Nouvel An

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"Annick!" I call her as soon as she answers the phone.

"Romy! How are you?" she asks me in a cheerful tone. As I hold the handset close to my ear, I look out the window and check the weather.

"I'm not complaining. Although I must admit I haven't opened any books and started any holiday homework yet. I guess you..."

"Yes, I've almost finished all my homework and have moved on with Latin, English, French and history." She replies with a slight satisfaction in the tone of her voice. I roll my eyes and smile. Still the same old Annick who doesn't enjoy a single day off from studying. "Are you at least celebrating tonight?" I ask her, fiddling with the handset cord.

"Yes, I would say so. I'm going with my mum to her friend's and we're going to celebrate the end of the year at her place."

"Make sure you don't take any books with you. I know you, eh. I'm serious," I say teasing her and hear her laugh. "And how are you celebrating today Romy?" she asks me and silence falls. I clutch the handset and check that I'm alone on the first floor of the house.

"Can you tell a lie?" I ask her in a low voice.

"I've already figured it out." She replies. I curve my eyebrow. "Come on, don't overdo it..."

"Yes, you're coming to spend the end of the year at my place tonight, but you'll actually be at Joseph's house." I blink. How does he know all this. "You don't miss a thing..." I snort. Annick will forever remain the most astute, intelligent and intuitive girl in the world, case closed.


After saying goodbye to all my family members, and shushing Marion who was beginning to be too insistent in asking me if I was really going to Annick's to celebrate the end of the year, I went out. The temperature is getting colder and wetter, so I squeeze tightly into my coat and adjust Marion's yellow scarf.

I walk towards Joseph's house, holding his present tightly in my hands. I tried to think of something nice, but being caught off guard with his gift, I had little time to think about it. I hope he appreciates.

The streets are full of people strolling; the shops are closed and people are enjoying the last day of the year to be together. I turn the corner, and after a few minutes I find myself in front of Joseph's front door. I am starting to get attached to this damn door. After knocking with my knuckle, I adjust my scarf once more and hide the package.

The door opens, and from behind it comes Joseph, who smiles as soon as he sees me. "Ten minutes late. I don't recognise you anymore." He teases me, letting me in. As I take off my coat, I grimace at him. "Always the joker." And, tiptoeing in, I grab his shirt collar and kiss him. He takes advantage of the moment, enjoying the touch of my lips.

"Come, I'm making dinner." He says enthusiastically, grabbing my wrist and leading me into the kitchen. The room is bathed in an inviting scent of... "Can you cook Ratatouille?" I ask him, confused.

He, not knowing whether to take offence or laugh, turns his back on me and goes back to working the vegetables in the pan. 'My mother was born and lived in Nice, she has been cooking this dish since she was born. And so she taught it to me too." He says contentedly, as I watch the vegetables cut into rounds.

After transferring them to the hot pan, he turns to look at me. I hand him the gift, smiling. "What about this? You didn't give me the present, did you?" he says, laughing. Opening it, he discovers inside the box some madeleines.

"Personally made by me. I can cook something too." I taunt him. "They will become the dessert of this dinner." He replies, starting to set the table.

"Man, this is so good." I compliment him, after tasting the dish. He gives me a puzzled look. "Why? What did you expect? I'm a renowned chef myself." He scoffs.

Peintures vivantes - Joseph DescampsWhere stories live. Discover now