2.Necessary Sacrifices

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I was more than relieved when Dawn was given her own room. Much to his parents dismay , the Prince had no intention of leaving any of his mistress's and he married just for the alliance and so that he could be crowned king. He knows that he and Dawn would have to produce an heir, but he was in no hurry to do so, and I was relieved. Having being placed in the room next to hers, I would be able to see and hear more. Having her in a different room from the prince meant I would not have to protect her from gis brutish ways.I am 21 and am no stranger to the evils of the world,unlike Dawn.At times I wished I were as ignorant,as innocent as her.She is so happy with her oblivion.But it is a choice I do not have.

I know that if I tried ignorance even once,I would have been dead years ago. I was forced to accecpt the harsh reality of bloodshed and curruption that surrounded the Royals.Forced to live a life I hated.I have shed blood and taken lives to protect the innocence of the girl who resided next to me. And here I am doing it again, even though I am painfully aware that I cannot protect her forever. That fact will not stop me from trying though. Dawns' bubbly,loving character has sometimes been the only thing keeping me sane. I didn't want that to change,and I would do everything within my power to protect her.

The Kingdom of Darkness was eerily beautiful. I know it is not their fault they are the way they are. The dark magic is toxic and consuming,polluting the minds of those who use their powers. They have to use their magic to survive,but it comes at a price. The Dark magic is far more powerful than light,but it comes with a terrible price to pay.Light magic, if over used can also drain your life force,but the chances are rare, the last occuring 100 years ago.All magic comes at a price,and everyone is willing to pay.

Except me. The reason I was trained so long,so hard, was becayuse I did not use magic.I was not willing to pay the price mine demanded.WIth the Queen of Light still in posession of that box, I couldn't use my powers even if I wanted to.It's as if they do not exist at all,and after living for so long without them, i am used to my strange way of life.Even if I was ridiculed for it.I stare out the window,gazing at the moon. This is not the life i have chosen for myself.Not a life I would have chosen for anyone else.Bound by magic.Forced to obey commands I hate.Forced to tun into a monster agaisnt my will.But the Queen had given me her word that I would have what was rightfully mine back, and we both knew how dire the consequences would be if she does not hold up her end of the deal.I'm taking a gamble and a risk , trusting that even she will not be able to trick the magic of the box.

I can hear Dawns sobs as she finally allows herself to cry. She never wanted to marry young,and she certainly did not expect her husband to treat her so cruely. With a sigh I make my way to her door and knock three times."It's me Princess Dawn,"I say loud enough for her to hear. Soon a puffy eyed Dawn opens the door and lets me in. "I know its not a real marriage...but neither of us qwanted this,"she sobs into my shoulder as I pat her back akwardly. It's dark now, a few starsvisable from her window.Ihave been here,listening to her rants as I always do. "Why does he hate me so,"she sobs and I can't help but feel sorry for the girl. Why did the Queen ever agree to send her to such a place? She herself knows how fragile Dawn is.

I know it was all a ploy to get me here to kill the Prince, but how could she be so selfish and power hungry that she put her innocent daughter at risk. Not for the first time, I find myself to kill the Queen of Light. How can the Queen of Light be such an awful person? At least Dawn is kind. "What did I do to deserve this treatment," Dawn cries. "Nothing my Princess. This land is not deserving of your kindness and light. Do not let its darkness affect you. You are perfect," I say, trying my best to soothe the hysterical girl who is used to praise and attention.

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