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Gentle rays of sunlight filter through the window, settling on my eyes, waking me up. Slowly opening my eyes, I feel annoyed by the strong light and move my head backwards. I soon realise that Joseph is still asleep behind me, one arm pillowed under my head, and one arm holding me tightly at belly level.

I lie still for a few minutes, savouring his warmth and gentle, loving presence. I move a hand and place it in his, which clenches instinctively, warming me. I turn my head slightly, looking for his face, sunk into my hair.

Because of the movement of my hair, his eyes open slightly and as soon as he catches sight of my face, he smiles. His smile is tremendously beautiful and charming. I love him madly. I smile back at him, and turn completely around, moving closer to his nose. "How long have you been awake?" he asks me, his voice still sleepy.

"A while. You know, you're nice to look at while you're asleep too..." I whisper, placing a kiss on his cheek. Joseph squints and stretches, shaking off all the blankets. After settling himself properly, he gets on top of me, but without crushing me, and starts playing with my fringes. I slowly run my hands over his bare back, and end up in his hair. He kisses me romantically, then moves on to my cold neck.

"Searching but not finding" I tease him, but before I can laugh, an electric shock rises up to my neck and I clasp my hands to his hair, breathing noisily. I feel his lips smile on my skin moistened by his touch. After fiddling with my soft spot, he returns to my lips. "When will you realise it's better not to tease and challenge me?" he asks, kissing my nose, cheeks and forehead.

"I'm stubborn, remember?"

"Yes, I understood that. And I love you for it."

I blink, as he continues to lay little kisses on me. Joseph has just told me I love you. I take his face in my hands, and search for his gaze. "I love you too..." I whisper to him, and a bright smile arises on his lips. We kiss again, fuelling desires once more.

"Joseph..." I call to him, while he is busy caressing my body. "I have to go...or else my parents will write me off..."

He rises to look at me, looking alarmed. "But you are missing. You are my prisoner, and you will never get out of here." He says jokingly, returning to kiss me.

After a few more minutes of effusions, kisses and caresses, I resolve once and for all to get out of bed and put on my bra. Joseph settles under the covers, remaining stretched out. "Do you have to?"

"I'd like to avoid coming home late than the time agreed with my parents, plus without a bra." I answer him amused, and after picking up my blouse and his shirt, I toss him the garment that falls on his head.

After half an hour, I find myself in his hall, ready to leave. Joseph kisses me again, squeezing my wrists. "I miss you already..." he whispers.

I walk out of his house, and the cold air permeates my body. Until a few minutes ago I was enveloped in Joseph's warmth, and now I find myself on the street, among people celebrating for the New Year. I decide to change my route, and lengthen it to relax and prepare for the journey home and the thousand questions from my mum and Marion.

Turning the corner, to pass through the centre of the village, I see in the distance Simone coming out of Michelle's house with an upset air. "Simone!" I shout, to get her attention. As soon as she hears her name, Simone turns, waving her raven black hair, and meeting my gaze, she greets me.

"Romy! Happy New Year!" he says, approaching me and hugging me.

"What are you doing here Romy?" he asks me, still with a smile on her face. I swallow loudly and look away from her eyes. "Um..." I search for a plausible excuse, but none comes to mind at the moment.

"Did something serious happen?" he asks me worriedly. 'Serious for you, yes. I say to myself.

'I was at Joseph's...' I spit out, hoping for a calm reaction from her. She continues to smile and hugs me.

"Don't hold. There's nothing wrong with falling in love with a person. If you like him, it's because he's right for you." She tells me, lifting my mood. Thank goodness she didn't get angry.

"You're not angry?"

"And why would I be angry?" she asks me, with a raised eyebrow. I shrug, meaning that I don't even know my own.

"You like each other? Party!" she tells me, laughing. "Shall we make our way home, together?" he asks, and I nod silently.

"Did you go to wish Michelle and Jean Pierre a happy birthday?" I ask her, as I caught a glimpse of her leaving their house.

"Yes, they are both grounded. Their parents are furious. In fact, they didn't really appreciate my presence in their house." She says in a sad tone, adjusting her hat. I keep my gaze ahead, into the distance. I don't know what to answer her.

"Michelle is desperate, her parents are now much stricter with her. They say it was a stupid idea to send her to the mixed high school. It got her brother in trouble, and also destroyed their reputation as a family."

"I am very sorry Simone. I dare not imagine Michelle and Jean Pierre's sadness right now."

"Jean Pierre more than sad, he's furious."

"With Joseph, I gather."

Simone stops and looks at me, and I feel a bad feeling pervade my thoughts.

"No, he's furious with you."

"At me!?" I shout, widening my eyes and grabbing Simone by the shoulders, alarmed.

"Yes, according to him it was you who told Joseph about our secret relationship, and Alain and Michelle's relationship. He knows you saw us that night in the park."

"No Simone! It wasn't me, I swear."

"I believe you Romy, I tried to change Jean Pierre's mind but he is externally convinced of his ideas." She replies, and we walk back. I cannot believe it; why Jean Pierre believes me guilty of their misdeeds, just because I am romantically involved with Joseph. I begin to fear for him.

"I am not made to hate anyone. What happened happened. I think it's time to draw a pious veil. Joseph received his punishment, as did Jean Pierre. But he does not put his heart at rest. I hope he doesn't do anything stupid when he returns to high school." He sighs, and after saying goodbye to me, walks away, towards the street of her house.

I remain alone, in silence, walking towards my house.I am in trouble. In fact, we're in trouble.

Peintures vivantes - Joseph DescampsWhere stories live. Discover now