Final Battle

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Morden: Poor little prince - it's not you I'm after. I've a much bigger fish to -

Bruce: Morden, stop!

Bruce points his glowing trident at Morden.

Morden: Why, Bruce Wayne! Ha ha ha - How are you?

Bruce: Let him go.

Morden: Not a chance, Bruce! He's mine now. We made a deal.

Morden shows Bruce the glowing scroll as Flotsam and Jetsam restrain Dick.

Dick: Bruce, I'm sorry! I - I - I didn't mean to. I didn't know -

Bruce zaps a beam at Morden and the contract, which remain unharmed.

Morden: You see? The contract's legal, binding and completely unbreakable - even for you. Of course, I always was a girl with an eye for a bargain. The ward of the great sea king is a very precious commodity.

The contract is released by Morden and its golden light swirls around Dick.

Bruce: But - I might be willing to make an exchange for someone even better...

Morden touches his tentacle to Bruce's crown.

Angelica rows a small boat out to sea.

Grimsby: Angie! What are you doing?

Angelica: Grim, I lost him once. I'm not gonna lose him again.

Dick becomes increasingly small and shriveled to resemble the souls in Morden's garden. He holds out the contract.

Morden: Now! Do we have a deal? (Bruce looks away and signs over Dick's signature using his trident.) Ha! It's done then.

The magical golden current holding Dick releases him and takes over Bruce, turning him into one of Morden's souls.

Dick: No... Oh, no!

Morden cackles. Back at the surface Angelica stands in her rowboat, harpoon in hand. Back under the sea, only Bruce's crown and trident remain.

Alfred: Oh, your majesty...

Dick: Bruce?

Morden: At last.

Morden picks up the crown and puts it on.

Dick: No.

Morden: It's mine.

He holds the trident and cackles to himself. Dick angrily springs at him.

Dick: You - You monster!

Morden throws Dick down and points the trident at him.

Morden: Don't fool with me ya little brat! Contract or no- Ahh! (Angelica's harpoon grazes Morden's arm. She watches under water.) Why, you little troll!

Dick: Angelica! Angelica, look out!

Morden: (to Flotsam and Jetsam) After her!

Flotsam and Jetsam chase Angelica as she swims back to the surface. She reaches her boat, but they pull her back under water.

Alfred: Come on!

Alfred and Flounder attack. Alfred pinches one eel's tail while Flounder flaps his fins in the other's face.

Morden: Say goodbye to your sweetheart. (Morden aims the trident at Angelica, but Dick yanks his hair, causing the beam of lightning to hit Flotsam and Jetsam, who burn to crisps.) Babies! My poor, little poopsies!

Morden holds their remains and his eyes go wild. Seeing Dick escaping, Morden begins to grow, huff, and release a black cloud of ink. Flounder and Alfred cower. Back at the surface...

Dick: Angelica, you've got to get away from here.

Angelica: No, I won't leave you.

A spike on Bruce's crown comes between Angelica and Dick as a gigantic Morden rises from the water, laughing manically. Angelica and Dick jump into the water and clutch each other, looking up to see Morden towering over them.

Morden: You pitiful, insignificant, fool!

Angelica: (pointing) Look out!

One of Morden's tentacles crashes down into the water.

Morden: Now I am the ruler of all the ocean! The waves obey my every whim!

Morden raises the trident and swirls it, creating a storm with lightning. A wave sweeps Angelica away.

Dick: Angelica!

Morden: The sea and all its spoils bow to my power! (He swirls the trident in the water, creating a whirlpool. The spinning funnel reaches the ocean floor, churning up sunken ships. Dick dodges the wreckage. One of the ships veers towards Angelica and she tries to swim away, but she is shoved under water. Gliding along the bottom of the ship, she grabs onto a rope and hoists herself up the side and onto the deck. At the edge of the whirlpool, Dick clings to a rock. Morden destroys the rock and Dick falls down the whirlpool onto the bare ocean floor. Morden shoots lightning at him from above. On the ship, Angelica dashes to the steering wheel and sails towards Morden.) (laughing wickedly) So much for true love!

As Morden is about to bring his trident down on Ariel, Angelica steers the ship into her. He is impaled by the sharp bow. Morden screaming in pain. His eyes flash and his body is filled with lightning as the ship goes down on top of him. His tentacles writhe as the ship sinks into the sea. Angelica flies off the ship as Alfred and Flounder watch. He collapses on the shore. Black smoke billows from the sea. The trident sinks down along with debris. The shriveled souls trapped in Morden's lair are set free and swim out of the lair. The trident falls back to Bruce, who transforms back into himself.

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