L'arme pour blesser Joseph

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The next day, I arrive at school running like hell. Man, I almost wish I had a new alarm clock instead of that junk that makes me late for school at least three times a week!

As soon as I get off my bike, I see the deserted courtyard and slam my fist on my forehead. 'Damn it! I've already received a reprimand!" and I start running, clutching my backpack. I walk heavily down the corridor and throw open the door to my classroom, entering with bated breath.

Everyone falls silent and looks at me confused. Annick, sitting elegantly in the front row, looks at me. I slowly turn to the science teacher, who looks at me sternly. "Did your alarm clock by any chance end up in the dirty laundry bucket full of water? Give me the booklet."

I squint my eyes and pull my booklet out of the folder, placing it on his hand. He quickly opens it, clicks the pen and observes my disciplinary warnings. "We are two delays, Miss Seyedoux. You will be in school two hours after class today. Go sit down." I pick up my booklet and sit down next to Annick, not before meeting Joseph's gaze.

I cover my face in shame as the professor resumes his science lesson.

Once the lesson is over, I remain seated, still hiding my face in my hands. "Is there anything I can do for you Romy?" asks Annick gently, getting up and taking a few steps back and forth in front of our desks.

"Treat me to a new working alarm clock. If I keep going at this rate, I'll have to be here every day after class next week in detention." I whine, rubbing my fingers over my eyes. Annick remains silent, watching me as someone who feels sorry for you but doesn't want to tell you so as not to hurt your feelings would.

After a few minutes of despair, I open my eyes again and look around. Everyone is busy talking to each other; some are studying. Joseph, as soon as he sees me, gets up and comes towards me. He rests a hand on my back, and sits down in Annick's seat. 'Don't be so tragic. Two hours of detention is nothing."

"They're nothing to you. I've never ended up in detention."

Not hearing him reply, I turn to look at him and his look is a little offended. "Sorry, I didn't mean it." I apologise, and smile at him.

"You'd better go to the bathroom to wash your face." He tells me, getting up and going to sit in his seat.

After English class, I decide to go to the bathroom, and Annick accompanies me. We remain silent the whole way, but as soon as I lock myself inside the toilet, I shriek. "Joseph's right: you're overreacting Romy. Two hours go by, calm down."

"That's not the problem! My parents will be very angry!"

Annick remains silent, pondering how to answer me.

"Can I tell you something? But promise me you won't make any stupid moves." She asks me. I open the door wide, startling her.

"My God Romy! Does this look like way? You scared the hell out of me."

"What do you have to tell me?" in a fairly calm tone.

"This morning, before classes started, I arrived and found Jean Pierre talking to his classmates about you."

Strangely I remain calm, and breathe. I close my eyes and pinch my nose. "What's going on in your head?" he asks me, alarmed.

"What's on my mind is that I'm going to go to Jean Pierre now and tell him four things!" I say, and walk out of the toilets, followed by Annick.

"Romy! Please wait!" she keeps calling me, trying to keep up with me. Jean Pierre's class is the one next to ours: that's why that damn day, after the prank on Michelle, he arrived in a flash to smash Joseph's glasses. I pass my class without even giving Simone and Applebaun a glance, and enter Jean Pierre's class.

"Jean Pierre?" I call to them, and in the crowd of boys much older than me, I see his face turn towards me, and his smile fade. He stands up, and squints at me, overbearingly. I make myself as big as I can, and keep a cool head.

"If you're going to talk about me, at least say the mean things to my face. Saying them behind my back doesn't make you look so good."

A dead silence falls in the class, and his friends get up, staying behind him. "Watch out, the spy has arrived!" laughs one, adjusting his tie.

"I am not a spy!" I growl at him. Jean Pierre steps forward towards me. "No?"


"Indeed you are not." Says a friend of his, behind his back. I am confused, and remain silent. "You're just a little dog who goes after the bully in her class so she doesn't get bullied in turn!"

I remain silent as my dignity crumbles. "Doggy! Doggie! Doggie!" they all start chanting, along with Jean Pierre, in the front row. I stay where I am, trying not to get discouraged. "Go back to Descamps and lick his ass, maybe he'll save you a bucket of water on your head today too." Jean Pierre hisses.

"Isn't it better to put an end to this nonsense? Bury the hatchet Jean Pierre. It's no use hurting each other, putting me in the way." He remains silent, observing me with his green eyes. A slight smile arises on his lips.

I turn, and leave the classroom, taking Annick with me. During English class, I absent-mindedly listen to Professor Couret, and try to take notes. As soon as the end of class bell rings, everyone leaves the classroom. I, leaving my things on the desk to face the two hours of detention, accompany Annick and Pichon to the courtyard to have a word.

"Maybe you can get on with the science exercises. In case I can explain tomorrow, I have found a foolproof method." Henri consoles me, flanked by Annick. After greeting them, they descend the steps and walk away towards the exit. From a distance I see Joseph, sitting in his usual place, on the little wall, with Dupin and Vergoux; cigarette in mouth.

As soon as I smile as I observe the boy I love, a hand pulls me back, grabbing my wrist. I turn around, and hands grab my face. Without giving me time to protest, lips rest violently on mine.

I try to wriggle out of their grasp, but the grip of the hands is too strong, and I don't have enough strength to break free. After a few seconds of kissing, we break away and I see Jean Pierre smiling wickedly at me. I remain motionless, a mixture of anger, frustration and fear hovers in my veins. "What the hell are you doing!"

"I will take my revenge. I know you didn't want to be put in the middle, but you are the best way to hurt Descamps." After which he abandons me, overtaking me. I turn around confused and alarmed, and looking towards the little wall, I don't see Joseph. I go down a few steps, and meet his dull gaze. He has stood up, and observed the whole scene.

"Joseph!" I shout, trying to reach him, but Professor Giroud blocks me. "Seyedoux, go back to the classroom. You have two hours of detention today."



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