Chapter 5: Curiouser and Curiouser

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"The fire runs in through my being,

Burning, I'm not used to seeing you."

*All around me*


The days dragged on as the pair worked on the A-wing. It was still missing a few parts but other than was nearly ship shape. The pair had grown a little closer. As close as Liladel would allow. They talked about Poe's life mostly. About his mother Shara and his father Kes. Although he did managed to get few little details out of her. Where she was born. How long it's been since she left home. She was happy saying that much, but no more. It was more about his safety than hers. Knowing too much was dangerous.

On the fourth day, Liladel got quiet. She seemed to mulling something over in her mind. That morning, a grumpy Toydarian had stopped her in the street to have a private word. He made sure the Pilot wasn't in ear shot before handing her a small note. Poe didn't pry but he was so curious. She said nothing about it which wasn't a surprise to the pilot.

After some time working on the engine of the ship, Liladel stepped back to admire their work. She knew she would need a little more money to get the last few parts they needed. Her brows knit together for a moment thinking. Kuzu had started work on the stabilisers. He sat in the cockpit watching the pair curiously. He had known Liladel for some time and though she was kind, she had never shown this amount of care before.

"You know this is the fastest i've ever patched up a ship. I should have help more often." Poe smiled at Liladel. He was quite enjoying her company, even if she was a little...prickly at times.

She looked to Poe for a moment but didn't respond to his statement.

"It's getting late, we should head back. We can review everything tomorrow."

Lalidel was a tough cookie to crack. He didn't quite understand her. Sometimes she had a childlike look in her eyes. Other time she spoke like soldier. And there was no in between. He liked her, sure. But she was difficult to get close to. 

They said goodnight to Kuzu before making their way out. He chuckled heartily watching the pair leave. He saw with more than eyes.

On the walk back, Liladel didn't raise her head from looking at the ground once. It was kind of unnerving to say the least. If Poe didn't know anybody better, he'd say she looked guilty.

"So...I noticed you're well known around the village. Do you work there or something." Poe asked tentatively.

"I do a bit of work at Maz's temple, and with Kuzu at the garage. It's not much but it gets me by." She looked up at the distance for the first time and Poe could see they were close to her home. Suki lay sprawled out, fast asleep near the front door.

"That's cool. But if you're so well known why do you live all the way out here?" Liladel paused for a moment not really sure what to say. The truth was a secret Liladel kept closely guarded. So she simply said...

"It just so I can protect Suki. Out here he's safe." She looked at Poe keeping a straight face.

"Ah yeah that makes sense."

Liladel didn't speak much more that evening. Simple pleasantries. But she was too deep in thought. The note was tightly tucked into her pocket from a friend of a friend. A business opportunity that she could not turn down. For that much money. She was willing to do it.

She bid Poe a goodnight again and headed to her room. He was concerned at how quickly she wanted to get away, but didn't question her on it. He watched himself in the mirror of the small bathroom. Liladel had graciously given him a spare tooth brush which, in all honesty, was the best thing to happen to him this whole time. It's the simple things.

𝖘𝖆𝖛𝖆𝖌𝖊 𝖉𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖎𝖔𝖓 // 𝖕𝖔𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖒𝖊𝖗𝖔𝖓Where stories live. Discover now