Promenade nocturne

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After the party was over, I made the decision to stay and help Simone and Pichon tidy up a few things around the house. As I take care of the last glasses, I turn around to check on the situation: Jean Pierre is sitting quietly in the living room armchair, looking half-asleep. Outside, on the veranda, I see Descamps from behind, enveloped in a cloud of smoke as he smokes a cigarette.

Pichon thanks us with a tired smile. 'Thank you girls. What an eventful party, eh?" And indeed, the party was more than eventful. I had a heated argument with Descamps, Jean Pierre got drunk and Pichon told Annick to go to hell.

"Jean Pierre, get up. We have to go," Simone urges him, making him get up with difficulty. As they leave the veranda, I follow them and stop beside Descamps, who is still intent on smoking. "Simone, can I come with you too? I'm on my way anyway."

Simone smiles and nods. "I'll come too," Descamps interjects, putting out his cigarette. I give him a furious look, trying to push him away, but Simone behind me willingly accepts. "Simone?!" I turn to her, who shrugs. "If Jean Pierre collapses on the floor, who will get him back up? The two of us? Do me a favour, Romy," she replies, settling Jean Pierre's arm on her shoulder.

Descamps walks past me satisfied. "Yes, Romy. Don't be ridiculous. I'm always good for something." He replies satisfied, turning his rogue smile on me, which I am now fond of.

At first I stand still, undecided whether to accompany Simone and Jean Pierre to Descamps' side.

We set off in silence, all four of us, and in a few minutes, Simone and Jean Pierre pick up the pace and leave Descamps and me behind. I remain silent, walking alongside him, while in front of me Jean Pierre walks crookedly and babbles nonsense to Simone, who is obviously exhausted. A choked laugh escapes Descamps.

"Don't laugh," I admonish him with a serious air.

"Oh my God, what's wrong with you? Are you menstruating?" he replies with a mixture of annoyance and amusement.

"Funny, typical male joke with an underdeveloped brain."


"You two in the back, shut up! I am already exhausted on my own, please!" scolds Simone, without turning towards us, continuing to support Jean Pierre. We shut up for a few minutes, but then Descamps pinches my hip and I try to slap him. Luckily for him, he is very tall and I can't hit his face.

"Stop teasing me..." I warn him, keeping my gaze fixed in front of me.

"I don't think I'll stop, I love teasing you." He replies. A slight smile arises on my lips, which I immediately chase away.

Silence falls, and we both focus on Jean Pierre and Simone, walking a few metres away from us. "Simone." Jean Pierre calls her name, and I see his sideways visa, twisted into a lopsided grin. He stops, and Simone is forced to stop to keep her balance. Descamps and I stop a few metres behind, while he lights a cigarette.

"Will you stop smoking?"

"Leave me alone."

"I love you..." stutters Jean Pierre, still with a puppy smile on his face. "Jean Pierre enough. Let's talk about it later shall we?" replied Simone, trying to shake him. "NO, I don't want to talk about it later!" he replies annoyed, throwing himself down on the floor.

Descamps and I step forward, unsure whether to help Simone. "I want to talk about it now..."

"Jean Pierre I'm tired now! I want to go home."

Jean Pierre doesn't want to get up at any cost, and remains with a dumb smile, sitting on the cold concrete. "Come on, let's go." She encourages him, grabbing his hand and pulling. Descamps finally puts out his cigarette in amusement, and joins them.

"Come on man. Get up," and pulls him up with incredible strength, looping his arm around his neck.

"Thanks..." says Simone breathlessly, and we start walking again, now all in the same line. "Look, we're almost there." Says Simone, pointing to the Magnan's butcher shop. I breathe a sigh of relief, smiling at her.

"Everything's spinning here. My head is spinning." Jean Pierre begins to moan, only to drop dead weight into Descamps' arms, who can't hold him up in surprise. Jean Pierre lies on the ground, sighing. "Get up big boy." Descamps urges him on, trying to pull him up.

"Simone? Can you hear me or not?" he starts babbling, and beside me, Simone rolls her eyes, exhausted. "I LOVE YOU!"

"It's not me Simone, dummy. Get up, you're being too loud." Descamps hisses, finally managing to get to his feet.

I hear a sound of a door opening, and as soon as I turn around, I see Jean Pierre's father step out into the night. "Hello, your son needs help." I greet him, as Descamps approaches with Jean Pierre on his back.

I stand alone by the roadside, waiting for Simone and Descamps to return. Street lamps illuminate the streets with dim light and some of the windows of the Magnan house are lit. I am enveloped in an unexpected silence, which relaxes me all at once.

'Finally,' Simone tells me desperately, approaching accompanied by Descamps. Unexpectedly, all three of us laugh together. "He was really drunk as hell." I say laughing and Simone agrees with me.

As soon as we stop laughing, I make eye contact with Descamps, and turn serious for a moment. "Sorry guys, I have to run. My aunt is waiting for me and I'm running late. See you tomorrow! Last day of school!" says Simone enthusiastically, disappearing into the dark, leaving me alone with Descamps.

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