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"I didn't know we has passageways," Dawn whispers to Marcella who is leading us by a fire torch. Neither did I , had I known , I could have won this war easily. Why did Marcella never mention them? Not once when we discussed tactics did she mention these. I ordered her so that she would not be able to withhold information about this Kingdom. So why, and more importantly how did she not tell me about this? "I do not think of these often. They are a secret for a reason. I often hid here to avoid sleeping in the dungeon, and to get to assassins easily," she says.

Dawn is silent after that. Something I find myself grateful for. That the stupid little girl has finally stopped asking questions she should already know the answer to. "They're secret passageways for reason," I roll my eyes still not understanding why Marcella didn't just ask me to teleport us into the castle. I suppose it's because because she doesn't trust me ,and with her being the only one who can navigate these passages she picked the safest option.

Marcella is surprisingly easy to read despite her trying her best to not let herself be predictable. I suppose I cannot blame her. As powerful as her magic is, she's still a person and that means my magic would still work on her. My magic walks on anything that is living. Glamour's ,memory changes, mood reading, inflicting moods, the ability to see a person's darkness and the ability to teleport. Most of my skill is mentor but that doesn't make it useless. In fact my magic it is probably the worst kind of magic there is.

Marcella shushes us ,tempting me to speak to spoil her precious plan just to rile her up. Marcella isn't very expressive ,but that doesn't mean I don't know how to get expressions and reactions out of her. After all she is my so called "perfect match". We circle out into a chaotic hallway, people are everywhere but do not notice us. They are all dressed in the same plain white clothes Marcella manifested for our group. Servants clothes, Dawn had called them. We blend right in. Marcella looks around the room, searching for something.

I must admit, I'm not impressed with all the sneaking around. With her power she should be able to level this castle with the thought, especially since she is now at full power .But typical of her, she is not going to use her powers unless she has to. What a waste of an amazing talent. It really is a pity she wielded it. Had it been me, this war would have been over before it even had begun. Marcella must think so well of herself for not using her magic. I do not .I consider her weak .I know the truth.

She's terrified of losing control. Of not being able to stop once she starts. Marcella Blackburn is a coward, but I can overlook that. She is proving to be more useful than I assumed she would be. With her power ,and hatred for the queen she is the ultimate weapon. Even with no magic. She's nothing if not resourceful and full of surprises. I still find myself puzzled at her minor disobediences to some of my orders. Not that it's anything worth wandering over till I get a new box. For now I will play her little game.

Marcella must find what she is looking for because she beacons us to follow her. We move quietly through this hallway to the next, which is filled with guards blocking the entrance to the throne room. I can hear the Queen even from here, probably addressing her people. " Today we were brutally attacked under what was supposed to be a peace treaty," she says as I survey the number of guards around the castle. Of course she did not take all of her men into battle." The men were massacred. We have no choice but to fight! It is obvious that the Kingdom of darkness has no sense of right or wrong."

"Halt," a guard orders. Looking up at him I watched as recognition filled his eyes. Marcella had told us to keep our heads down and stay quiet. I guess I must have forgotten her little rule." Why should I listen to you," I smirk. " Seize them," he alerts the other guards. Marcella curses under her breath drawing out her trusty daggers. She easily takes down the row of guards to the left, while Dawn blasts the guards to the right out of the castle wall.

While some one is learning quickly. I head straight towards the two guards and using my magic to aid me as I slice the first one down. The one loses his head ,falling backwards. The doors open at the impact of his body falling ,the head rolling into the ballroom .The Queen stares at me, horrified. I grin at her as I entered the ballroom ,her people screaming and running ,sounding purely terrified. As they should be. Today the Kingdom of Light will be mine. I will succeed.

"Guards," the Queen calls, using her crown of power to teleport herself to the other end of the ballroom, behind her people. The spineless woman would sacrifice them for her own life without even hesitating. Disgusting. Guards fill the room as the people run away, looking for a place to hide. Marcella and Dawn enter behind me and I almost grin at the look on Dawns face when she realizes I won't hesitate to kill everyone if it meant getting to the Queen. Anything to protect my Kingdom. She has to die. It is the only way for peace and prosperity for the innocent people.

"Traitor," the Queen shouts at Dawn, and I notice a look of hate on some of the commoners faces when they see their princess with us. Her people are anything but innocent. They are just and pathetic and corrupted as she was. Mindless sheep who believe everything their leader says. Just like their princess, they would make excuses and blame everyone but themselves. They are to blame for the state of this Kingdom. Marcella knows this, or she would not have been in this room with me. She would not be at my side if I were wrong.

"You are the traitor mother. You have been lying to me and our people for years," Dawn snaps, surprising me with her attitude. "Seize them," Eris orders her men. They charge at us from different directions. They meet their end at the same time. Long, purple spear like poles impale each one of them. I stare at Marcella, whose eyes glow purple, then at the sharp objects sticking out of the ground. "If you stand with the Queen, you die," she says. Half the people who were left in the room flee. The other half, mostly nobles, stay. They have no choice.

The Queen uses her magic, and I watch as they gain weapons , protection, and even magic. None of it matters though. Dawn, Marcella and I attack, Dawn simply knocking people unconscious. I corrupt their minds, sending them screaming on their knees as they decide to take their own lives, preferring death to my torture. Marcella looks over, and I almost catch a glimpse of recognition. That's not possible though, I made her forget each time I had tormented her mind. She is a tough one, I haven't had enough time to break down her mind fully.

I suppose that is what makes Marcella interesting. She still remains a partial mystery to me. When this is over, if I decide to let her live, I will know her mind whether she likes it or not. Marcella slices people down with her blades. Blood spatters the walls and stains the floor. People fall, body parts lay arranged in the wrong order. I spot Dawn, looking sick. Was she injured? I try not to get my hopes up, she is probably to weak to stomach the sight of blood.

I grin as the people try and fail, watching as Eris races further and further away. Coward. She can run, but she cannot hide forever. Not from us. Not here. This may be her Kingdom, but that does not mean she has the upper hand. Finally, no one is in our way, everyone lays lifeless across the floor. I look back at the two females who have accompanied me. Marcella is a sight, coated in blood so badly her hair almost looks deep red.

Dawn is pale ,sick of the bloodshed. "We're not done yet," I tell them. "We have a Queen to kill."

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