part 8 (first kook invite)

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I sat on the table as rafe and me talked. Jj then came in, "what happened with you a cora just now? She just stormed out of the house and left" he said coming up and sitting beside, well putting his hand around his waist. "Ummm.. it was just a little argument" isay leaning my head on his shoulder, "if that was little then....." rafe starts well I interrupt him. "Well we should go on the boat" I say jumping off the table that we probably shouldn't of sat on it's so old. "Okay I'll ask the others" jj says leaving. I look at rafe, he looks confused, "please dont tell anyone what mine and coras fight was about, especially jj" I ask him.

Rafe POV
She looks at me, I'm confused as to why she didnt tell jj what is was about. "please dont tell anyone what mine and coras fight was about, especially jj" she asks me looking me in the eyes. "Umm, okay, but why? I ask as my eyes follow her as she walks to the fridge and grabs beer. "If he finds out that the fight was about him, it ruin everything. And not just what going on between me and him but are friendship and the group." She responds to me sounding worried.

Y/ns pov
We have been on the boat for awhile and we are all just drinking and talking. I go and sun bathe at the front of the boat. I've been here for a while, and I guess I fell asleep. I get awoken by rafe sitting beside me. " you've been laying here for awhile, so I thought you could use this" he says passing me sunscreen. I sit up "thanks your right" I laugh. "You we close to becoming a piece of burnt bacon"he laughs back. I put on the sunscreen well talking to rafe. "You know what suntanning is overrated" I say jumping in the water. When I resurface rafe says, "says the girl that's beening doing it for an hour", I roll my eyes at his remark. "Help me up" I say as he grabs my hand, and I pull him in. He crashes in to the water as everyone laugh. "Asshole!"he tells as he resurfaces. Everyone jumps in the water after that. I then push his head under the water, but we he is under he grabs my waist and it makes me have butterflies. It should make feel this. He shouldn't make me feel this. As my mind is going a thousand miles an hour he picks me up and tosses me effortlessly in the water.

It has been about a half an hour and almost everyone is out of the water except me, rafe, and Pope. As pope is getting out he sees a boat approaching, it's toppers of course. "Kooks, 3 o'clock" pope says. We all look over and see toppers boat with him, kelce, and 2 girls. Rafe and me are at the back of the boat so I don't think they can see us. "What do you want topper?" Sarah asks very unimpressed that he stopped. "Nothing much, just wondering if you know were rafe is?" He asks Sarah. I then get into the boat, rafe still in the water. "Oh, hey y/n. Your looking good today" topper says looking me up and down. "No" I says back, grabbing my towel. "Ok, well I don't know where rafe is. So leave" sarah motioning for him to leave. " yeha whatever" topper says back. Sarah rolls her eyes. "So, y/n. Since your a look now you should come to this party I'm throwing tomorrow night." Topper says. "Nope, for one I wouldn't know anyone, and two I dont think all the kooks would be okay with that, oh and also I'm not a pouge." I say snarky. "You would know kelce,rafe, sarah and most importantly me" he says ignoring almost everything I said. "I'm not going"sarah says grabbing a beer. Topper rolls has eyes. "Get this through your head im not coming" I say to him. "Well not with jj you aren't" ropper says with a smirk. "Shut the hell..!" I was about to go off on topper when rafe interrupts me. "Juay leave her alone, topper" he says grabbing hes towel and a beer. "Rafe what are you doing with these pogues?" Topper asks.

I'm going to leave this chapter here.

Word count: 748

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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