25.Lose Ends

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A.N :Short one, but double update to apologize for the late updates.

I watched as my people lead the few citizens of the Kingdom of Light towards my Kingdom. Many protested and were killed. Only the woman, children and a handful of men were left. The Kingdom of life was slowly falling to ruins .One fool had blamed me. I wasted no time in correcting her. The citizens were now my prisoners of war, and they would learn how to work and serve my people. They will learn just how wrong they were in time, and if they do not, they will die. No body dared to even make a sound as my new guards led the way.

My plan was executed perfectly. The Queen was never a real threat to me, but thanks to her , all threats for the foreseeable future are gone. I don't bother to look back at the crumbling castle, using my magic to teleport myself to my throne in the Kingdom of Darkness. In the throne room were some of my oldest and most loyal subjects. I would call them nobles, but I know how quickly powerful titles corrupt. "My people. The war is finally over. The Kingdom of Inter is ours," I tell them. My people cheer in pride.

Unlike the people from the Kingdom of Light, they do not force their cheers of joy. My methods may have been twisted, but the end goal was all that mattered. Those that the Queen had corrupted had to die. That included Dawn and Marcella. It was the only way to eradicate the deeply routed corruption and bring a source of balance to our world. It had to be done. Rightfully , to get rid of the evil, I should have not left a single soldier, but I am a fair ruler, so I let them live.

I may be the ruler who has been associated with Darkness his whole life, but the true evil resided in the Kingdom of Light. Now the Kingdom was falling, it's downfall the very lies that built it up. One could argue I built mu Kingdom on lies, but I was left with no choice. My family eas far worse than the Queen with their way of thinking, and I was the only one who saw the fault in their ways. I was the only one who saw the truth behind the Kingdoms.

I was the only person who had the chance to fix what was wrong, and so I did. I did it for the good of every innocent person who was being consumed by darkness. I did what I had to to save us all. Even if my method was...questionable. Now looking back, I do not regret a single choice I made. In the end, I was right, If I were truly evil, I would have never been able to win this war. I sat back , waiting for my soldiers to finish tying the lose ends.

Earlier, the people mourned the soldiers lost at the battle in Inter, as well as all those who were killed because of Eris. Seeing the bodies struck a chord of realization amongst the people, their Queen was selfish and did not care for them. So my people told me. Soon the door opens and the men who collected the dead bodies stand before me. "My lord almost all bodies are accounted for," one guard says. I raise an eyebrow. "Almost?" The men look at each other. "The throne room you told us to search...it was empty." The words are spoken hesitantly. I stare in disbelief.

"What do you mean empty. Go back and look again. Bring me the bodies of Dawn and Marcella Blackwell," I commanded, causing them to flee the room. Dead bodies can't move themselves. I curse to myself. The war is not over yet.

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