Destruction of The Grotto/Dick meets Flotsam and Jetsam

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Dick and Flounder enter the grotto.

Dick: Flounder, why can't you just tell me what this is all about?

Flounder: You'll see. It's a surprise.

Dick: (sees the statue of Angelica in the middle of the cave) Oh, Flounder- Flounder you're the best! It looks just like her. It even has her eyes. (speaking to the statue) Why, Angie, run away with you? This is all so - so sudden... (Dick laughs and twirls around. He gasps as he sees Bruce glaring in the entryway) Bruce!

Flounder hides behind a chest.

Bruce: I consider myself a reasonable merman. I set certain rules, and I expect those rules to be followed.

Dick: But Bruce!

Bruce: Is it true you rescued a human from drowning?

Dick: Bruce, I had to.

Bruce: Contact between the human world and the mer-world is strictly forbidden. Dick, you know that! Everyone knows that!

Dick: She would have died.

Bruce: One less human to worry about!

Dick: You don't even know her.

Bruce: Know her? I don't have to know her. They're all the same. Spineless, savage, harpooning, fish-eaters, incapable of any feeling.

Dick: (hiding behind the statue) Bruce, I love her!

Alfred bites his claw. A dramatic chord strikes.

Bruce: No... Have you lost your senses completely? She's a human, you're a merman!

Dick: I don't care.

Bruce: So help me Dick, I am going to get through to you. And if this is the only way, so be it.

Bruce's trident glows with lightning and the room is cast in an orange glow. Beams shoot from his trident and destroy a globe. Alfred ducks as he destroys various artifacts in the grotto. Bruce's eyes settle on the statue of Angelica.]

DIck: Bruce!... No, no... please- Bruce, stop! Bruce, No!

He blasts the statue, and it explodes into pieces. Ariel collapses on a rock and begins crying. Flounder and Sebastian watch as he leaves, with his head bowed sadly.

Alfred: Dick, I...

Dick: (still crying) Just go away.

Alfred pouts and turns to leave. Flounder follows behind. The camera pans out to show the destroyed grotto. Flotsam and Jetsam peer out over a shelf.

Flotsam: Poor child.

Jetsam: Poor, sweet child.

Flotsam: He has a very serious problem.

Flotsam: If only there were something we could do.

Jetsam: But there is something.

Dick: Who - who are you?

Jetsam: Don't be scared.

Flotsam: We represent someone who can help you.

Jetsam: Someone who could make all your dreams come true.

Flotsam and Jetsam: Just imagine -

Jetsam: You and your princess -

Flotsam & Jetsam: Together, forever...

Dick: I don't understand.

Jetsam: Morden has great powers

Dick gasps and places a hand to his heart.

Dick: The sea wizard? (shaking his head) Why, that's - I couldn't possibly - no! Get out of here! Leave me alone!

Flotsam: Suit yourself.

Jetsam: It was only a suggestion.

Jetsam flicks the statue's broken face towards Dick. He picks it up.

Dick: (looking at the face) Wait.

Flotsam and Jetsam: Yes?

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