18.Learning your Place

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I didn't plan to have Dawn. I was quite disappointed when I gave birth and was told It was a healthy girl. I could barely believe my luck. I didn't look at her or touch her. A sacrifice to my pride, my body. For a girl baby. A boy baby would mean respect. He would be the heir to the throne ,an heir I would have raised to rule in the correct way. A female was not helpful Which is why I discarded the girl. She would be married off ,just like I was. I didn't try for another child. It was not worth the risk.

Dawn was an annoying little child. With her crying and constant need for care. Had it been a son I would have given my all. So why did my husband expect me to waste time on the girl? I got her a caretaker and only did what was mandatory. I hated the girl, she was a reminder of another failed plan. A reminder I was still powerless. But when the Prince of darkness visited and saw Marcella I knew what they were. And I was not going to let that girl be with such a powerful man. After what her mother did to me, I found the perfect solution. The same would happen to her.

Finally Dawn had a purpose. Ensuring I gifted her the cursed earrings, I married her to Marcella's perfect half, tasking the girl with the job of killing him. It was beautifully planned. Dawn being with her match would paint her and ruin their friendship. Marcella killing the prince would get rid of the biggest threat to my plan. And here I am, the fool again. Prince Lucien thinks he has won because he has Marcela and the box, but I have the greatest prize of all. I have the person who Marcella would sacrifice anything for. My daughter proved useful after all.

I walk down to the dungeons, thinking about the Kingdom of Darkness. The Power of their land was something i envied. I needed it for myself. The King and Queen were insolent, blind when I offered a fake truce. But with his power, the Prince was able to realize something was wrong. He took Dawn to his Kingdom. Guarded. Safe. He had spies planted in my Kingdom and even though I was aware of that fact, I had no idea who they are. It angers me that this boy thinks he can outsmart me because of his power. He is still young He has a lot to learn. Leaving Dawn in my Kingdom is proof that he is not as smart as he thinks he is.

I reach Dawns cell, frowning at the state she is in. She doesn't look like my daughter. She doesn't look like a royal. She looks every bit of the traitor that she is. She will not fool me. "They left you," I grin at her, knowing it must hurt. "I chose to stay. This is still my Kingdom," Dawn lies poorly. "This stopped being your Kingdom when you sided with the people who killed your King," I raise my voice sounding upset, putting on a show for the guards around us.

The guards eventually leave and I grin at her expression. "Is that what you have our people believing mother? Do they know he would have died anyway because of the life draining spell you had on him," her voice is angry and filled with hatred. I laugh. "Still naive I see. You picked your side and look where that has gotten you. They left you here knowing the allegations against you. They knew it would lead to your death, they just didn't care," I laugh at her predicament, unable to help myself.

"Cel cares more for me than you ever could," Dawn spits at me, and I laughed in her face. "If Cel cares so much then where is she now," I laugh watching her face fall. "Oh she really did a wonderful job using you," I say. " You're the one who cursed me," she yelled. I do not deny the obvious allegations. "I did what was best for you, at least then you knew the truth," I tell her."It was not the truth, it was you controlling me and filling my head with your deluded version of the truth," she yells. "Do not raise your voice I command.

I put on my magic and watch as she screams out in pain as I fill her body with pain. "Stop," she pleads ,crying pathetically. Obviously the girl came out like her father." You will learn your place," I tell her. A week goes by with the same routine. I watch my army train ,and in the evenings I visit my daughter for an hour having a lovely lesson about where her place is. Soon shall be ready to be let out of that dungeon.

Today I have sent out a message to Marcella informing her about my possession of Dawn .I know the girl will not be able to resist trying to save her sister. When it is dark I get the response I expected. Marcella wants to meet an inter to discuss my exchange my box in return for Dawn. I chuckled as I let out Dawn from her cage. "Seems your sister does care for you," I say throwing the crumpled up note at her. Marcella has no idea that I will be bringing my entire army with me.

I watch as Dawns face pales as she reads the note. She looks up at me, her expression one of horror and disgust. "This s what you are Dawn. A mere object to trade around," I tell her gently. "You will never be anything but a tool for this war," I say. Her fierceness leaves her expression and I watch as doubt clouds her expression. <y daughter is so...predictable. It is a pity that she came out like her good for nothing father. I will have to discard her in the same way I got rid of him.

After this, she will no longer be of any use to me. She will be determined to prove me wrong and will get in the way of my plans. Silly little girl had to go and side with the wrong people. At least I cannot blame myself for her insolence, I did not raise the ungrateful brat. My army was ready. Dawns sprit was almost completely broken. Marcella had fallen for my trap as easily as I expected. The only factor I would have to be wary of was Prince Lucien. Knowing Marcella, she would not tell him, but even then I have to be prepared for his arrival.

I allow Dawn to be shackled in a servants room where she is cleaned and put together to look presentable for our meeting tomorrow. I wish things were different, after all she is my only child. The fact that my blood betrayed me pains me every day. despite not being a present mother, I was there every step of the way, ensuring she was well fed and educated better than I was at her age. She simply forgot about everything I did for her. Now she knows her place.

Sad that she forgot how useless she was and imagined herself as some sort of hero. Knowing your place is highly important. To many people forgotten, Marcella being the worst of them all.A daughter of a nobody thinking she will be someone important. Thinking she can outsmart me now that her perfect match is a strongly powered royal. Silly girl. She forgets how much control I have over her life. I get the final say. Not her. The silly little girl needs a harsh reminder of her place, just like Dawn did. As for the Prince, he will be the hardest, but even he will learn what he is meant for, death. Silly little children think they have a say. Think that they can change the world.

Only one person would be capable of changing the world for the better; me. I go back to my chambers and check each of my items. I look out at the moon, seeing that it is finally full. It is time. Placing each gem together along with my crystal of light and the band from the skull, I know everything is ready. I have waited for years for the timing to be right. No-one was going to ruin this for me. How could they when they had no idea what I had planned?

Muttering the spell, I focus all of my magic into what I'm doing. Outside, I hear the beginning of a storm, and the moonlight no longer surrounds me. I open my eyes grinning at the object in front of me. "Perfect," I say, picking up my crown of power and placing it on my head.

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