17.The Perfect World

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I enter the meeting room and the rowdy men fall silent at once. Noble men with personal armies, two Kings of our neighbouring Kingdoms,each with a large army. A total of six men sit in this room. "Why should we risk our armies for a war that is not ours,"a King questions. "You do remember how you got that crown, don't you,"I answer coldly,silencing the fool in an instant. Fear is a great tool when it comes to leading. If people fear you,they have no choice but to obey. There is only one thing above fear and that is the Power to stop anyone who even dares to consider disoberying.

And I had both. I could easily end the lavish lifestyles of the men before me and claim their armies for myself. Asking is just me being polite when I really don't need to be. Even smart men need reminders sometimes, I will forgive the insolence this time. "To answer your unnecessary question , do you really think that if that prince wins the war he will stop at my Kingdom? As my allies, you are his enemies. You will be next," I explain, watching as their faces pale with fear. "You can keep your armies to yourselves and die," I speak calmly.

"Or you can join my army and end this war before it even begins," I offer them a choice, I am after all ,a kind and understanding ruler. "I know you are scared, so I offer you this choice, fight by my side and live or face him alone and die," I speak calmly. I have no doubt that my army can annihilate his kingdom. But with the box in his possession and Marcella by his side, Prince Lucien has a secret weapon. I am not sending in my men to get slaughtered. I will send in theirs, and when Marcella is dead, my army will strike.

I watch as each leader stand, one by one, throwing a talisman onto the table to show their alliance to fight with me. I smile. They chose wisely. The men leave after our meeting. It will take a few days to gather each army together in my Kingdom. Then we will have to form a plan to take down the Kingdom of Darkness for once and for all. That arrogant little prince will die. Marcella will lose her life, and even though I am sad it will not be by my hand, knowing her death is at my command is enough for me.

But the insolent brat will pay for her decisions. I regret not telling her anything. Dawn would have been the perfect weapon to manipulate Marcella and lead to the girls demise,but I realized their closeness fat to late. Never the less,the girl played her role,and when it is over,she will suffer the consequences. It pains me that I have to be harsh to my own child,but she left me no choice.She sided with a nobody. With a girl who is using her. Marcella is just like her mother, who had used and manipulated me. The cycle was repeating itself.

Marcella was using and manipulating Dawn, and the stupid little girl believed every little lie so easily. Even after watching the girl attempt to kill me, and actually kill her father, my daughter was not here in her Kingdom. She was with Marcella and the Prince of Darkness. The girl would have to learn it by herself, just as I did. she will look back, and I will be here when she returns, willing to forgive her and guide her into the right path after she suffers the punishment for her silly decisions. I sigh and enter my private chambers.

I look around at my collection before selecting the yellow crystal shaped like an eye. I use my empty podium to lay each of the talisman down. A soldiers word is their promise, but those men were no soldiers. I have to make sure they have no choice but to follow through. These men want their powerful possessions ,and when they find out I have no intention of giving it back, they will not be happy. They may even try something so foolish as an attack against me.

Using my light stone ,the most powerful crystal in the Kingdom of light, I perform the same spell I put on my husband. If they disobey, try to betray or harm me in any way, they will die an antagonizing, painful death. I smile at my handiwork. Without Marcellas magic, it will not be as effective, but I am not worried about that. Her magic will be mine before anyone can even think about betraying me, and by then, it will be far to late to stop me.

Power is everything. Our world is ruled by power, from our status to our relationships. You are nothing without power. I was nothing before I discovered my power. I was useless and used. I was a nobody. I will not allow the daughter of someone who was even less of a person than I was, take it away from me. I have worked too hard, come to far, sacrificed too much to stop here. All I wanted was happiness and who the hell Marcella Blackwell think she is to try and take it away from me? She is a child! A no-body who can barely use her powers. She is a waste of the power.

I plan to fix that. With me, her powers will not go to waste. I will create a perfect world where everyone does as I say. It will be better than the Kingdom of Light. More colorful, more people, les resistance. There will be no questioning of what I say. My word will be the law, as it should be now. Yet my people still dare to question me, their Queen. Because I am a woman and I am not of Royal Blood, they think they have the right to question my decisions.

They think they can disobey me and there will be no consequences to their actions. They are wrong. All of them are wrong. They think I don't know how they talk about the absurdity of a Queen ruling by herself. Of a Queen calling for a war. Those fools would obey a stranger if he were a man of Royal blood. They would not bat an eye if he asked them to kill themselves for him. They would simply obey. Even if he did not have the best interests at heart.

People are fools. I was going to fix what was wrong with the world. I will command men and they will obey without even batting an eye. There will be no questions. No challenges. No doubts. Just perfection. A perfect world. They could see me as the villain for as long as they liked, but I knew I was right. Power and fear is the only reason my subjects obey me, yet my husband had their respect without even earning it. I would fix the minds of these people. Fix the unfairness in society. Soon, no one will question any of my actions. It's just a matter of time.

People may think I am cruel ,unfair and mad. Perhaps they are right. But it was their actions that drove me to become the person I am today. For years I have been performing my plan. I could not allow anyone to stand in my way. There is a knock on my door and with a frown I open the door. A guard stands there, a scared expression on his face. They know better than to disturb me when I am in this chamber. "What is it," I snap, not having the patience to waste my precious time.

"Your majesty...the Princess.. has been found," he says. I can't help the smile that spreads across my face. I knew she would be back. "Well, you know your orders ,"I state ,slamming the door in his face. It is about time Dawn learnt her place. I grab a small black skull of my shelf. This skull is the most powerful object in the room. I whisper a few words and watch as the skull transforms into a band that I slip onto my hand. I feel the boost of powerful immediately.

I revel in the power. It has been far to long since I used a power boost. I forgot how amazing...how addictive it felt. I exit my chambers, locking the room and slowly make my way down the hallway. Should I see what my daughter wants? I slowly make my way to the dungeons, smiling when I find Dawn shackled behind bars, tears streaking her face, dirt and dry blood on her dress.

"Why," she sobs. "You will learn your place," I say, before walking away, leaving her alone in the cold, dark dungeon.

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