La colère de Jean Pierre

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"Well, have a nice lunch break gentlemen and ladies. See you again tomorrow for the correction of the vacation essays." Giroud dismisses us, with her usual viperous look shining through her half-moon glasses. Everyone gets up and starts putting their things in their folders, then leaves the classroom and heads to the cafeteria, for lunch.

"Annick, wait for me! I need to talk to you." I stop Annick, who, as always, is already ready standing in front of me. Her air is now no longer annoyed, but resigned. I place the last of my things in my briefcase, and closing it I meet Joseph's gaze as he approaches. After stroking my back, he asks me, "See you later." And he leaves the room with Dupin and Vergoux, in silence, hands in his pockets.

"I mean, I'm molting Romy, why are you always so slow?" says Annick impatiently. "I've got it, I've got it. I'm ready!" I say smiling, and she smiles back, giving me a little push toward the exit door. As we walk toward the cafeteria, I slow my pace, and she with me.

"What do you have to tell me Romy?" she asks, watching me curiously; always with a few books clutched to her chest. I look at her in turn, and after checking that I am alone with her in the hallway, I approach her ear.

She, as soon as she hears what I confide in her, stops and looks at me in amazement. "Gosh Romy!" she says excitedly, smiling at me. "I'm happy for you." She says, stroking my arm amicably. After a momentary pleasant feeling, I become gloomy in the face. "Simone confessed something to me, though. Jean Pierre is furious with me."

"Why would she be?"

"He thinks I told Joseph about the affair with Simone, and that Michelle and Alain see each other as a couple." I say, lowering my gaze, and walking back. She walks alongside me, looking neutral. "It doesn't make sense for you to be afraid Romy, you are not at fault. Your conscience is clear." She reassures me by standing close to me. We stand for a few meters in silence as I ponder what to do.

"At the end of today's classes I will talk to Joseph, more than for me, I am worried about him. The last fight did not end well, if you understand me." I reveal to her. After class I will confide my concerns to Joseph, and try to understand his point of view. By now I trust him; since he has opened up to me, I can trust him blindly. Together we will deal with this, hoping it will end for the best, as Simone told me.

"Yes, I understand!" hisses a male voice behind us. We turn on our heels, and as Annick shifts, Jean Pierre's tall body comes toward me, making me cling to the wall. His green eyes glare at me, and I feel my heart begin to beat wildly. "Jean Pierre, stop it!" says Annick to him, trying to stop him.

Jean Pierre remains as still as marble, and continues to stare at me with an angry look. "I didn't think you were a snitch, Seyedoux Romy!" he hisses, trapping me against the wall. I hold his gaze, challenging him. Annick is right: I have a clear conscience and no reason to be afraid of him.

"I didn't rat Jean Pierre out. Leave me alone," I tell him, trying to leave, but he stands in front of me, with his marble presence. "Whatever..." he hisses at me, in a low, cold tone. Annick, meanwhile, holding the book tightly to his chest, grabs his wrist and tries to pull him away from me, but to no avail. He is distinctly taller and stronger than she is.

I step forward, trying to gather as much courage as I can, and continue to stare at him. "You spied on my relationship with Simone, and now both Michelle and I are grounded. I congratulate myself Seyedoux. Betraying one's friend for that eyeless rascal..."

"is that a compliment Magnan?" hisses a very familiar male voice from behind his back. Jean Pierre turns sharply, and Joseph advances a step, glaring at him. Without warning, he grabs me by the wrist, and drags me behind his back, close to Annick, who gives me a fearful look.

"Descamps, what a pleasure..." growls Jean Pierre, holding his chin up. Joseph smiles at him, in his usual sarcastic tone, and I feel his hand still clasped on my wrist. "Why don't you go away Magnan, instead of bothering my two classmates?" he growls.

"We've got unfinished business Descamps, don't you think?" the tension is so palpable, you could spread it with a knife on a slice of bread. My heart is still beating wildly, and Annick, seeing me in a highly agitated state, lays a hand behind my back. "We don't have any unfinished business. So if you'll allow me, I'd go to lunch."

Joseph is about to leave, taking us with him, when Jean Pierre grabs his arm and drags him back. Joseph lets go of my wrist immediately and a faint, high-pitched cry comes out of my mouth, afraid that they might fight again. I notice with amazement, however, that Joseph maintains his composure, adjusting his shirt sleeve.

"An eye for an eye...Magnan. Now we're even. So leave me alone, and leave Romy alone too. Don't you dare speak to her again and accuse her of anything."

"She messed up my whole family, blabbing about my and my sister's affair to you! She deserves to be treated for what she is: a bloody traitor."

Joseph, contrary to my earlier belief, becomes enraged and pushes Jean Pierre to the wall. "Romy is not a traitor! If you who are an asshole who is unable to keep the clandestine affair hidden."

Jean Pierre's gaze becomes confused. "What did you think? One day I saw you two making out on a park bench near my house. Just as I saw your sister and Alain exchanging kisses on the street. If you really want your relationships to remain hidden, try to be smarter!" growls Joseph, slowly letting go of Jean Pierre's grip.

"I was far too kind to retaliate in this way. I could easily have unleashed a punch on your nose, breaking it. But unlike you, I don't hit people."

"You'll see when I spread rumors about your of relationship!" he threatens us.

As Joseph releases his grip and lets him go, Jean Via walks away with her tail between her legs. Joseph turns to Annick and me and adjusts his shirt collar. "Thank you," Annick thanks him, and after giving me a lopsided smile, he says, "I'll wait for you in the cafeteria," leaving me alone with Joseph.

Left alone, I turn to him. "I wanted to talk to you about this after class." I confess to him, crossing his gaze, which has grown worried and sweet in the process. "He didn't do anything to you did he?" he asks, looking at me and touching my arms.

"No, I'm fine Joseph. Don't worry about it. I just want this to be over as soon as possible. I'm so sick of it." I say exasperated. He places a kiss on my lips, and stroking my hair, he says, "Don't worry, as long as I'm around, Jean Pierre can't do anything to you."

As we walk toward the canteen, a doubt rises in my mind. "How did you know what was going on?" I ask him.

"I walked into the canteen, and I didn't see you sitting at your usual place. So I came looking for you." He reveals, keeping his gaze ahead of him.


Hi guys! do you like the chapters? let me know if yes!💜💜💜

these days I have been thinking: maybe I will also do the second part of this story, after the events covered in the series. I have some pretty nice ideas!

what do you think?

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