding down the twisty slopes of Zala Mountain, then dancing all night long at the Bounce Lounge!

Star's imagination ends and screen cuts back to Pony Head.

Pony Head: Oh, heck yeah girl. That would be the best birthday day ever! Boom!
A door creaks open in the background and Pony Head gasps.

Pony Head: Oh no! I expressed my individuality that publicaly showed an emotion.
Pony head gasps again.

Pony Head: And that's my third strike. Oh no no, please no no, they're sending me to the solitary conform-ment chamber!

A guard takes Pony Head away and the connection on Star's inter-dimensional mirror cuts off.

Star: Pony Head! [falls to knees] AWWW! you don't deserve this!

Star sobs on her knees while Marco walks doing some karate moves as you are shown behind him punching air.

Marco: Ready to take out life's frustrations on some ill-intentioned monsters?

Star stops and looks at Marco and you before continuing again.

Star: This is terrible! Best friends don't let best besties have bad birthday days!
Star blows her nose into a tissue.

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