Dernier jour

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When I wake up, I find comfort in sitting next to Joseph, still sound asleep. I run a hand through his hair and gently over his face, as memories of the past night surface. Beginning with a heated clash of emotions, the situation gradually changed direction, ending with sweet words and caresses that soothed any tension.

Without waking him up, I get out of bed, pick up his mother's dressing gown that had previously fallen to the floor, and after putting it on, I lock myself in the bathroom. I turn on the tap and the water rushes down forcefully, cool and clear.

As the cold water slides off my face, reflections on our nightly confrontation weave through my mind. Why am I so intensely involved with this boy? The confusion of emotions seems to rule my heart, one day pervaded by hatred, the next by passion. This endless loop makes me feel out of control, as if my mind and heart are navigating unknown waters.

I sit on the edge of the bathtub, wrapped in my dressing gown, and try to analyse the reasons behind these emotional ups and downs. Hate and passion seem to dance an intricate dance, confusing my perception of reality. I wonder if our love is destined to be a rollercoaster of emotions, or if there is a way to stabilise this wild ride.

As the confusion of emotions unravels within me, the fear of the last day of school creeps in like a dark shadow. I clasp my hands to my arms, as if trying to defend myself from what is about to happen, clasping myself in a fragile embrace.

The prospect of the headmaster possibly banning girls from attending high school next year casts an even darker shadow over the day.

I wonder what the future holds for us girls and how our lives will change after this school chapter.

I decide to get rid of the bad thoughts crowding my mind. I put back on the yellow dress worn during the party and return to my room. Without surprise, I find Joseph still sound asleep, on his stomach, his tanned back exposed. I grimace contritely, aware that we cannot afford to be late for the last day of school.

As I search the room for something to playfully wake him up without hurting him too much, I smile at his quiet vulnerability. I grab a pillow on the bed and, with a mischievous smile, lift it over Joseph's head. Before throwing it, I pause for a moment, contemplating the scene with a mixture of affection and playfulness.

With a sudden gesture, the pillow flies slightly over his head, landing beside him with a soft 'plop'. Joseph wakes up with a jump, confused and surprised by my little provocation. His sleepy look turns into a smile. "Good morning princess. I was hoping to deserve a more welcoming awakening," he greets me, in his usual sarcastic tone.

As he takes a seat, he turns his back to me to adjust his eye patch. I can't help but notice his vulnerability in that gesture, a side of him that he usually keeps hidden from others.

I respond to his greeting with a playful smile. "Oh, I'm sorry if the awakening didn't live up to your expectations." Our ironic dynamic, a way of masking deeper feelings, permeates the air as we prepare for the day.

The room fills with a vibrant light, heralding the new beginning. As we head into the last day of school, I can't help but feel a mixture of emotions. Seeing me thoughtful, he asks me if I am OK. I nod without answering, but he doesn't believe me.

"Do you think the headmaster will let the girls go back to high school next year?"

"I don't think so." He answers dryly, lighting his usual cigarette and placing it between his rosy lips.

His answer triggers even more fear and dread in me.

After a quarter of an hour, we finally arrive in front of the courtyard of the high school, and we separate to join our respective friends. As soon as I see Annick, she gives me a bright smile, but no sign of Henri.

Peintures vivantes - Joseph DescampsWhere stories live. Discover now