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"That's my favourite story grandma, tell me about when you went to mixed high school!" chirped a frail brown-haired girl as she settled under the winter blankets.

On the other side of the room, an old woman was hugging herself in her handmade shawl, watching the blizzard outside the window. There was no better feeling than feeling protected in one's own home while the cold snow raged outside.

The old woman sighed, and smiled faintly at her granddaughter who was squirming under the covers in a whimsical manner. "it's a long story dear...wouldn't you rather I tell you a fairy tale from your favourite book?"

The little girl wrinkled her forehead, and shook her head. "I want your story grandma, you tell it so well." The old woman sat awkwardly at the foot of the bed adjusting the clip in her hair. "Alright Annette, but only one part alright? It's late, you know your mum doesn't want you to go to bed late when she's not here."

The child's eyes lit up, and she settled even better inside her soft blankets. The old woman settled the shawl around her thin shoulders once more, and caught her breath.

Peintures vivantes - Joseph DescampsWhere stories live. Discover now