Stall The Wedding

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Scuttle: The sea witch! Oh no... He's- I gotta... (In a rush to leave, he bumps his head on the porthole. He flies back to Dick.) Dick! Dick! Dick. I was flying, I wa - of course I was flying - An' - I s- I saw that the watch - the wizard was watchin' a mirror, and he was singin' with a stolen set o' pipes! (Scuttle picks up Alfred and clanks him against the ground repeatedly.) (yelling) Do you hear what I'm tellin' you? The princess is marrying the sea wizard in disguise!

Dick drops his jaw.

Alfred: (rubbing his head) Are you sure about this?

Scuttle: Have I ever been wrong? I mean when it's important!

Flounder: What are we gonna do!?

Dick looks to the setting sun and hears Morden's voice in his head.

Morden: Before the sun sets on the third day...

Dick leaps into the water and splashes around helplessly. Alfred cuts free some barrels for Dick to hang onto.

Alfred: Dick, grab on to dat. Flounder, get her to that boat as fast as your fins can carry you!

Flounder: I'll try.

Flounder loops himself onto the rope and pulls Dick along to the boat.

Alfred: I've gotta get to Bruce. He must know about this.

Scuttle: What - What about me? What about me?

Alfred: You - find a way to stall dat wedding!

Scuttle: Stall the wedding. Wh- what am I - what - that's it! (Scuttle squawks and takes off for the lagoon, alerting the other birds. Bluebirds and flamingos follow him. Starfish, lobsters, dolphins, and sea lions look up. The animals follow Scuttle.)  Move it, let's go, we got an emergency here!

Victor and Angelica walk down the aisle. Max snarls at him as he passes by, and he kicks him. A short bishop stands at the end of the aisle.

Bishop: Dearly beloved...

Flounder pulls Dick.

Flounder: Don't worry Dick. Ugh - we - we're gonna make it. We're almost there.

Bishop: Yes, um, do you Angelica, take Victor, to be your lawfully wedded wife, for as long as you both shall live?

Victor looks out to the sun, noticing it's almost set.

Angelica: I do.

Scuttle squawks.

Bishop: Eh, and do you... (A squadron of bluebirds swoop down from the sky, led by Scuttle, aimed directly towards Victor. He ducks. They circle around and fly under his suit. Max barks. Guests are alarmed as sea lions get on deck. Pelicans fly overhead and dump beaks full of water on Victor. A lobster pinches his nose and starfish smothers him.) (oblivious to the commotion) then by the power inves-

Victor: Get away from me you slimy little- (A sea lion tosses him in the air on his nose. Dick arrives and climbs up the ship. The sea lions toss Victor into the wedding cake. He pops out, furious, and three dolphins squirt water in his face. Scuttle squawks in his face.) Oh, why you little-

Victor wrings Scuttle's neck. Max breaks free from his leash. Max bites Victor in the rear and Scuttle pulls at Victor's necklace, which goes flying through the air. The necklace breaks and Dick's voice is restored. The spell on Angelica is broken and she grabs her head.

Angelica: Dick?

Dick: Angelica.

Max barks happily at him.

Angelica: You - you can talk. You're the one.

Angelica runs to him and grasps his hands

Victor: (now in Morden's own voice) Angelica, get away from him!

Morden covers his mouth.

Angelica: It - it was you all the time.

Dick: Oh, Angie, I - I wanted to tell you.

Victor: Angelica, no!

The sun sets as they are about to kiss, and his legs turn back into a tail.

Victor: (cackling) You're too late! You're too late!

Victor rips out of her dress and turns back into Morden. The crowd gasps in shock.

He slithers across the deck, grabs Dick, and dives over the edge of the ship

Morden: So long, Princess.

Angelica: Dick!

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