3.Strange Behavior

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A week passes with no improvement. Dawns frustrations with her husband has increased in this week. The Princess only interacts with the maid that brings her meals and with me, even though that mostly consists of her complaining while I look around to ensure no-one is eavesdropping. I haven taken trips around the Palace in this week and as a result I know the layout pretty well. I am not surprised when Dawn enters my room, the girl bored with nothing to do. I am never as occupied as she is and often left with nothing to do for months. "Lets go to the library," I suggest, knowing her love for books and I have seen the vast library when I wondered. Dawn will love it, and perhaps i will find useful information in those walls. I do not expect much, but at least I will be helping Dawn.

"Are we allowed to leave," she asks nervously. Dawn never does anything without permission. "This last week I wandered these halls and no one stopped me. I see no reason they would stop you, the Future Queen of both lands," I point out to her. Dawn bites her lip, thinking. "Wont it be dangerous," she asks knowing of spies , but not of their real intentions." That is why I am accompanying you Princess," I smile at her. Just then, the servant who usually serves Dawn her food bursts into my room. I frown at her behavior. "I apologize fir the intrusion , but I could not find you anywhere your highness," she says, her cheeks flushed. "What is the matter Clair," Dawn asks and I take my time to study the girl before me.

She is graced with a good figure and pale skin, her hair almost white in color , her eyes a dull blue. She is to beutiful to be a servant and her mannerisms lead me to believe it does not come natureally to her. I am sure Dawn knows the girls story,but it is none of my business."The Prince has requested your presenece for lunch in the dining hall,"Clair announces. I do not miss the way Dawns face lights up.I am highly suspicious when we arrive at the dining hall. The Prince is already seated , the table laid out with food , obviously set out for two. Clair stands alongside other servants by the all and i stand at the opposite end, merely observing.

I must admit, I eat a lot more here than I expected to, even having meals delivered to me by another servant, one i see standing next to Clair. "I'm sorry for how we started this relationship," The Prince begins, trying to sound solemn and I roll my eyes at his pathetic excuse. I Look over to Dawn to see her paying attention fully and have to bite back a groan. "I was angry and took it out on you and for that I must apologize," he says, his voice so sincere it almost fools me. "I understand. It is difficult for booth of us," Dawn is to nice. "I was hoping we could start over , and give thus relationship another try,' he suggests. To my dismay, Dawn agrees.

This defiantly complicates things for me with regards to my task. Dawn looks pretty happy that they have agreed on something, her happiness radiating of her as she eats. When I look at the Prince my blood runs cold to see he is already staring at me with a smirk on his face. As if he knows I don't want Dawn around him. As if he is challenging me to make my next move. He maintains eye contact with me as he takes dawns palm in his and holds her hand as he eats. He studies my face for a reaction, but I give him none. Honestly his actions confuse me. I do not know what game he is playing but I have no interest in being part of it if it means hurting Dawn. Then it clicks. If Dawn starts to care about him...will I be able to carry out my job? I study the Prince one more time realizing I have been taking to long. I need to get my plan in motion. First, i need a plan.

The next morning, I awaken uneasy. I can hear Dawn moving about in her room. But what if its not her I'm hearing? I can identify people by the sound of their footsteps , an it sounds like her, but you can never be to sure. I enter her room after knocking gently. I find Dawn rummaging through her closet. Shes not normally awake so early. "Is something wrong Princess," I ask her, taking in her flurry of movements. "No ! The Prince invited me for a tour of his gardens after breakfast , just the two of us and I have nothing to wear," she groans at me . I cant help feeling uneasy. Why is the Prince determined to get her alone? What if he has something terrible planned?

I glance at the thin black band on the Princess wrist and relax. "Please be careful Princess, you know what to do if you need my assistance,"I tell her. She smiles at me"You worry to much Cel. I am safe with my husbanf, but I will call you if I need you,I promise,"she says. I sigh at her naivety and am grateful she sgreed to call me Clair enters the room with dawns breakfast. "Oh thank goodness its you.I need your help,"Dawn gushes and I leave them to it. Being a guard I had my own uniform, light blue pants and an orange long sleeve shirt. The colors of the land of light make me look unflattering.

Perhaps that is why the Queen insisted I wear it. I am only obliged to wear it on duty, but I don't really own other clothes. I head down to the kitchen where I spot the girl who usually brings me breakfast with a tray. "I apologize for the delay," she stutters out. I smile at her." No need , I will be eating here today," I say. "What is your name," I ask the overly skinny girl who looks to be 15 , her skin as pale as Clair's' , her hair a light brown. "Addie," she answers quietly. "Well Addie don't be so scared, at least not of me," I tell her. The frail girl nods in agreement. I eat my breakfast, thank her and leave.

Soon I find myself in the library , sad I could not show Dawn this amazing room. I walk down the vast shelves of books. Would there be any history here? Probably not. useful books were always in a private , restricted library. A book tiyle catches my eye. "Magic and Runes" Unable to resist my curiosity, I pull the book of he shelf. Perhaps I wint find informtion to help my taks,but is it possible to find information to help me? i page through the book that lists different types of magic , the rarity and cost of each. They explain each rune symbol. Nothing I don't already know. I reach the end of the book with a frown.

That was general knowledge. And not in the least bit helpful. I sigh deeply. I didn't expect my solutions to come to me easily. "Good book," a familiar voice says. I look up to see the Prince and hide my surprise. why did i not hear him come in ? "Its alright," I respond getting up to return the book to its place. The Prince follows me. What is he doing here? Isn't he supposed to be giving Dawn a tour of the Gardens ? "I recommend this book," he says pulling out a book with a dark cover. I read the title :"Balance" . Warily I accept the book from his hold.

"Its far more interesting than the one you just read," he says. Why is he talking to me? His weird behavior unnerves me. He is up to something , and I need to figure out what it is. "The Princess informed me you would be giving her a tour of the Garden alone. I trust she will be safe," i say. He lets out a chuckle. "I am more than capable of taking care of my wife Cel," he purposefully calls me the name I did not want him to use. I keep myself composed. This is not new to me. He has no idea who he is dealing with.

Why does he call me by a nickname but always refers to Dawn as his wife? I am highly suspicious of this man. He is cunning and probably is playing a game we are all a part of. What role do I play in his plans? "Appearances can be quite deceiving," he say to me as if I do not know. "For example your Princess who appears kind and brave. She is just an attention seeking fool, "he says. I try my best not to attack him. "It is not my fault you are only able to see things in a negative light your highness," I respond sharply, displeased with the way he speaks about Dawn.

"Or Clair who looks like a servant but once belonged to a noble house," he continues and I wonder why he is telling me all of this. "Does this rule also apply to you," I cant help but respond. The Prince grins at my arrogance. "Yes . You see me as someone evil. Dark. And yet you and I have a lot more in common than you realize," he says and I cant help but think he is crazy. I am nothing like him. "Like me you have a darkness within you. The only difference is you refuse to let yours free," he smirks. "I am from the Kingdom of Light," I tell him, refraining from rolling my eyes. "Everyone has Light and Darkness within them," he says , as if he is trying to convey more than what he is saying . As if his words have another meaning.

"For example. Assassins sent to the Kingdom of Light were not caught and returned," he says and I find it difficult to react. "They were killed," he steps closer to me. I find myself looking into his grey eyes. "By you." With those final words, he disappears in a cloud of smoke, leaving me with a racing heart and the realization that he knows exactly who I am.

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