Que s'est-il passé ?

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A good three long years have passed. You must be wondering what has happened during all this time, and I am here to tell you about it.

After the end of the third school year at Lycée Voltaire, a lot happened. Michelle and Laubrac ran away, causing much consternation throughout the town, but at the end of the day, they returned after a few days.

I still vividly remember the moment when Michelle told us every last detail of those days spent with Alain, and Simone's dreamy eyes. Ah yes. Simone and Jean Pierre are no longer together, I think at least.

We haven't heard from Simone and I for a long time now, and Jean Pierre, after the various messes with Joseph and me, is said to have entered at law school. Predictable, I dare say. Of Simone, I have no fresh news, as of Michelle and Alain.

I kept in close contact with Annick, who officially became my most trusted friend. After the headmaster's announcement that the experiment of welcoming us girls into the boys' high school was 'over', we both moved to another high school, a girls' one, in the south of France. It was from that moment on that we definitely lost contact with Simone and Michelle, as they went to another high school.

For two consecutive years, we stayed in class together and cultivated a wonderful friendship. In the meantime, we kept close relations with Henri Pichon, who continued to attend Voltaire (Annick and Pichon made up, after the argument they had during the end-of-year party). Every weekend, Annick, Pichon and I would get together and go for a walk around town, while Pichon would tell us about everything that was going on in our old high school.

To be honest, I always felt nostalgic as he juggled the events of Voltaire. That was a stormy, difficult and sufficiently hostile year. But man, I will never forget anything....

All of a sudden, the day of state exams and high school graduation came knocking at the door, catching us off guard. In no time, I was a high school graduate and in the throes of a diKicult choice to make: university.

I admit, the choice was hellish. I have always been a terribly indecisive girl; it is no coincidence that I was born under the zodiac sign of Libra. I loved many things, and I was interested in many other things too, but in the end I enrolled in Mathematics.

Annick too, after various indecisions, enrolled at the same university as me, and so did Henri. Reasoning about it, all three of us have always been very good at maths and proficient with numbers.

The summer before university classes started, Annick and I decided to take our first solo holiday, without parents. It was a wonderful experience, and in three days of absolute freedom, we visited Marseilles.

With the start of university, I decided to move to the big city with Annick, and together we share a small flat, where we often invite our old friends, such as Pichon, Applebaun and Lamaziere. I also decided to start working as a waitress at the university bar, to scrape together some money and pay part of my university fees.

Yes, I know. I know very well what you are wondering and waiting to hear. And Joseph? Do I really have to talk about it?

Yes, it is true. At the end of the school year we were back on very good terms, but most likely my guardian angel enjoys playing with my life, and decided to pair me up with a boy who more than a boy, I would dare to call an "irritating rogue."

No, don't worry, I'm not mad at him. No. Or rather, yes. I detest him with all my being, because every time we get close again, he manages to ruin everything and send me into a rage, with that irritating smile of his, which, however, I have never forgotten and I think I will never forget.

After being back on good terms and having resolved the issue with Jean Pierre, we had a wonderful summer together. The most beautiful of all, I admit. We got to know each other's families very well, and we became very close. I loved him with every inch of my heart, I swear.

But as fate would have it, we are not meant to be together. I am far too touchy, he far too irritating and proud. Towards the end of the summer, we ended up fighting over some bullshit, and neither of us took the other's reaction well. Most probably, my being so touchy and argumentative contributed to irritating Joseph, who at the same time, drove me mad with his usual phrases.

"Leave me alone Seyedoux"
"This is who I am." To hell with that! What a useless excuse, I told him. He knew perfectly well he wasn't like that, but he was enjoying the act, and I couldn't stand it any longer. As always, I went to his house to clarify.

But unlike last time, I got a nice door on my nose, and an accompanying 'you fucked up'. I remember that moment vividly, and the anger that had erupted inside me. How come we always ended up fighting like two idiots. He was always too proud to admit his mistakes.

The fact is that after that door in my face, I left, and I didn't look back, not by a long shot. He could forget about me coming back like the first time. Consequently, 'you fucked up' were the last words I heard coming from his lips, bent in a pout with a cigarette clenched tightly between his teeth.

After the start of the new school year in the new high school, whenever Annick and I would meet with Pichon, he would tell us about the happenings in class. Henri and Joseph were still classmates, and after I left his life, he returned to torment his classmates. Stupid.

I politely asked Henri not to talk to me or update me any more about Joseph. Every time I was reminded of a memory of him, like his cigarettes, or his bloody smile, I suKered.

I don't know what happened to him. I don't know if he is enrolled at university, or what he has done with his mediocre behaviour and arrogance.

I still hate him. And I'm unlikely to change my mind. Not least because, after the trip to Marseilles, I met a boy from the city called Vincent, a year older than me. It is funny yes, but I tell you he is the complete opposite of Descamps.

He is extremely kind, loving, and very polite. It would be trite to say that he doesn't smoke at all, and has a much less proud nature than that other good-for-nothing. 


author space:

welcome back everyone!!!♡♡

I have been very happy with all the comments received over the last few days about continuing my story.

How did you like this initial report? Tell Meee!♡♡Yes I know, there is not always good blood between the two protagonists, but there is always time!

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